Correspondences for Any Spells or Rituals

A "rule of thumb" to remember regarding moon phases is if your working is tailored towards receiving or gaining something, perform your spell during a waxing or full moon - conversely, if you wish to rid yourself of something, perform your spell during the waning moon - for new beginnings,
the new moon phase, of course, is best.


Waxing Moon: The new moon through first quarter; spells involving healing, love, good luck, sex related and any positive magick.

Full moon: Spells involving fertility, spirit conjuring, increase psychic ability and dream spells.

Waning moon: The full moon through the last quarter; destructive spells, hexes, reverse love spells, ending bad relationships and undoing negative forces.

Moon in Aries: Spells involving authority, willpower and rebirth.

Moon in Taurus: Spells involving love, real estate, and money.

Moon in Gemini: Spells involving communication, public relations and travel.

Moon in Cancer: Spells involving domestic life and honoring lunar deities.

Moon in Leo: Spells involving power over others, courage, child birth.

Moon in Virgo: Spells involving employment matters, health and intellectual matters.

Moon in Libra: Spells involving court cases, partnerships and artistic matters.

Moon in Scorpio: Spells involving secrets, power and psychic growth.

Moon in Sagittarius: Spells involving publications, sports and the truth.

Moon in Capricorn: Spells involving career, political matters and ambition.

Moon in Aquarius: Spells involving science, freedom, personal expression, problem solving and friendship.

Moon in Pisces: Spells involving music, telepathy and clairvoyance.


Aries action enthusiasm

Taurus renewal sensuality

Gemini communication curiosity

Cancer emotion nurturing

Leo vitality determined

Virgo organizing studious

Libra balance cooperation

Scorpio sexual philosophical

Sagittarius strength humor

Capricorn authority ambitious

Aquarius innovation social

Pisces sensitivity idealistic.


WHITE: Protection, cleansing, divination, healing, contacting the gods, and clear vision.

GOLD: Worldly achievement, wealth, recognition, and long life.

SILVER: Divination, awakening different psychic powers (clairvoyance, telepathy, etc...), astral projection, invoking the goddess, intuition, and repressing unwanted psychic powers or visions.

RED: Courage, increase life force, determination, action, sexual passion and potency, survival, physical health, strength, pleasure, and willpower.

ORANGE: Fertility, creative growth, self-esteem, confidence, abundance of all things, and energy.

YELLOW: Mental excersize, gaining someone's approval, improve memory, increase concentration, and sharpen logic.

GREEN: Healing, gardening, tree magic, growth, good harvest, prosperity, money, and good luck.

BLUE: Create confidence, discover truth, expand mental horizons, success, and protection.

PURPLE: Meditation, past-life work, divination, astral travel, psychic protection, prevention of nightmares, and remembrance for parted loved

PINK: Love, romance, friendship, affection, quiet sleep, rekindling trust, and attracting new friends or lovers.

BROWN: Locating lost objects, home protection, pet protection, money, ideas, and balance.

GRAY: Reaching compromises, invisibility, and settling negative emotions.

BLACK: banishing, leaving a relationship, acknowledging grief, and forgiveness.


ANOINTING: acacia, angelica, carnation, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lily of the valley, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, vervain.

BALANCE: jasmine, orange, rose.

BANISHING, RELEASING: cedar, clove, cypress, patchouli, rose, violet,
betony, elder, fern, mugwort, vervain, yarrow.

BINDING: apple, cayenne, cypress, dragon's blood, pine, pepper, rowan, wormwood.

BLESSING, CONSECRATION: carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary, elder, rue.

BUSINESS: Benzoin, cinnamon, mint, peony

CHANGE: peppermint, dragon's blood, woodruff

CLAIRVOYANCE, DIVINATION: acacia, cinnamon, lilac, honeysuckle, marigold, mugwort, nutmeg, roe, thyme, wormwood, yarrow, hazel, moonwort, rowan.

CREATIVITY: honeysuckle, dragon's blood, lilac, lotus, vervain, wild cherry, savory.

CURSING: blackthorn, elder, pepper.

DETERMINATION, COURAGE: allspice, dragon's blood, musk, rosemary,

ENERGY, POWER, STRENGTH: allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, dragon's
blood, frankincense, lotus, holly, musk, thyme, oak, verbena.

EXORCISM: bay, frankincense, lavender, pine, pepper, cedar, myrrh, mullein, basil, rue, rosemary, vervain, yarrow, wormwood.

GOOD LUCK, JUSTICE: cedar, cinnamon, cinqefoil, chamomile, bayberry,
jasmine, honeysuckle, lotus.

HAPPINESS, PEACE: apple blossom, basil, cedar, cypress, fir, jasmine, lavender, lotus, lilac, orange, rose, rosemary, patchouli, purple loosestrife, lily of the valley, valerian, vervain.

HEALING: carnation, cinnamon, cinqefoil, clove, hazel, hops, peppermint, orange, savory, rowan, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, lotus, wild cherry, lavender.

INSPIRATION, KNOWLEDGE: clove, acacia, cinquefoil, cypress, reed, rosemary, rowan, rue, moss, oak, lily of the valley, laurel, hazel.

LOVE: acacia, apple blossom, birch, catnip, cinquefoil, elder, fern, gardenia, heather, honeysuckle, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marigold, marjoram, mistletoe, moonwort, musk, patchouli, rose, savory, valerian, vanilla, wormwood, yarrow.

LUCK: Allspice, apple blossom, Melissa, orange, nutmeg, violet.

LUST: Basil, cinnamon, ginger, neroli, ylang ylang.

MEDITATION: acacia, angelica,

NEW BEGINNINGS: birch oil.

PROTECTION: angelica, bay, bayberry, birch, cinnamon, cypress, frankincense, jasmine, lily of the valley, patchouli, pine, rue, vervain, basil, fern, fir, nawthorn, hazel, heather, holly, juniper, mistletoe, mugwort, oak, pepper, rosemary, thistle, rowan, wormwood, yarrow.

PSYCHIC CENTERS, OPENING: lotus, mimosa, mugwort, nutmeg, wisteria.

PROSPERITY: Almond, bergamot, honeysuckle, mint, peony.

PURIFICATION: bay laurel, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, betony, cedar, dragon's blood, elder, hyssop, marjoram, oak, peppermint, rue, salt, thyme, valerian, woodruff.

REINCARNATION: lilac, sandalwood.

SLEEP: Chamomile, lavender, peppermint, thyme.

SUCCESS: Bergamot, clove, ginger, lemon balm.

VISIONS: bay laurel, frankincense, lotus, acacia, marigold, mugwort, wormwood.

WILL POWER: rosemary, St. Johnswort.


Aries, Fire

Taurus, Earth

Gemini, Air

Cancer, Water

Leo, Fire

Virgo, Air

Libra, Air

Scorpio, Earth

Sagittarius, Fire

Capricorn, Earth

Aquarius, Water

Pisces, Water


Love - gardenia, jasmine, lavender, rose.

Lust - basil, cinnamon, ginger, neroli, sandalwood, ylang ylang.

Prosperity - almond, bergamot, honeysuckle, mint, peony.

Healing - carnation, mimosa, rosemary, sandalwood.

Protection - basil, frankincense, lavender, myrrh.

Luck - all spice, nutmeg, orange, violet.

Business/Money - benzoin, cinnamon, mint, peony.

Success - bergamot, clove, ginger, lemon balm.

Happiness - lavender, Lilly of the valley, marjoram.

Sleep - chamomile, lavender, peppermint, tyme.

Vitality - bay, carnation, pennyroyal, St. John's Wart.

Peace - lavender, gardenia, passion flower, skullcap.

Blessings - benzoin, cumin, rue.

Chamomile may trigger asthma attacks in some people.

St. John's Wort, not in the oil form, but in the edible form, will negate the effect of birth control pills.



SUN - Legal matters, healing, protection
MOON - Sleep, prophetic dreams, fertility, peace, healing
MERCURY - Mental powers, divination, psychi
VENUS - Love, friendship, fidelity, beauty, youth
MARS - Courage, strength, lust, sexual potency, hex-breaking, protection
JUPITER - Money, prosperity, legal matters, luck
SATURN - Visions, longevity, endings


EARTH - Money, prosperity, fertility, healing, employment
AIR - Mental powers, visions, physic powers, wisdom
FIRE - Lust, courage, strength, protection, health
WATER - Sleep, meditation, purification, prophetic dreams, healing, love, friendships, fidelity


MALE - Strong fiery vibrations, uses: protection, purification, hex-breaking, lust, maintain sexual potency, health, strength, and courage
FEMALE - Quieter, subtle, soft in effects, uses: attract love, increase beauty, youth, aid in healing, developing psychic powers, increase fertility, draw wealth, promote happiness and peace, aid spirituality, cause visions The planet, element, and gender of each plant are related and provide a great range of magical information


Aquarius January 20-February 18 blue
Pisces February 19-march 20 white
Aries march 21-April 19 white
Taurus April 20-may 20 red
Gemini may 21-June 21 red
cancer June 22-July 22 green
Leo July 23-august 22 green
Virgo august 23-September 22 gold
Libra September 23-October 22 black
Scorpio October 23-November 21 brown
Sagittarius November 22-December 21 gold
Capricorn December 22-January 19 red


Anise- Calling Spirits
Bergamont- Success
Burdock Root- Purity, Protection
Chamomile- Mediation
Elder Flower- Divination
Eyebright- Mental and Psychic Power
Hyssop- Purification
Lemon (Leaves)- Lust
Lemon Balm- Health, Success
Mugwort- Divination
Mullien- Divination
Rose Hips- Psychic Power and Divination


The color of a candle is very important when working Magick or ritual.

Below is a list of candle colors and what they mean.

Black- Meditation rituals, Uncrossing rituals, and Spells to banish evil and negative energy.

Blue- Honor, Loyalty, Peace, Tranquillity, Truth, Wisdom, Protection during sleep, Astral projection, Dreams, Water.

Brown- Location of a lost object, Concentration, Telepathy, Protection of familiars, Earth.

Gold- Cosmic influences, Solar deities, The God

Gray- Neutralizes negative energies

Green- Fertility, Success, Luck, Prosperity, Money, Youth, Ambition, Greed and Jealousy, Earth, The Goddess.

Orange- Energy.

Pink- Love, Friendship, Femininity.

Purple- Psychic manifestations, Healing, Powers, Success, Independence, Protection.

Red- Fertility, Love, Health, Physical strength, Revenge, Anger, Willpower, Courage, Magnetism, Fire, The God.

Silver- Remove Negativity, Stability, Influence, The Goddess.

White- Consecration, Meditation, Divination, Exorcism, Healing, Clairvoyance, Truth, Peace, Spiritual strength, The moon and Lunar energy,
Can be used to replace any other candle.

Yellow- Confidence, Attraction, Charm, and Persuasion, Air, The sun.


Circle - The circle is a gathering symbol. It surrounds the item(s) inside, joins items together, and gives them a wall of protection. This being one
of the most universal and useful of symbols, it is well to meditate on the multitudes of uses the circle has within magical applications.

Crossroads - Shown as a hollow equal-armed cross, the crossroads represent the center of the world. It is the place where living beings can meet with the spirits of the dead and it is also a symbol of Hecate.

Hexagram - The hexagram is made of two triangles united. The triangle with upwards point symbolizes the masculine and the downward triangle the feminine. This is an ancient symbol of sexual union that was used long before it became the Jewish symbol.

Nine-Pointed Star - The nine-pointed star is made using three triangles, overlapping each other to form the star. Each triangle symbolizes the three trinities: Maiden, Mother, Crone; Youth, Father, Sage; and God (masculine), Goddess (feminine), Spirit. An ultimate symbol of unity. It is also called Star of the Muses.

Square - The square is the joining of four. It is often used as a symbol of Earth, the elements, and the directions.

Triangle - The triangle is a uniting symbol of trinity: Maiden, Mother, Crone; Youth, Father, Sage; Spirit, Self, Deity.

X - The X is a symbol of protection and can also be used as a banishing charm. Example: you wish to quit smoking so you draw a picture of a cigarette and then place a large X overtop of the picture. This protects you from smoking another cigarette.


Red: energy, strength, passion, love, career goals, courage
Orange: business goals, career goals, justice, success, ambition
Yellow: learning, breaking mental blocks, confidence, persuasion
Pink: romantic love, peace, nurturing
Green: finances, luck, physical healing, abundance, growth, fertility
Blue: wisdom, protection, calm, creativity, patience, astral projection, prophetic dreams
Purple: spiritual power, psychic ability, ambition, third eye, success, independence
Silver: telepathy, clairvoyance, intuition, dreams, astral energy
Black: protection, repelling, binding, banishing, meditation
White: peace, purity, spirituality, higher self, consecration, divination, clairvoyance


The following is a list of color and planetary correspondences to assist you in developing and working your spells...there are many variations to this information depending on which magical system you employ. please feel free to change this information to fit your particular needs.

Monday (Moon) - White/Silver/Gray -- White is used to build purity, sincerity, and truth; to repel negative energies and raise vibrations; balance the aura, contact spirit guides, emotional healing, protection, healing of children and pets, healing from the birth process, dreams, ancestors, instinct, memory, virginity, child bearing, and theft. White may
also be used as an "all-purpose" color to substitute for any other color. Gray and silver are used to cancel and neutralize spells which no longer serve your purposes; also used to cause a stalemate in a situation. Fragrances: Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Myrrh, Sandalwood.

Tuesday (Mars) - Red -- Lust, physical desire, courage, war, aggression, enemies, pain, danger, energizing and stimulating, health, strength, vigor, (sexual love -- cherry reds). Be careful when using the darker reds, as they stand for wars, battles, blood, danger, and hate. Fragrances: Carnation, Dragon's Blood, Ginger, Pine, Peppermint.

Wednesday (Mercury) - Orange -- Energy building, success, stimulation, attraction, mental agility, attracts good luck and fortune, builds vitality, energy, and stamina, encouragement, discourages laziness, adaptability.
Fragrances: Bayberry, Lavender, Peppermint.

Thursday (Jupiter) - Purple/Royal Blue -- Expansion in all forms (love, healing, wealth, etc.), magical powers, desires, riches, honor, oaths, changeability, impulsiveness. When working with expansion, make sure you currently have the item or quality you wish to expand first. If not, use another color to first obtain that item or quality, and then use purple to expand. Fragrances: Nutmeg, Sage, Sandalwood.

Friday (Venus) - Green/Pink -- Green is used for fertility, luck, finances, and healing. It attracts success and facilitates communication with plants
and faeries. Pink is for romantic, emotional, spiritual love (usually without the sexual connotation). Pink raises vibrations, facilitates spiritual healing, banishes negative vibrations and hate, and promotes honor, morality, and
unselfishness. Fragrances: Cherry, Rose, Thyme, Vanilla.

Saturday (Saturn) - Black/Brown -- Black is used to absorb negativity, remove obstacles, bad habits, unwanted emotions, etc. Also used to cause
confusion, discord, evil, and loss. It can be an extremely useful color, but if used improperly, it can cause disaster!!! Brown is useful to attract money by working with your hands, and can also connect and ground you to Mother Earth. Fragrances: Iris, Pansy, Black Orchid, Patchouli.

Sunday (Sun) - Gold/Yellow -- Gold is used to attract money and power, to attract happy people to your life, to heal, to rejuvenate, to charm; builds confidence, useful in persuasion; gives energy and intelligence to make proper decisions in financial affairs. Yellow is used to gain insight into problems, attract others, obtain knowledge and facilitate retention of learning. Fragrances: Cedar, Clove, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Rosemary.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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