About six months back we published a post on a plant called Purslane (the Portuguese version is called Baldruegas). The history behind this edible plant indicates it helped many poverty-stricken people in Europe stay alive during the depression while others who regarded it as a weed starved during those economic times.
In fact it does look like a weed spread out on the ground among the other real weeds. You would miss it completely perhaps even step on it if you were not aware it existed. But Purslane is an amazing plant that provides so many nutrients. Do not be fooled by its appearance!
We think this plant is magical due to the health benefits it offers:
It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids;
A great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and B-complex;
Contains magnesium, iron, manganese, potassium and calcium;
It helps keep free radicals away;
Maintains good skin tone and healthy eyes.
Purslane provides the body with energy, nutrition and optimism. It is also anti-aging. With a good amount of Vitamin C, Purslane is an excellent anti-oxidant that builds the immune system and promotes longevity. Magnesium is the fourth most common element in the human body and one where most people are deficient. When the body has replenished it minerals, you can’t help but have a sense of abundance and creativity. Omega 3 has been known to assist with anti-inflammatory issues and promote brain function. This is clearly no ordinary plant.
Purslane is a great way to get started if you are about to begin or improve your health. If you find yourself overwhelmed with all of those raw food recipes calling for a gazillion ingredients then Purslane is something worth searching for at the local health store or farmer’s market.
Our Purslane Parsley Tomato salad uses few ingredients. Add some favorite nuts and you will have a super salad that is tasty and healthy. Or you can eat it on its own. Purslane is a succulent, so when chewing it you will get a slight gel like consistency.
With Purslane you will benefit from eating a nutrient dense food with for very little cost. In Europe the price for a large bunch is less than one euro and is available during the Spring and Summer seasons. Rest assured you will receive a daily dose of both vitamins and minerals. Also, due to its a unique looking appearance it can make interesting conversation at the dinner table.