Herbs Listed by Medical Symptom
by AmberSkyfire
Please refer to the herbs in the list for dosages and instructions
before attempting to take the herb. Some herbs are poisonous!

Abortion: brewer’s yeast flower, mustard, pennyroyal
Aches: rosemary
Acne: rosemary, thyme, witchhazel
Allergies: nettle
Amenorrhea: chaste tree berry
Antibacterial: lemon, thyme
Antibiotic: calendula, comfrey, garlic, marigold, mullein, raspberry, sweet woodruff, thyme, tumeric
Antiseptic: lavender, lemon, marigold, mint, pine, sweet woodruff, thyme
Antiviral: thyme
Anxiety: valerian
Aphrodisiac: coriander, damiana, hibiscus, lavender
Arthritis: ash leaves, bladderwrack, buckbean, nettles, parsley, rosemary, yarrow
Asthma: coltsfoot, ephedra, ginseng, lobelia, mint, mullein, nettle, sage, wild yam
Astringent: raspberry, rosemary, yarrow
Back Pain: yarrow
Baldness: wild cherry
Bed Wetting: St. Johnswort
Bile: balmony
Bladder: basil, broom, buchu, cornsilk, elder, parsley, saw palmetto, sheep sorrel, shepherd’s purse
Blood: bee balm, burdock, cayenne, chervil, chives, garlic, ginger, ginseng, nettle, plantain, red clover, sheep sorrel, strawberry, valerian, yarrow
Bones: boneset
Breath: lemon
Bronchitis: bay, borage, fenugreek, ginseng, horehound, prickly lettuce, lobelia, peppermint, sage, wild yam
Bruises: burdock
Burns: aloe vera, burdock, lavender, marigold
Cancer: garlic, ginseng, parsley, sheep sorrel, violet
Catarrh: blackcurrant leaves, goldenseal, prickly lettuce, mullein, peppermint, sage
Cellulite: lemon, rosemary
Chapping: marigold
Chest: bay, borage, calendula, cayenne, coltsfoot, ephedra, hollyhock, Irish moss, prickly lettuce, lobelia, lungwort, mullein, pansy, peppermint, sage, solomon’s seal, thyme
Childbirth: raspberry
Chills: cayenne, lavender, lemon
Circulation: mint
Cold: basil, bay, black pepper, blue mallow, cayenne, coltsfoot, elder, hollyhock, Irish moss, lavender, mint, mullein, oregano, pansy, peppermint, pine, sage, slippery elm, thyme, yarrow
Colic: anise, dill, spearmint
Cough: agrimony, bee balm, blackcurrant leaves, blue mallow, boneset, ginseng, horehound, lungwort, mullein, rosemary, slippery elm, thyme
Cramps: basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, cramp bark, ginger, parsley, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves
Dandruff: sage
Depression: borage, catclaw, cayenne, ginseng, lavender, rosemary, St. Johnswort
Detergent: balmony
Diabetes: ginseng, rosemary
Diarrhea: blackberry, cinnamon
Digestion: agrimony, allspice, anise, aven’s herb, balmony, caraway, cardamom, chervil, cloves, coriander, fennel, ginger, ground ivy, lemon, mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, senna leaves, spearmint, thyme, tumeric
Diuretic: thyme
Dysentery: cinnamon
Earache: garlic
Eczema: marigold
Eliminate Toxins: apple, coltsfoot, shepherd’s purse
Exhaustion: catclaw, St. Johnswort, thyme, vitamin B12
Expectorant: bugloss, pine
External Bleeding: cayenne
Eyes: eyebright, greater celandine
Face: brewer’s yeast flower
Fatigue: ginseng, mint, nettle, rosemary
Female Problems: blackberry
Fever: balm, birch, blackcurrant leaves, boneset, borage, calendula, cleavers, elder, ginseng, lemon balm, lemon verbena, marigold, plantain, sage, thyme
Flu: basil, black pepper, boneset, calendula, cayenne, elder, lavender, marigold, mint, rosemary, sage
Gall Stones: broom, cleavers
Gas: bay, cinnamon, dill, ginseng, mint
Gastrointestinal Problems: chamomile
Gout: ash leaves, burdock, burr marigold, strawberry
Gravel: cleavers
Gums: myrrh
Hair: lemon, nettle, rosemary, sage, wild cherry
Headache: birch, cayenne, chamomile, ginger, lavender, lemon, lemon verbena, mint, rosemary, sage, skullcap, thyme, valerian
Heart: cayenne, ginseng, pansy
Heartburn: ginseng
Hemorrhage: shepherd’s purse
Hemorrhoids: witch hazel
Hiccoughs (hiccups): mint
Hot Flashes: black cohosh
Hypertension: lemon
Hysteria: chamomile, tansy
Immune System: ginseng, lavender
Impotence: ginseng
Induce Perspiration: angelica, balm, calendula, lemon balm
Infection: garlic, thyme, yarrow
Inflammation: bugloss, marigold, mint, tumeric
Insect Bites: lavender, lemon, parsley, plantain, witch hazel
Insect Repellent: chamomile, lavender flowers, myrrh, pennyroyal, thyme
Insomnia: lavender, valerian
Internal Bleeding: cayenne
Jaundice: balmony, greater celandine, marigold
Joints: garlic, St. Johnswort, yarrow
Kidneys: angelica, corn silk, elder, ground ivy, parsley, purslane, sheep sorrel, shepherd’s purse
Kidney Stones: birch
Lactation: blessed thistle, caraway, fennel
Laxative: boneset. garlic
Liver: bee balm, buckbean, costmary, goldenrod
Lungs: mint, shepherd’s purse
Menopause: black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, licorice, wild yam
Menstruation: basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, chaste tree berry, ginger, marigold, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves, tumeric, valerian
Memory: ginko bilboa, rosemary
Miscarriage: black haw
Morning Sickness: tansy
Mouth: blackberry, sage, thyme, witch hazel
Muscles: arnica, pine, rosemary, sage, St. Johnswort, witch hazel, yarrow
Mucus: coltsfoot, comfrey, fennel, fenugreek, prickly lettuce, mullein, pansy, peppermint, sage
Nausea: bee balm, cloves, ginger, rose
Nervousness: valerian
Nettle Rash: nettles
Nosebleed: lemon, nettle
Ovulation: chaste tree berry
Pain Reliever: capsaicin, ginger, ginseng, valerian, willow, yarrow
Parasites: garlic
Piles: lesser celandine, pilewort, witch hazel
PMS: chaste tree berry, valerian
Prolonged Life: ginseng
Prostate: saw palmetto
Rheumatism: birch, bladderwrack, ground ivy, marigold, mint, rosemary, thyme
Scours: purslane
Sedative: anise, black cohosh, celery, chamomile, chicory, lavender, lemon verbena, prickly lettuce, sage, skullcap, valerian, violet
Skin: buckbean, chicory, Irish moss, lemon, marigold, mint, red clover, rosemary, sage, slippery elm, witch hazel
Spleen: bee balm
Sprains: marigold, parsley, rosemary
Stiffness: ginger
Stimulant: angelica, ginseng, rosemary
Stomach: fennel, goldenrod, lemon verbena, mint, pennyroyal, shepherd’s purse
Strength: garlic
Stress: garlic, ginseng
Styptic: aven’s herb
Sunburn: comfrey
Swelling: burdock, pine, yarrow
Teeth: cloves, garlic
Throat: bee balm, blackberry, blackcurrant leaves, horehound, lemon, rose, sage, thyme
Tonics: agrimony, aven’s herb, balmony, black pepper, buckbean, bugloss, cleavers, dandelion, ginseng, rosemary, violet, yarrow
Toothache: cloves, mint
Uterus:  basil, bee balm, birch, blackberry, black cohosh, black haw, chaste tree berry, cramp bark, ginger, pennyroyal, raspberry leaves, shepherd's purse
Varicose Veins: marigold, mint
Vitamins: burdock, strawberry, violet
Warts: bananna peel, dandelion, garlic, lemon, thyme
Weakness: ginseng
Weight Loss: ephedra
Whooping Cough: mouse ear, thyme
Worms: balmony, pumpkin seed, tansy, thyme, wormwood
Wounds: aloe vera, calendula, comfrey, ginseng, Irish moss, lavender, rosemary, witch hazel
Wrinkles: lemon



Herbs Listed by Magical Intention
by AmberSkyfire

Anger - alyssum
Animal Magic - cloth of gold
Anti-Theft - Garlic, Juniper,
Arthritis - buckeye
Astral Projection - belladonna, Dittany of Crete
Awareness - anise
Balance - Holly, pine
Banishing - black salt
Beauty - aloe, Avocado, Catnip, Flax, Ginseng, Maidenhair, marigold, passion flower
Binding - black salt, dragon's blood
Birth - Birch
Blessings - elder flowers, lemon, myrrh
Bullet-Proofing - edelweiss
Business - cinnamon, marigold
Calling Spirits - Dandelion
Calm - valerian
Catalysts - Dragon's Blood, Mandrake, Mistletoe
Cat Magic - Catnip
Centering - chamomile, pine
Chastity - cactus, camphor, Coconut, Cucumber, Fleabane, Hawthorn, Ivy, witch hazel
Clarity - jasmine
Cleansing - anise, black salt, cinnamon, collander, pine
Comfort - cypress
Confidence - marigold
Consecration - myrrh, sage
Contemplation - myrrh
Courage - basil, Black Cohosh, Borage, Columbine, garlic, Mullein, Ragweed, Rose, Sweet pea, Thyme, Yarrow
Depression - jasmine
Desire - ginseng
Determination - allspice
Divination - Black Willow, bracken, Broom, buckeye, camphor, Cherry, Clove, Corn, Dandelion, Dodder, Fig, Goldenrod, Ground Ivy, Hibiscus, Ivy, Jasmine, Meadowsweet, mugwort, Orris, rose, yarrow
Dogs - Houndstongue,
Dreams - Anise, bay, bracken, buchu, camphor, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, clary sage, Heliotrope, Holly, Huckleberry, Jasmine, Juniper, lavender, life everlasting flowers, Marigold, Mugwort, Yarrow
Eloquence - aspen
Employment - Devil's Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan
Energy - allspice, blessed thistle, dragon's blood, marigold, myrrh, pennyroyal
Escape - Celandine
Evil - arabic gum
Exorcism - angelica, arbutus, Asafoetida, Avens, basil, bean, birch, boneset, buckthorn, clove, clover, Cumin, Devil's Bit, Dragon's Blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Fumitory, Garlic, Heliotrope, Horehound, Horseradish, Juniper, myrrh, St. Johnswort
Faeries and Elves - Daisy, elder flowers, Foxglove, Ragweed, Shamrock, Wood Sorrel
Familiars - catnip
Favors - chicory
Fear - yarrow
Fertility - agaric, banana, basil, bistort, bodhi, carrot, Chickweed, Cuckoo Flower, Cucumber, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Dock, Fig, Geranium, Ginseng, Grape, Hawthorn, Hazel, Horsetail, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Oak, Patchouli, Poppy, Rice, sage, Sunflower, Wheat
Fidelity - Chili Pepper, clover, Cumin, Ivy,
Finding Treasure - Cowslip
Fire -  cinquefoil, mistletoe
Fishing Magick - Cotton, Hawthorn,
Flying - basil
Focus - myrrh
Friendship - catnip, Lemon, Loveseed, passion flower, rose, Sweet pea, valerian
Gambling - Devil's Shoestring, High John,
Gardening - Grapes,
Good Luck - Allspice, Aloe, bamboo, banyan, be-still, Bluebell, buckeye, cabbage, calamus root, caper, China Berry, Cinchona, Clover, Corn, Cotton, Daffodil, Daisy, Devil's Shoestring, Dill, Eryngo, Fern, Goldenrod, Grains of paradise, Hazel, Heather, Holly, Honeysuckle, Houseleek, Huckleberry, Irish Moss, Job's Tears, Moss, Nutmeg, Rose, Sandalwood, Strawberry, Violet
Gossip - collander
Happiness - adam and eve roots, Catnip, Celandine, Cyclamen, Hawthorn, High John, Hyacinth, Lavender, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Saffron, Witch Grass
Harmony - Dulse, valerian
Healing - adder's tongue, Allspice, amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Apple, balm of Gilead, barley, Bay, Bittersweet, Blackberry, bracken, Burdock, calamus, camphor, Carnation, Cedar, chamomile, cinnamon, Citron, comfrey, Coriander, Cotton, Cowslip, Cucumber, Cypress, Dock, Elder, Eucalyptus, fennel, Flax, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginseng, Goat's Rue, Goldenseal, Groundsel, Heliotrope, Hemp, Henna, Hops, Horehound, Horse Chestnut, Hyssop, Ivy, Job's Tears, Lemon Balm, marjoram, Mint, Mugwort, Myrrh, nettle, Oak, Peppermint, Pine, Potato, Rose, Rosemary, sage, Sandalwood, Thistle, Thyme, Violet, Willow
Health - Anemone, Ash, Caraway, carob, cinquefoil, Coriander, Fern, Figwort, Galangal Root, Geranium, Ginseng, Goat's Rue, Groundsel, Hops, Juniper, Marjoram, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Oak, Rose, Thyme
Heartache - witch hazel
Heart Chakra - Jasmine, 
Hexes - angelica, bamboo, blessed thistle, Chicory, Datura, Galangal Root, Huckleberry, Hydrangea,  
Home -  passion flower
Hunting - Fuzzy weed
Image Magic - briony
Immortality - sage, apples
Invincibility - St. Johnswort
Invisibility - amaranth, Chicory, Edelweiss, Heliotrope,
Joy - anise, blessed thistle, catnip
Knot Magick - Dodder
Legal Matters - Buckthorn, cascara sagrada, Celandine, Hickory, Marigold
Lightening - Hazel, Holly, Mistletoe
Longevity - coriander, Cypress, lavender, sage
Love - adam and eve roots, Apple, Apricot, Almond, aster, avens, avocado, bachelor's buttons, balm of Gilead, Barley, Basil, bean, bedstraw, beet, betony, Black Cohosh, bleeding heart, bloodroot, Brazil Nut, caraway, Cardamon, catnip, Chamomile, Cherry, Chestnut, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinnamon, cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Coltsfoot, Columbine, Copal, Coriander, Crocus, Cubeb, Cuckoo Flower, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Devil's Bit, Dodder, Dogbane, Dragon's Blood, Duchman's Breeches, Elecampane, Elm, Endive, Eryngo, Fig, Fuzzy weed, Gardenia, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Grains of Paradise, Hemp, Hibiscus, High John, Houseleek, Hyacinth, Indian paintbrush, Jasmine, Joe-Pye Weed, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Balm, marigold, Marjoram, Meadowsweet, Mistletoe, mugwort, Orange, Plum, Poppy, Raspberry, Rose, Rosemary, Senns, Strawberry, Tansy, Thyme, Valerian, Vanilla, Violet, Willow, Yarrow
Lucid Dreaming - jasmine
Luck - (see GOOD LUCK)
Lust - avocado, caper, caraway, cardamon , carrot, cattail, Celery, Cinnamon, Cyclamen, Daisy, Damiana, Deerstongue, Devil's Bit, Dill, Dulse, Endive, Eryngo, Galangal root, Garlic, Ginseng, Grains of Paradise, Hemlock, Hibiscus, Jasmine,   
Manifestations - balm of Gilead, Dittany of Crete
Marriage - yarrow
Meditation - bodhi, Gotu Kola, Hemp, myrrh
Mental Powers - chamomile, Caraway, Celery, Eyebright, Grape, Horehound, Rosemary, Walnut
Memory - caraway
Money and Wealth - alfalfa, Almond, Basil, Blackberry, bladderwrack, blessed thistle, blue flag, briony, bromeliad, buckeye, buckwheat, calamus, camellia, cascara sagrada, cashew, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, collander, Comfrey, Dill, Dock, fennel, Fenugreek, Fern, Flax, Fumitory, Galangal root, Ginger, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Gorse, Grains of Paradise, Grape, Heliotrope, High John, Honesty, Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Lucky Hand, Mint, Moss, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Oak, Orange, orange bergamot, Patchouli, Pine, Rice, sage, Snapdragon, Tea, Vervain Wheat
Nature - pine
Negativity - arabic gum, collander, yarrow
New Beginnings - birch
Nightmares - anise, lavender, thyme
Obstacles - Chicory
Offerings - hawthorn berries, lavender
Passion - caraway, cinnamon
Peace - aloe, chamomile, coriander, Eryngo, Gardenia, Lavender, Meadowsweet, myrrh, passion flower, Pennyroyal, valerian, Violet
Poppets - black salt, grave dirt, mandrake
Potency - banana, bean, Black Cohosh, caper, Dragon's Blood
Power - cinnamon, cinquefoil, Club Moss, Devil's Shoestring, Ebony, Gentian, Ginger, hawthorn berries, mint
Productivity - pine
Prophecy - camphor, cinquefoil
Prosperity - alfalfa, Almond, Ash, Banana, Basil, Benzoin, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, chamomile, Elder, Lemon Balm, Mint, Oak, Poppy, Tulip
Protection - Acacia, agrimony, agure root, Alyssum, Aloe, althea, amaranth, Anemone, Angelica, Anise, arbutus, asafoetida, Ash, balm of Gilead, bamboo, barley, Basil, Bay, bean, betony, Birch, bittersweet, Blackberry, Black Cohosh, Black Hellebore, bladderwrack, bloodroot, Blueberry, bodhi, boneset, briony, bromeliad, Broom, Buckthorn, buckwheat, burdock, cactus, calamus, Caraway, Carnation, carob, cascara sagrada, Castor, Cedar, Celandine, chamomile, Chrysanthemum, Cinchona, Cinquefoil, Clove, Clover, Club Moss, Coconut, collander, Comfrey, coriander, Corn, Cotton, Cumin, Curry, Cyclamen, Cypress, Datura, Devil's Bit, Devil's Shoestring, Dill, Dogwood, dragon's blood, Ebony, Elder, Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Euphorbia, Fennel, Fern, Feverfew, Figwort, Flax, Fleabane, Foxglove, Frankincense, Galangal root, Garlic, Geranium, Ginseng, Grass, Gorse, Gourd, Grain, Grass, Hazel, Heather, High John, Holly, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Houseleek, Huckleberry, Hyacinth, Hyssop, Irish Moss, Ivy, Juniper, Juniper berries, lavender, life everlasting flowers, Lilac, Mandrake, Marigold, marjoram, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Mulberry, Mullein, myrrh, nettle, Oak, Olive, passion flower, Pine, Primrose, Raspberry, Rice, Rose, Rosemary, Rue, Sandalwood, Spanish Moss, Sunflower, Thistle, Valerian, Violet, White Sage, Willow, witch hazel, wormwood
Psychic Ability - acacia, Angelica, althea, anise, Bay, bistort, bladderwrack, Borage, bracken, buchu, camphor, Celery, Cinnamon, Citron, collander, Deerstongue, Elecampane, Eyebright, Fennel, Flax, Galangal root, Grass, High John, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Marigold, Mugwort, Rose, Thyme, Yarrow
Purification - Anise, arabic gum, asafoetida, avens, Bay, benzoin, betony, birch, bloodroot, Broom, Cedar, Chamomile, Clove, Coconut, Copal, dragon's blood, Euphorbia, Fennel, frankincense, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Juniper, Lavender, lemon, life everlasting flowers, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Valerian, Vervain, White Sage
Rain - Cotton, Fern, Heather,
Reconciliation - bean
Recuperation - rosemary
Relationships - basil
Relaxation - chamomile
Remembrance -  mullein, rosemary
Respect - Joe-Pye Weed, 
Scrying - mugwort
Seasickness - pennyroyal
Self-esteem - jasmine
Sex -  blessed thistle, Jasmine,  
Sleep - agrimony, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, clary sage, Datura, Elder, Hops, Lavender, passion flower, Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Vervain
Snakes- Centaury, Horsetail,
Spirit Questing - Juniper,
Spirits - wormwood
Spirituality - blessed thistle, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Gardenia, Heather, Myrrh, Sandalwood, violet
Staffs - blessed thistle
Strength - Bay, Carnation, hawthorn berries, mint, Mugwort, Mulberry, Thistle
Strengthening Spells - Echinacea
Success - aloe, Cinnamon, Clover, Ginger, High John, Mistletoe, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla
Tension - jasmine
Theft - aspen, caraway, juniper berries
Thought - jasmine, myrrh, pennyroyal
Travel - Comfrey, Eryngo
Truth - bluebell
Understanding - passion flower
Understanding Animal Languages - cloth of gold
Visions - angelica, bay leaf, Coltsfoot, Crocus, Damiana, Hemp, juniper berries
Wands - blessed thistle
War  - High John,
Warts - bean
Weather - bladderwrack, broom, garlic, yarrow
Wisdom - almond, bay leaf, Bodhi, cinquefoil, Iris, Sage, Sunflower
Wishes - Bamboo, Beech, Buckthorn, Dandelion, Dogwood, Ginseng, Grains of Paradise, Hazel, Job's Tears, lavender, Sage, Sandalwood, Sunflower, Violet
Youth - Cowslip, Fern, life everlasting flowers



Ancient Names for Herbs

Long ago, before many herbs were known by their present names,
many herbs that were used by people in the country for medicines
and food were called by common names which were usually based
on what the herb or its flower, leaves, roots, or seeds looked like.
These names have flowered modern stories of witches creating a
brew of batswing, rat's tail, and lady's finger. These were not the
actual ingredients of the potions, but rather common names used to
describe what each herb resembled. Below is a list of old herb names


Modern Name Olde English Name
Adder's Tongue Serpent's Tongue
Agaric Death Angel
Agrimony Church Steeples
Ague Root Crow Corn
Alyssum Madwort
Amaranth Red Cock's Comb
American Valerian Ram's Head
Ash Weed Goat's Foot
Aster Eyes
Asafoetida Devil's Dung
Avens Herb Harefoot, Golden Star
Bachelor's Button Devil's Flower
Basil Witches Herb
Bay laurel Blue Jay
Bear's Breech Gall blood from a shoulder
Belladonna Devil's Cherries
Betony Lamb's Ear
Bistort Snakeweed, Dragon scales
Black Haw King's Crown
Bladderwack Sea Spirit
Briony Snake Grape
Bromeliad Earthstar
Buckthorn Bone of an ibis
Bugleweed Wolf Foot
Burdock Beggar's Buttons
Calmus Sweet Flag
Carrot Bird's Nest
Cedar Kronos Blood
Celandine Devil's Milk
Chamomile Blood of Hestia
Cherry tree gum Brains
Chickweed Tongue Grass
Cinquefoil Five Fingers
Clover Semen of Ares
Club Moss Wolfclaw, foxtail
Coltsfoot Coltsfoot
Comfrey Ear of an Ass
Common Plantain Englishman's Foot
Couch Grass Dog
Cowslip Fairy's Cup
Cranesbill Crow's Foot
Dandelion Lion's tooth, Priest's crown
Dandelion Leaves Swine's snout
Datura Witch's thimble, Devil's apple
Dill Semen of Hermes
Dill Juice Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon
Dill Seed Hair of a Hamadryas Baboon
Dodder Witches Hair, Devil's guts
Earth Apple from the belly
Elder Sap blood
Euphorbia Wolf's milk
Fenugreek bird's foot
Fern Skin of man
Foxglove Foxglove, bloody fingers
Garlic, Wild Eagle
Geranium, Wild Dove's Foot
Germander Bird's eye
Golden Seal Indian dye
Goosegrass Gosling Wing
Great Mullein Hares Beard
Ground Ivy Cat's foot
Hart's Tongue Fern Horse's tongue
Hawkweed hawk
Heliotrope cherry pie
Henbane devil's eye
Holly Leaf Bat's Wings
Honeysuckle Goat's Leaf
Hops Nightingale
Horehound Bull's blood
Horsetail Paddock Pipes
Hound's tongue dog's tongue
Houseleek from the foot
Hydrangea Seven barks
Indian Paintbrush Snake's friend
Knotweed sparrow's tongue
Lady's mantle bear's foot
Lavender Elf Leaf
Lettuce Lamb
Leopard's bane pig's tail
Lupine Blood from a head
May Apple Duck's Foot
Molukka Fairies' Eggs
Moss Bat's Wool
Mugwort Old Man
Mulberry tree sap blood of a goose
Mullein graveyard dust
Mustard Semen of Heracles
Ox Eye Daisy Great Ox Eye
Pansy Bird's eye
Parsley Devil's Oatmeal
Pennyroyal Organ Tea
Peony Woodpecker
Periwinkle Devil's Eye
Pimpernel Poorman's Weatherglass
Pine Cones Teeth
Plantain Adder's Tongue
Poppy Blind eyes
Purslane Blood of Ares
Ragwort Fairies Horses
Resin of Draco Palm Dragon's Blood
Rosemary Elf Leaf
Rowan Thor's Helper
Rue Weasel
Sage Toad
Shepherd's Purse Shepherd's Heart
Skullcap Mushroom Skull
Snapdragon Dog's Mouth, Calf's Snout
Spurge Fat from a head
St. Johnswort Goat's Ears
Tamarisk Blood of an eye
Tansy Buttons
Toadflax Dragon Bushes
Tormentil Flesh and Blood
Tongue of a Turnip Lion's hair
Turnip Sap Man's bile
Valerian Rat, Capon's Tail
Walnut Heart
White Hellebore Semen of Helios
Wild Lettuce Titan's blood
Wolfs bane wolf's hat
Woodruff master of the woods
Wormwood Crown for a King, Old woman
Wormwood seed hawk's heart
Yarrow Devil's nettle, Nosebleed



Definitions of Medical Actions

Alterative produces a healthful change without perception
Anodyne pain reliever
Anthelmintic expels worms
Aperient gentle laxative
Aromatic stimulant; spicy
Astringent Causes contractions; stops discharges
Antibiliouse relieves bile
Antimetic Stops vomiting
Antileptic relieves fits
antiperiodic arrests morbid periodic movements
Anthilic prevents forming of stones in the urinary organs
Antirheumatic cures rheumatism
Antiscorbutic cures and prevents scurvy
Antiseptic stops purification.
Antispasmodic relieves and prevents spasms
Antisyphilitic cures venereal diseases
Carminative expels gas
Cathartic expels from the bowels
Cephalic remedies used in diseases of the head
Cholagogue Increases the flow of bile
Condiment improves the flavor of food
Demulcent soothing, relieves inflammation
Deobstruent removes obstructions
Depurative blood purifier
Detergent Cleanses boils, ulcers, wounds, etc.
Diaphoretic produces perspiration
Discutiend heals tumors
Diuretic Increases secretion and flow of urine
Emetic promotes vomiting
Emmenagogue promotes menstruation
Emollient softens and soothes inflammation
Esculent edible as food
Exanthematous remedy for skin eruptions and diseases
Expectorant causes expectoration (coughing)
Febrifuge ends and reduces fevers.
Hepatic for liver diseases
Herpatic for skin diseases of all types
Laxative Promotes bowel action
Lithontryptic Dissolves calculi in the urinary organs.
Naturating ripens and brings boils to a head
Mucilaginous Soothing to inflammation
Nauseant produces vomiting
Nervine acts on the nervous system; stops nervous excitement
Opthalmicum for eye diseases.
Parturient induces and promotes labor at childbirth
Pectoral for chest affections
Refrigerant cooling
Resolvent destroys tumors and boils
Rubifacient increases circulation and produces red skin
Sedative a nerve tonic; promotes sleep
Sialogogue Increases secretion of saliva
Stomatic Strengthens the stomach. Relieves indigestion.
Styptic stops bleeding
Sudorific produces profuse perspiration
Tonic invigorating and strengthening.
Vermifuge expels worms from the system



Vitamins in Herbs
by Amber S.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A is good for the eyes. It helps night vision and is also useful for the proper function of skin cells and mucous membranes. Found in: alfalfa herb, annato seed, dandelion, lamb's quarters, okra pods, paprika, parsley,herb, violets, watercress.

Vitamin B1 - (also called Thiamine) This vitamin is important for growth and also for maintaining a healthy appetite. Found in: bladderwrack, dulse, fenugreek, kelp, okra, wheat germ.

Vitamin B2 - (also called Riboflavin) Vitamin B2 is essential for growing children and is part of a nutritious diet for adults.  Found in: bladderwrack, dulse, fenugreek, kelp, saffron.

Vitamin B12 - Essential for normal development of red blood cells. This vitamin is used in the production of red blood cells. It is also essential for growth in children and will put healthy weight on very thin children.  Found in: alfalfa, bladderwrack, dulse, kelp.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins as it cannot be stored in the body and must be consumed daily. This vitamin is used for teeth and gums. It can be destroyed by heat, sunlight and oxygen, so it must be kept in a tightly sealed dark container. Found in: buffalo berry, burdock seed, capsicum, coltsfood, coriander, elder berries; marigold, oregano, paprika, parsley herb, rose hips, watercress.

Vitamin D - Vitamin D is essential for building strong teeth and bones. It also prevents the disease rickets. Found in: annato seed, watercress, wheat germ.

Vitamin E - Vitamin E is good for eyes and skin as well as healthy bones.  Found in: alfalfa, avena sativa, bladderwrack, dandelion leaves, dulse, kelp, linseed, sesame, watercress, wheat germ.

Vitamin G - (B2) Vitamin G is an essential vitamin for a healthy diet. Found in: hydrocotyle asiatica.

Vitamin K - Vitamin K is used to help the blood clot. Found in: alfalfa herb, chestnut leaves, sheperd's purse.

Vitamin P - (Rutin) Vitamin P is essential in the strengthening and production of the capillaries. Found in: buckwheat, german rue, paprika.

Niacin - (aB-complex vitamin) Niacin is essential to a healthy diet and prevents pellagra. Found in: alfalfa leaves, blueberry leaves, burdock seed, fenugreek, parsley herb, watercress.



A Witch's Most Useful Herbs
by Amber S.

There are many useful herbs to be found in the world today. Unfortunately, not everyone has enough room in their kitchen (or their wallets) for hundreds of bottles of dried herbs. There are many herbs that are considered the best in their field and often do more than just one job. Here, I have listed some of the most useful herbs and most can be found in almost any witch's cabinet.


Sage: Sage has many uses aside from the traditional medicinal uses. It is used by witches and Native Americans as smudging sticks for purifying their surroundings or objects. When used medicinally, it can relieve all kinds of symptoms. The dried leaves of the plant are used. It is a relaxant and is good for headaches and releases tension. Bathing in the tea is very soothing when you are sick from a cold or flue and when used as a rinse prevents dandruff and graying of hair. It can be taken as a tea or in pill form to relieve problems of the lungs and bronchial system.
Valerian: Valerian is one of the most beneficial herbs known to man. It has incredible sedative properties and is very close to valium without chemical dependency or side effects. Although it smells a little like dirty feet, it has a pleasant taste with just a little sugar. It also cures insomnia without causing a drugging effect. Valerian is useful for tension, hysteria, nerves, headaches, insomnia and as a relaxant.
Mullein: Here is an herb that I only recently came across when a friend recommended some for David's bronchitis. Mullein is good for all chest ailments, but, unlike other herbs, has the added punch of also being an antibacterial. Mullein is wonderful for pneumonia, colds, flu, cough, congestion, fluid in the lungs and all other chest ailments including asthma. Along with black pepper, it is the best thing to take during any illness and is found in most health food stores.
Peppermint: Aside from being a pleasant tasting tea, peppermint also helps with the lungs and throat. It is a decongestant and keeps lungs healthy and in good working order. It is a nice tea to give to children and we substitute it for soda pop and juices that are too sugary for little ones. Children will ask for it by name!


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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