Linking your favorite traveling artists across the globe
ID | Short Description | Date | City | Parish | Current County | Old county | Nation |
1006 | Helen Fairfax falls into a 'trance' where she lays 'as though dead' for several hours. During this time, she imagined she had been in Leeds, hearing sermon given by Mr. Cooke. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, October 28 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1008 | Helen Fairfax speaks to dead siblings during a series of trances. Her condition is attributed to hysteria. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, October | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1030 | Helen Fairfax claims that a cat had stole her breath and replaced it with a "filthy smell" which poisoned her. After this occurrence she began to gurgle and vomit blood during her fits. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 3 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1031 | The devil in the shape of a gentleman appears to Helen Fairfax, promising to marry her and make her the queen of England. The man forbids her from naming God, and refuses to approach her, so that she can tell by touch if he is an apparition or not. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 14 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1033 | The devil in the shape of a gentleman appears to Helen Fairfax and attempts to persuade her to kill herself with a knife, a rope, and a "great pin" which is in her petticoat. Fairfax refuses, and shows the pin to her family when she awakes from her fit. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 14 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1035 | Minister Cook and William Fairfax exorcise the gentleman devil (who had been tormenting Helen Fairfax and tempting her to suicide) from the room by reciting prayers and reading psalms. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 14 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1036 | The devil transforms from a "beast with many horns," to a calf, to a little dog. As a dog, he demands Helen Fairfax open her mouth so he could enter and possess her. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 15 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1037 | The devil claims to have ten thousand angels working for him. He attempts to frighten and tempt Helen Fairfax with a series of strange visions; he presents her with the vision of a horse, chopping its head off when she refuses to mount it and fills the kitchen with fire. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 15 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1043 | The devil in the shape of a gentleman appears to Helen Fairfax with the image of a naked child which he proceeds to beat. He admits the image is an image of her, which is used to bewitch her. He also offers to lay the image in bed with her (as one would lay in bed with their infant). The same image appears later in the afternoon when one of two 'boys' who had appeared to Helen stand it up, dance about it, throw their hats at, and kick it. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, January 2 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1044 | Elizabeth Fairfax is "touched" by Elizabeth Fletcher, who picks up Fairfax, who is standing by the fire, and moves her, taking her spot and signifying the moment of possession contamination. Lady Fairfax suggested that if Fletcher was a witch, the child would soon ail; the bewitchment manifest 4 days later. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, January 2 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1045 | Elizabeth Fairfax sees a poor boy lurking in the halls of her parent's home. Two day's later, while sitting on Elizabeth Smith's knee, the boy approached her again and threatened to drown her (as her sister had been threatened). At this time she identifies the boy as Elizabeth Fletcher's spirit. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, January 6 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1046 | Helen and Elizabeth Fairfax, over a series of 4 days, allegedly experience simultaneous trances, during which they share visions of two cats fighting, a woman, an old man, and a "deformed thing, having the face of a woman, and all the body besides rough and mis-shapen." Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, January 27 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1047 | Helen and Elizabeth Fairfax simultaneously experience "great agony" and great sickness from Jan 31-February 2; a week later they fall into fits which look like hysteria. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, January 31 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1052 | An old wet woman, later revealed to be Jennet Dibble, appears to Helen Fairfax. She allegedly showed her images of herself, her sister, and Maud Jeffray. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, February 12 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1055 | An old wet woman who is later identified as Jennet Dibble, claims to have been a witch for 40 years. She also identifies Elizabeth Fletcher as the witch who bewitched Elizabeth, Margaret Waite as a witch, and her daughter Maragaret Thorpe as the witch who had visited Helen. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, February 12 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1080 | Helen Fairfax loses the ability to move based on touch of a phantom hand on her bare legs and the touch of phantom fingertips on her eyelids. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, December 14 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1081 | Fairfax's bewitchment is traced to the penny which Mrs. Fairfax had accepted from Margaret Waite Senior as a tariff on her corn sales. This penny, a penny which was never where it was supposed to be, and would not melt in the fire, would come to haunt Helen Fairfax. Edward Fairfax finally "dissolved with brimestone and fire and beat it to powder upon a stone." Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, November 23 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1082 | A woman who appears like Helen Fairfax's aunt appears to her, giving her a handful of spice. Helen accuses the woman of being a witch and throws the spice into the fire, later revealing it was a handful of raisins. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, January 25 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1084 | Margaret Thorpe appears to Helen and Elizabeth Fairfax and threatens to give them a witch's mark -- so that she might recognize them. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, February 11 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1086 | Helen and Elizabeth Fairfax first meet Maud Jeffrey; they all instantaneously fall into fits. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, February 21 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1087 | Margaret Thorpe, Peg Wait, and Jennit Dibble are searched as witches; Helen Fairfax is called in to identify Thorpe as the woman with a spot on her face who had tormented her. Helen identified Wait and Dibble (by name) as witches. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, February 23 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1098 | Margaret Thorpe allegedly shows Helen Fairfax a paper signed with blood, describes as a 'lease,' the paper is Thorpe's malefic compact, and supposedly representative of all malefic compacts. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, March 9 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1103 | A Justice of the Peace asks that Helen Fairfax and Margaret Thorpe appear before him, so that they can 'test' Thorpe. This JP later confides in Fairfax that he will test Thorpe a witch by making her recite the Lord's prayer. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, March 9 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1104 | Edward Fairfax claims that 'witch testing' as demonstrated with witch-scratching, is, like witchcraft, the devil's work. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, March 9 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1105 | Helen Fairfax allegedly finds a hazel staff which belongs to The Strange Woman (Anonymous 116), who confesses to leaving it out in the open as a bewitchment contaminate, and tries to wrestle it from Fairfax's hands. Fairfax escapes with it, runs inside and holds it in the fire -- an act of counter-magic to burn the spell off of it and render it benign again. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, March 19 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1111 | The Strange Woman allegedly shows Helen Fairfax eight 'images' of people she bewitched; Jennit Dibble allegedly shows her eight eggs she had stolen. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, April 5 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1112 | Jennit Dibble allegedly confesses to transforming herself into the shape of an old man and looming over the children in the nursery with a knife. She claims she helped cause Anne Fairfax's death in this way -- i.e. she scared her to death. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1621, October 9 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1118 | Helen Fairfax claims to see the Vicar Smithson and Margaret Waite (Jr.) "making hay." Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, August 13 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1121 | Helen Fairfax is unable to eat for close to two weeks; she appears close to death. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, August 15 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
1124 | Margaret Waite (Jr.) and Margaret Thorpe are brought before Helen Fairfax, Elizabeth Fairfax, and Maud Jeffrays by a local constable. The young women remain otherwise senseless, but are able to speak with Margaret Waite and Margaret Thorpe. Upon waking, they also claim the have conversed with Peg Waite. Daemonologia: a Discourse on Witchcraft as it was Acted in the Family of Mr. Edward Fairfax |
1622, February 22 | Fuystone | Holme Valley | Yorkshire | York | England |
February 17, 2026 at 12am to February 5, 2027 at 12am – where & how you choose
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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.
Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.
As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.
We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.
Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.
Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.
Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"
A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?
After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...
Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.
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