
Agate is a stone of relaxation, calm, cleaning, balance, meditativeness, vitality, grounding, pain relief, and balancing Yin and Yang energies. It stimulates analytical abilities, awakes hidden latent talents, strengthens the sight, helps with stress, and stabilizes the aura.

Agate has silky glow and in general it is a multi-colored, multi-layered easy-to-recognize stone. Agate can be found in a multitude of colors, starting from brown, blue, milky white, rose, grey, violet, yellow, green, red, and orange. It is partly transparent and very much picturesque kind of stone, interpenetrated with bands of different colors that have been produces in the cavities of the volcanic rocks.

It can be found mostly in Mexico, Brasil, Australia, USA, and Morocco.

Agate belongs to the silicate group of minerals. It is a variation of quartz (silica) which goes under the name of chalcedony. Agate is very often cut in thin plates, but also can be found as natural tumbled stones.

Agate balances the subtle energies. It is said that agate helps in protection, especially with small children. It supplies courage and increases the creativity of students and artists. The boost of energy from this stone always comes in waves; therefore it can help whenever it is necessary to overcome a certain situation.

Agate aids people with problems related to forgiveness and in all cases where releasing of bitterness and despair is needed. This in turn improves the love relations, relations to other people in general, and within the family. You can carry agate with you if you feel repressed, under pressure, restrained and limited in your current duties. In ancient times the forces of the four elements were regarded as very powerful subjects of the Universe (which they still are), and in this regard agate is a stone for the earth element. If you have forthcoming battles in sight that have to do with your family or business affairs where you need extra strength and courage (in order to be honest above all with yourself) and determination to endure on your path, agate is the right stone for you.

Agate increases physical speed, in running, marathon, and athletics. It has a positive effect on the lungs, blood vessels, lymphatic system, digestion, and anorexia.

Agate white is of different white shades, layered and partly translucent. It serves as stone for spiritual development, and can be used in association with the crown chakra.

Violet Agate is used for protection of mothers and their unborn children. It eases childbirth. Violet Agate can bring increased compassion, and feeling for others.

Agate Yellow and brown agate aids stomach, belly, pancreas, liver. Stimulates the process of digestion.

Agate blue lace is used in inducing higher states of consciousness. It is a great stone for the throat chakra and communication. It is associated to hope, unity, optimism, positive thoughts, smooth energetic streams, joy and truth. It neutralizes anger, emotional trauma, infections, inflammations, fewer, reduces temperature. Blue lace agate is a very powerful stone. It cures sore throat, problems with the neck, shoulders, the insufficiency of the thyroidal gland, and the lymph glands. It purifies the lymphatic system, releases blocks in the nervous system, cures arthritis, and strengthens the skeletal system. The elixir treats the disbalance of fluids in the body.

Agate rose cleanses emotional troubles, helps in forgiving and accepting love. It should be placed near the heart.

Agate fire provides support, power and courage in difficult times, offers protection, calms the fears and emotions and reflects the threats toward their source. It can be used for amplifying psychic talents. It has been used by shamans for stimulating clairvoyance and in order to evoke images and memories of other lives. In healing, it is considered to increase the natural talents and abilities of healing and work with the circulatory system and the lower digestive system. It is connected to the third chakra. Fire agate brings clarity in times of change. It aids the nervous and endocrine system, circulatory disorders, eases troubles of old age and releases energy blockages.

Moss agate is sometimes called the Stone of the Gardeners. Simply putting moss agate in one's garden can bring about more beautiful, lighter and abundant flowers. Due to its connection to nature, moss agate gives a feeling of expansion, freedom and space. It brings people into harmony with others and attracts abundance, success and prosperity. It increases self-respect, positive features of the character and diminishes the level of stress. Moss agate is connected to the heart chakra. It is a stone of love and friendship. In healing it is used to cure digestive problems. It refreshes the soul, serves as anti-inflammatory agent, and regulates the level of blood sugar. The elixir is for external use in dealing with skin infections.

Botswana agate can be found only in Botswana. It helps in considering all the details of an issue or problem, and energizes the subtle bodies. It stimulates the exploration of the unknown and promotes protection, fertility, sensuality, passion, artistic expression and emotional satisfaction.

Agate can increase its abilities if combined with aquamarine.

hello everyone wanted to share this with you ! i have found it to be of great help for me !i hope it helps you as well balance and open all your chakras even if you need them all or just one opened this will help the subtle energy with which different crystals vibrate can be matched to your own vibrations to soothe ,heal,and balance your body and spirit (1) WHITE STONES/ white stones stimulate the crown chakra to increase your general sense of well being they also improve your self esteem communication and dispel mental anguish or depression the crown chakra should not have to much stimulus so place your crystal under your pillow while you sleep at night ideal crystals for this are (1) clear quartz/rock quartz(2)zircon(3)diamond (4) clear and white calcite this will help open your crown chakra (2)BLUE STONES blue crystals stimulate the throat chakra to ease ear nose and throat condition they also help with glandular problems teeth and gum disease and conditions affecting the alimentary canal lie with the blue crystal at your throat or wear a blue pendent on a necklaces around your throat to impart its stimulating energies (1) soladite (2) azurite (3) lapis lazuli(3) YELLOW STONES yellow crystals including turquoise due to its yellow veins stimulate your stomach or solar plexus this helps with digestion and eases food allergies and liver problems and muscle cramps place the crystal on your solar plexus then lie still and calm your mind as the healing energies sooths and heals (1)light citrine (2)turquoise(3) agate (4)light amber (5) yellow jasper(4)RED AND BLACK STONES stimulates the base chakra with crystals of earthy color such as brick reds blacks and browns these can improve fertility and sex drive ease menstrual problems blood disorders frigidity and inhibition and increase courage (1) garnet (2)ruby(3)red jasper(4)jet(5)obsidian(6) hematite(5) VIOLET STONES violet and purple stones stimulate the brow chakra easing pain agitation and stress this also boost our concentration and awareness lie still wile gently rubbing the polished or raw crystal in small counter clockwise spirals on the center of the forehead (1) amethyst (2)fluorite(3) kunzite(4)sugalite (5)labradorite (6) GREEN AND PINK STONES green and pink stones balance the heart chakra easing heart and chest issues they also treat more emotional problems stress anger and depression lie down place your crystal over your heart feel your heart beat mirrored as the stone stimulates your chakra (1)jade (2)adventurine (3)rose quartz(4)malachite(5)watermelon tourmaline(7) ORANGE STONES orange stones stimulate the sex organs chakra which governs the womb and sacrum base of the spine they can help to increase energy improve lactation for new moms dispels inhibitions and repression and eases kidney trouble orange stones are perfect to wear as a belly ring if your have one (1)tigers eye (2)carnelian(3)yellow jasper(4)citrine dark WEARING A NECKLESS MADE OF ALL THESE STONES ONE COLOR FOR EACH CHAKRA KEEPS YOUR CHAKRAS BALANCED! AND STIMULATED ( I HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYED THIS AND I HOPE YOU FIND IT USEFUL ) love and much light to everyone rebeccas


with most things your crystals or polished stones need to be recharged with use they do become weak . i like to recharge mine once a month you can do this many ways here is a way i like to do it and others you can do to if you prefer them doing this will keep them in tune with you and your needs .Full Moons put your crystals out in the rays of the full moon and leave them this is a excellent way to recharge them ( weather permitting of course ) now here are some other ways that will allow you to keep them indoors and charge them you can charge them with earth elements being earth, fire ,water, and wind. i do this within a 12 month period a year this allows all elements including the moon to recharge my crystals and keep them charge to the fullest ( 1) earth element get a good size bowl get some dirt from the earth and put it in the bowl put your crystals in and cover saying "" i charge you with the power from the earth from the whence you came and i keep a clear mind imagining the crystals /stones absorbing the earth energy i also burn some kind of incense during this and light a brown candle representing the earth when your ready take them out and rinse let air dry. (2) fire light a red candle representing fire and some kinda incense of your choice and lightly move them over the top of the flame never touching the flame just above it and say i charge you with the power of the flames of fire and visualize the energy of fire entering your crystal/stones let the candle burn out leaving your crystals/stones in a safe place around your candle when it is self burned out they are charged with fire (3) water you can submerge them in collected rain water/ocean water or just sprinkle them with it always use natures water rain/ocean for this is the most powerful. light a blue candle representing water and incense of your choice say i charge you with the power of the waves of water and visualize the energies of rain and waves going in to your crystals/stones (4) air light a smudge stick nag champa frankincense or mere what ever your choice is and pass your crystal in the smoke from them following the way the smoke goes naturally this represents air and say i charge you with the powers of the winds of air . you can do all steps if you want to put earth fire water and air all at once but i do them during the seasons and full moons but it totally up to you and what your comfortable with this also allows you to preform spells with them rituals, healing ,reiki, all kinds of things meditation etc.when your done with these steps say i also charge you with the spirit of love life harmony and truth this is your final step i hope you enjoyed this and i hope it helps you to become truly one with your crystals/stones its a great way to keep there energies balanced love and light to all becky.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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