Balm of Gilead Magickal and Medicinal Uses/ Step by Step How to make Balm of Gilead Oil (Feb Correspondence) by Regi

Balm of Gileadbalm of gilead tree image

Populus candicans

Names :
Poplar buds, Balsam Poplar, Canary Balm, True Balm of Gilead, Willow Poplar Buds and Mecca balsam

Habitat :
Cultivated in Europe & N. America.
Part Used :
Closed buds Leaf buds, root, bark
Constituents :
Balsamic, expectorant, stimulant.
Synonyms :
Balsampoplar, Tacamahac
Active Compounds
: Phenolic glycosides; salicin, populin (benzoyl salicin) and chrysin
Volatile oil, the major constituent of which is a-caryophyllene, with cineole, arcurcumene, bisabolene, farnesene, acetophenone and others.

alkanes, resins, phenolic acids, gallic acid tannins and other ubiquitous substances

Remedies For:
Stimulating expectorant, anti-microbial, vulnerary.

A Flowering Perennial Herb with a Lovely Eucalyptus Fragrance. an aromatic Shrub - Balm of Gilead is a large, deciduous tree found on stream banks and planted along roadsides in Eastern US and most of Canada. May grow as tall as 100 feet. The leaves are dark green on top and whitish underneath, sometimes hairy on the lower veins.

Actions : Stimulating expectorant, anti-microbial, vulnerary.

Indications : As it soothes, disinfects, and astringes the mucous membranes, Balm of Gilead is an excellent remedy for sore throats, coughs and laryngitis, and is in fact considered to be a specific for laryngitis that is accompanied by loss of voice. It may be used in chronic bronchitis. Externally it can be used to ease inflammations due to rheumatism and arthritis, as well as for dry and scaly skin conditions such as psoriasis and dry eczema.

Kings Dispensatory says that Poplar buds are reputed stimulant, tonic, diuretic, and anti-scorbutic. A tincture has been beneficially employed in affections of the chest, stomach, and kidneys and in rheumatism and scurvy. With oil they form a useful external application in bruises, swellings, wounds, some cutaneous diseases, rheumatic pains.

Buds boiled to separate resin, then dissolved in alcohol, once usedas preservative in ointments. Folk remedy (balm) used for sores; tincture for toothaches, rheumatism, diarrhea, wounds; tea used as a wash for inflammation, frostbite, sprains, and muscle strain. Internally, tea is used forcough, lung ailments, expectorant. Inner bark tea is used for scurvy, also as an eye wash, blood tonic. Root tea is used as a wash for headaches. Probably contains salicin, explaining its aspirin-like qualities.

Buds can also be made into an inhalant to relieve congestion in the respiratory passages. Their salicin content make them useful for the minor pains and aches that aspirin generally relieves.

For wrinkles: Take barley water, strain, add a few drops of oil of balm of Gilead. Place in a bottle and let stand for 10-12 hours, shaking the bottle occasionally until the balsam is entirely mixed with the water. This mixture improves the complexion and preserves the appearance of youth. If used only once a day, it removes wrinkles and gives the skin a surprising luster. Wash the face before using this fluid.

As it soothes, disinfects, and astringes the mucous membranes, Balm of Gilead is an excellent remedy for sore throats, coughs and laryngitis. It is used for treating laryngitis that is accompanied by loss of voice. It may be used in chronic bronchitis. Externally it can be used to ease inflammations due to rheumatism and arthritis, as well as for dry and scaly skin conditions such as psoriasis and dry eczema.

The herb is considered to be a stimulant, tonic, diuretic, and anti-scorbutic. A tincture has been beneficially employed in affections of the chest, stomach, and kidneys and in rheumatism and scurvy. With oil they form a useful external application in bruises, swellings, wounds, some cutaneous diseases, rheumatic pains.

: Coltsfoot, Red Sage and White Horehound combine well with it to enhance its actions on the respiratory system. Chickweed or Calendula will aid its work topically, reducing any irritation that may occur.
Preparations & Dosage : Infusion: pour one cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the buds and leave to infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day or more often until effective (if you can deal with the taste!).

Infusion: Pour one cup of boiling water onto 1 teaspoonful of the buds and leave to infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day or more often until effective.

Tincture: take l-2 ml of the tincture three times a day. Usually used as a syrup to make more palatable.

More Info 

"Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee."  Job 12:8 (Old Testament)

Balm of Gilead
Although this herb originates from the Canary Islands, as indicated by its species name (Cedronella canariensis), balm of Gilead is now established in many temperate regions of the world.
 Many plants have been called balm of Gilead: the common link is that they all have a musky, eucalyptus or camphor like fragrance.(or balm of Mecca), small evergreen African, Arabian, and Asian tree (Commiphora meccanensis) of family Burseraceae; bears fragrant leaves and myrrh like oleoresin (also called balm of Gilead), used since ancient times as medicinal salve and as fragrance; may be balm mentioned in certain books of Bible; plant named after Gilead, region of ancient Palestine known for its balm.

Wilson, Lanford
(born 1937). Experimental staging, dialogue, and structure mark the plays of U.S. dramatist Lanford Wilson. Works such as The Hot l Baltimore, which ran for nearly 1,200 performances at a New York theater, and Talley's Folly, which won a 1980 Pulitzer prize, made him a leading figure in America's off-off-Broadway and regional theater movements.

The Queen of Sheba gave Solomon the aromatic desert shrub balm of Gilead (Commiphora apobalsamum), found in the Holy Land. Today this rare variety is protected and its export prohibited.

The balm of Gilead mentioned in the Bible ( "Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there?") is believed to be an oleo-resin obtained from Balsamodendron, a plant now thought to be extinct.

Being so aromatic, pests are not usually a problem

The Cherokee Indians of western North Carolina, for example discovered a tooth cleaning product within the prolific growth of Dogwoods in the area. Similar to what we now use to floss our teeth, tiny twigs were used with a cleaning benefit to the teeth and gums. Many trees, roots, leaves and flowers contain medicinal properties.

Balm of Gilead has been reputed to treat a number of disorders such as acute and chronic affections of the upper respiratory tract, cough, cuts, dental caries, minor aches and pains, pimples (topical ointment), respiratory disorders, snakebite, sore throat and sores.

Pick the leaves for drying before the flowers open, when they will be at their most aromatic. Crush the leaves in your hand and inhale the wonderful aroma to clear your head. Rub the leaves on your skin to help repel mosquitoes. Collect the dry, black seed heads for lovely winter arrangements

Balm of Gilead -
small tree to 4m (12ft) with spreading branches like wands and reddish-brown bark. The leaves are divided into groups of three, small and sparse. Small reddish flowers are followed by pea-sized reddish-grey berries. In summer the tree exudes a sweet-smelling resinous juice.

The genuine Balm of Gilead, highly esteemed by the ancient Arabs, Egyptians, Turks, Greeks, and Romans was extracted from this small tree. At one time the sweet-scented resin was so highly prized that guards watched over trees cultivated in the gardens near Cairo. The herb's popular name is derived from the Greek balsamon, meaning a fragrant oil, while Gilead refers to its ancient cultivation on Mount Gilead in Israel. There are biblical references to the Balm of Gilead in Genesis and Jeremiah, and the Queen of Sheba is said to have presented a tree to Solomon as a gift.

The raw resin from this tree is thick, whitish and strongly perfumed. It solidifies on exposure to the air but is soluble in alcohol. Balm of Gilead was valued for its scent and once used as a beauty aid by ladies of the royal courts. Balm of Gilead was also prescribed for diseases of the urinary tract. Today, true Balm of Gilead is scarce and supplies are likely to come from related North American trees, P. balsamifera. These members of the poplar family took the name of their biblical counterpart on account of the sticky, heavily scented resin that covers the young buds. The major constituent of the resin is a group of aspirin-like compounds, or salicylates, that relieve pain and inflammation, while the oil content has an antiseptic and expectorant action. Herbalists recommend tincture of Balm of Gilead for sore throats, laryngitis and bronchitis. Externally, in the form of an ointment, the salicylates in Balm of Gilead are said to give relief from the pain and inflammation caused by rheumatism and arthritis. These pain-relieving substances are also present in the bark of the American poplars and were once taken as a quinine substitute to bring down temperature in fevers.

Balm of Gilead is cultivated in the countries bordering on the Red Sea -Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. Introduced to Italy. Rare and difficult to grow.

Habitat :
Moist soils. Found on streambanks and planted along roadsides inthe eastern United States, over much of Canada, and into Alaska.
Description : Populus balsamifera L.: Grows 30-100 feet. Large deciduoustree with winter buds that are large resinous and aromatic; yellowish,gummy, strongly fragrant, end buds more than 1/2 inch long. Youngtwigs are sparsely hairy. The alternate, broadly ovate to deltoidleaves are dark green on top and whitish underneath, sometimes hairyon the lower veins; leafstalks mostly rounded (rather than flat).The male and female flowers occur on separate, scaly catkins

Quaking aspen (P. tremuloides), the black poplar (P. nigra); P.fremontii
; has a slightly bitter mucilage bark similar to slipperyelm bark.

Commiphora opobalsamum L.
is a small evergreen tree of thebursera family native to Asia and Africa.

Populus candicans L.
The common names are similar to P. balsamifera:balsam poplar, American balm of Gilead, balm of Gilead buds, Meccabalsam. This balm of Gilead has a wonderful fragrance. When boiledin olive oil, cocoa fat, or some other good oil, they make an excellentsalve. Similar medicinal results with P. candicans as with P. balsamifera.

Myths : The balm of Gilead mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 37:25 and Jeremiah8:22) is a different plant, Comminphora meccanensis.

alm of Gilead grows quite well outside in a sheltered position. Plant in full sun, preferably against a warm, wind-protecting wall. It is a tender plant which may need protection in colder climates. If you get frosts lower that 29 degrees F, protect the plant in the winter months by either bringing it in a cool greenhouse or by covering it with landscaping cloth. Keep watering to an absolute minimum during the winter months.

This herb makes a exquisite container plant. A 9-10 inch pot will be required for a plant to reach maturity. Use a free-draining soil and liquid feed monthly throughout the summer for a mature plant. The scent of the leaves perfumes the air when the plant is watered or the sun is shining on it.

Cedronella canariensis is a half hardy perennial with a height of 3 feet and a spread of 2 feet. The 3 lobed and toothed leaves are borne on square stems. The leaves have a strong eucalyptus fragrance. Pink or pale mauve flowers bloom throughout the summer. The seed heads are dark black.

Propagation by cuttings is more reliable than seeds. They take readily either in early summer before flowering in new growth or in early fall on the semi-ripe wood. Use the bark, peat mix of potting soil.

How to make Balm of Gilead Oil

What I usually do is wait for a good windstorm. After a windstorm, I’ll find cottonwood branches, entire limbs, or even entire trees all along the riverbanks. If I was only making a small jar of oil, I could certainly pick the buds right of a live tree and put it right in my jar. However, being there are so many of these trees around me, I like to wait to gather buds from trees or branches that are no longer going to turn into spring leaves. In other words, downed branches, limbs and trees.

The colder the day, the better. Gathering too many of these buds can be quite a sticky situation! Native people made glue from the resin. If you do get resin on things you don’t want resin on, just use your leftover tincture making vodka (from the Herbal Medicine Making Kit) to clean up.

Today I went down to the park and took some cottonwood photos along the river. You can get a good idea of what a large tree looks like and what the buds look like on the tree. Somewhere along the way I found a bunch of fallen branches that I collected buds from.

After collecting your buds, do the following:

Fill half a mason jar with the buds.

Pour olive oil to the top.

Use the mason jar screw band and screwed down a paper towel (or a rubber band on a regular jar). The buds will expand and lots of water will evaporate out. I would put the jar on a small plate in case it overflows in the middle of the night.

Label the mason jar with the herb name and date it.

Everyday for a few weeks stir the oil with a stir stick or chop stick. Make sure the buds are covered with oil. If buds are sticking out it will most likely go moldy. Don’t worry if buds are floating when you check it in the morning. Just keep stirring. In time, they will all sink.

In six weeks you can strain it out. However, the longer you leave it the better. So soaking for a year is not unheard of! Don’t wash the jar out after you strain it. You can keep the seasoned jar for your next years batch.

Store you finished oil in easy to dispense bottles or containers.

What the heck should you do with this balm of gilead oil?

Well, you can apply it on your skin or make it into a salve. Salve making is taught hands on in the Herbal Medicine Making Kit. In fact, you’d make your salve the exact same way as you do in the kit. So, you’ll be an experienced home medicine maker for your first batch of cottonwood salve!

OH! Wait. You wanted to know what you should use balm of gilead / cottonwood for!

Well, besides smelling WONDERFUL (you need not add any other scents to your salves or oils when using cottonwood), you would use your oil/salve as an anti-inflammatory (it cools things down), antimicrobial (it kills really little things that can infect you), and it’s analgesic (calms the pain). It’s incredibly healing. It stimulates skin proliferation and more!

I use this oil just as much as the recipe I give you in the Herbal Medicine Making Kit. I ESPECIALLY love the oil for massage oil. It feels and smells sooooooo good.

Balm of Gilead is such an easy herbal remedy to make that has so many uses.

Oh! Storage. If you collect lots of buds and want to store some, just freeze them. You can also dry them on a tray and keep them in an airtight jar out of direct sunlight. Freezing is better though.

BALM OF GILEAD is mentioned in the Bible as a great comforter. It is said to ease the plight of the Broken-Hearted, to soothe the pain engendered by Quarrels, Argument, and Lovers' Spats, and to ease problems caused by jealous co-workers and false friends who are trying to trouble your marriage or love-life. Some folks place a pinch of BALM OF GILEAD in the four corners of the bedroom to bring Peace to the Home and put an end to marital and sexual problems. Others tell us that they carry BALM OF GILEAD in a pocket or conjure bag for Reconciliation with an estranged lover, friend, or spouse, or that they burn it on charcoal with Myrrh to open the heart of a lost lover to renewed contact. We offer no claims for the efficacy of BALM OF GILEAD BUDS, and sell as a Curio only.

Item Instructions

Steep Balm of Gilead Buds in red wine for a love potion.

Mix Balm of Gilead Buds in a red flannel pouch with Rosebuds, Lavender flowers and Couch Grass. Tie the pouch tightly and wear it on a string around your neck to mend a broken heart and attract a new lover.

Mix with Rosebuds, Lavender Flowers and Lemon Grass, then use as an incense to make a lover return, mend a broken heart, or open the doors to a new lover.

Add this herb to your protection bag or mojo bag for good luck while gambling. Protect yourself from the evil eye.
Make hot tea:1 Tbs. buds in 1 cup of hot boiled water for 10-15 min.

CAUTION!! Probably less than 1% of the American population seems to have an exaggerated epidermal sensitivity to the poplar bud resin or juice and they develop the early signs of anaphylactic shock; flushed face, labored breathing,swollen face, itchy runny eyes, and some dizziness. Most of these people have general sensitivity to aspirin and aspirin products.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

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