6 Anti-Inflammatory Herbs that Annihilate Pain
By JESSE CANNONE | Published: FEBRUARY 29, 2012

Anti-inflammatory herbs are a gift within a gift, because not only are these herbs a versatile and delicious way to liven up your meals, but they’re one of nature’s most potent weapons to stop and prevent pain.

When you’ve finished learning the 6 most powerful anti-inflammatory herbs, also do not miss The Top 12 Safest And Most Effective Pain Relievers, in which a dozen of the world’s most powerful natural pain-fighting ingredients of all sorts are revealed.

And if you have ANY additional insights about other anti-inflammatory herbs — or suggestions on how to use these herbs below in cooking, drinks, etc. — please share it with everyone by leaving a COMMENT toward the bottom of this page.

Now without further adieu, 6 anti-inflammatory herbs that annihilate pain…

1) Chamomile

Chamomile Flower
In the classic children’s tale Peter Rabbit, Peter’s mother gave him chamomile tea when he was feeling ill. Turns out she knew what she was doing and it is worth your while to drink chamomile tea, too! Scientific studies demonstrate chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory … well-known to help with stomach aches but helpful with pain elsewhere too. It is also a very calming herb, so if you experience stress it can help you relax.

2) Fenugreek

Fenugreek (which in Latin means “green hay”) is another excellent anti-inflammatory. Studies have even shown it can reduce high triglyceride blood levels! Some say its taste is similar to maple syrup. The greens and sprouts are a tasty addition to a salad and the seeds provide excellent seasoning to a variety of meats, stews, and sauces. It is a common addition to Indian cooking (and you can typically find it in Indian and ethnic markets.)

3) Ginger

Ginger is a welcome and extremely versatile ingredient in many foods, from meats and veggies to drinks and desserts. And ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties have been known and appreciated for centuries. Here again scientific research confirms this herb’s anti-inflammatory power … it’s an excellent herb for migraines and other forms of pain. By the way, ginger tea can be a big help if you experience heartburn … and it has even been shown to be very helpful with those experiencing morning sickness!

4) Rosemary

Flowering Rosemary
Rosemary is an excellent herb for pain because it naturally eases nerve and muscle tension. It’s very good for chronic headaches. Research shows it may even help prevent cancer and age-related skin damage! It contains salicin which is a natural form of glycoside – which aspirin is made from. Rosemary can be found in virtually any store (and it is easy to grow in a garden or pot at home), and is an excellent herb for flavoring meats, salad dressings, stews, soups, sauces and even tea.

5) Sage

Sage isn’t just for Thanksgiving Day dressing. Sage helps improve achy muscles and inflammation and is great to keep your mind clear. Sage is actually in the mint family and is exceptional for flavoring food.

White sage is a strong anti-inflammatory and is most often consumed as tea, while common sage can be consumed as tea or used to season food.

6) Turmeric

The anti-inflammatory herb turmeric is well known as the main spice in curry, and it is the reason for the yellow color of table mustard. It is also a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, meaning it is great for disinfecting cuts and burns. It is another very versatile herb for many foods (try it on eggs!)

OBTAINED FROM: http://www.losethebackpain.com/blog/2012/02/29/anti-inflamatory-her...

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Replies to This Discussion

Here is a tea blend I use for pain, stress and muscle spasms
Dione's calming tea
Lemon balm
* white willow
* scull cap
Mix n match but the 3 main ingredients r the first three herbs, all these herbs have wonderful magical properties such as protection( just to name 1 ) the medical properties r wonderful, I drink it every day!
Chamomile: reduces inflammation, stimulates appitite, and aids digestion and sleep. Acts as a diuretic and nerve tonic. Helpful for fever, headaches, and pain. Good for menstual cramps. A traditional remedy for stress and anxiety, indigestion and insomnia
Lavender: relieves stress and depression. Benificial for the skin. Good for headaches, psoriasis, and other skin problems.
Kava-Kava: induces physical and mental relaxation, acts as a diuretic, genitourinary antiseptic, and gastrointestinal tonic. Relieves muscle spasms, and eases pain. Helpful for anxiety and anxiety disorders, insomnia, stress related disorders, menopausal symptoms, and urinary tract infections. It has been shown to be an analgesic and an anti convulsive, and protects the nervous system.
Lemon Balm: potent sedative with the effect that relates to phenobarbital, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti tumor herb. Relieves inflammation, rhumotiod arthritis and helps treat upset stomach and insomnia.
Valerian: acts as a sedative. Improves circulation, and reduces mucus from colds. Good for anxiety, fatigue, high blood pressure, insomnia, irritable bowle syndrome, men trail cramps, muscle cramps and spasms. Helps relieve nervousness, pain, stress, and ulcers. Shown to promote a better quality of sleep. Combing with hops will help quality, longer and deeper sleep. Only to feel refreshed when u rise!!
Cinnamon : relieves diarrhea and nausea, counteracts congestion, aids peripheral circulation. Warms the body and aids in digestion, especially the metabolism of fats, also fights fungal infection and useful for diabetes, weight loss, yeast infections and UTI.
Skull Cap: aids sleep, improves circulation and strengthens the heart muscle. Relieves muscle cramps, pain, spasms and stress. Good for anxiety, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, headache, hyperactivity, nervousness disorder, and rheumatism. Helps with drug withdraws.
White Willow Bark: relieves pain, good for allergies, headache, backache, nerve pain, joint pain, menstrual cramps, toothache, and injuries for backache. White willow allowed for reduction in the use of medications such as for pain!
I don't know about u guyz but I'm so tired of taking prescription meds, I would love to only use natural herbs for pain and other ailments. Our ancestors did! Think about it?



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