essential oils

Lemon-grass......makes me think kitchen especially
Asian cuisine but for thousands of years, lemon grass
has played an important role in Ayurveda, the
traditional medicine of India. Teas made from the
fresh or dried grass are prescribed for fever and
infectious illness. It is also used to improve the
quality and quantity of the mother's milk.
The smell of lemon-grass oil is generally experienced
as refreshing, uplifting, calming and restorative.

The Lemon-grass thrives in tropical climates and grows to
about 30cm high. Like citronella, palmarosa and Vetivert
it is a member of the family of aromatic grasses. It is
native to the Southern part of India, Sri Lanka, the
west Indies and Guatemala, but also found in Brazil and
parts of central Africa. The plant has a bulbous base with
lemon scented stems and leaves. It produces a network
of roots and rootlets which rapidly deplete the soil of
its nutrients.

The essential oil is gained thru steam distillation of the
fresh or partially dried grass, which is chopped finely.
It produces a pale amber oil with a reddish tinge.
The aroma is fresh grassy citrus with an earthy undertone.

Use With Care On Skin!!
The essential oil of lemon-grass contains a high
proportion of citral, which is anti septic, bactericidal,
deodorant and anti-fungal. The whole oil (well diluted)
is kinder to the skin and is effective against fungal
infections such as athlete's foot and ringworm. However
when isolated or synthesized in laboratory's, the citral
can be very harsh on the skin and cause irritation.
Use carefully when using it for bath and shower mixtures

To help lessen the possible skin irritant effects of
lemon-grass oil and soften its strong aroma,
you may prefer to use this concentrate to replace
the pure lemon-grass essential oil in the recipes.
Use it by the drop, as you would any other pure
essential oil.

20 drops (2ml) pure mandarin essential oil
20 drops (2ml) pure lemon-grass essential oil

Put both oils into a suitable dark glass bottle
replace the cap and give the bottle a good shake
for at least 30 seconds. Label and store in a cool
dry dark place. Use within two months.

In the house:

Indian summer burner blend.
1 drop pure lemon-grass essential oil
2 drops pure palmarosa essential oil
3 drops pure Bergamot essential oil
3 drops pure grapefruit essential oil


1 drop pure lemon-grass essential oil
3 drops pure Cedarwood essential oil
2 drops pure pine essential oil
2 drops pure petitgrain essential oil.

Fill the small bowl of a burner with water
Add the oils and heat with a night light.
NB Do not leave unattended.

Because lemon-grass oil is one of the strongest
smelling oils in aromatherapy, 1 single drop
of essential oil will scent 25ml of carrier oil.

Spoil yourself and your partner with the
following Home Pedicure....after all we
use our feet daily and they love to be spoilt too.

Your feet will feel soft, relaxed and refreshed
after this treatment.
1. Soap them clean.
Wash your feet thoroughly with a pH-balanced
soap. With a damp loofah, gently rub the tops of
the soles of your feet to loosen dead skin cells.
Use a soft nail brush to clean your toenails.

2. Lemon grass foot bath:
Soak your feet in the following foot bath for 10min.:
2 drops pure lemon grass essential oil or
5 ml diluted lemon grass oil to a bowl of
comfortably hot water, the swish around to
disperse. If your feet are particularly achey, add
2 tbsp of Epsom salt. It will relieve pain and
stiffness in muscles and joints.

For an amazing feeling, add 20 marbles into the
bowl of water, move your feet around over the marbles
for a relaxing, massaging effect.

3. Purnice away hard skin:
Dry your feet thoroughly and if you have calloused
areas gently rub with a pumice stone. To get your
feet in peak condition its advisable to use a pumice
stone every day following your bath.

4. Cut the Nails:
Using nail clippers or scissors, trim each nail
straight across and no shorter than the end of the
toe. Smooth the edges with an emery board,
but make sure that you don't shape the toenails
(this can cause ingrowing toenails)

5. Foot Pack:
As a real treat, apply a gently exfoliating foot pack
made off:
2 or 3 tbsp oatmeal
clear honey
fresh lemon juice.
Make a thick paste from the ingredients and
apply pack to your feet, covering the soles and
the skin right up to your ankles. If
your skin is particularly dry omit the lemon
juice and use full fat natural yoghurt instead.
Leave on for 15 min and rinse of well with warm water

6. Massage and moisturise:
Now massage your feet with :
5 ml diluted lemon-grass oil
5 ml sweet almond oil
1 drop pure geranium essential oil
2 drops pure sandalwood essential oil.

7. Refreshing spray:
As a cooling finishing touch, lightly spray with
Foot cologne or lotion:
Foot Cologne: (make a week (7days) beforehand)
4 tsp cider vinegar
4 drops pure lemon-grass essential oil
4 drops pure rosemary essential oil
8 drops pure neroli or petitgrain essential oil
8 drops pure neroli or petitgrain essential oil
12 drops pure mandarin essential oil
200 ml distilled water
coffee filter paper
plastic funnel

Put the cider vinegar into a 300ml dark glass bottle..
Add the essential oils and shake well. Top up
with distilled water and shake again. Allow the
mixture to stand for 7 days. After this period
the cologne smells more rounded. pour it through
a coffee filter paper into a jug, then through a
funnel into a perfume atomizer or cosmetic bottle
with a fine spray. Shake well before use.

Foot lotion:
2 drops pure lemongrass essential oil
3 drops pure petitgrain essential oil
3 drops pure lavender essential oil
25ml base or unperfumed body lotion.
Add the oils to the lotion, shake well until mixed.

Especially for our Pets
Who doesn't have the problem fleas, ticks or lice.
Essential oils can be used on pets only be very careful
around the eyes and sensitive areas.

Spray or sponge this into your pet's coat, soak their collar
in it, use as a final rinse after shampooing, or spray
on their bedding. The mixture helps mask animal odour too.

Zap fleas,ticks and lice
4 drops pure lemon grass essential oil
6 drops pure lavender essential oil
10 ml alcohol (vodka is good)
500 ml water.

Put the oils and alcohol in a glass bottle, with a dropper
dispenser. Shake well, then add 20 drops to the water.
Shake well and use. Generally cats dislike essential oils
and are very sensitive to them, so use a much weaker
dilution. i.e. 1 drop of lemon grass and 2 of lavender
for their fur, and a weaker dilution still for their
bedding. Keep well away from eyes.

Anti-mating blend.
4 drops pure lemon-grass essential oil
6 drops marjoram essential oil
10ml alcohol (vodka is good)
500 ml water

Put the oils and alcohol in a glass bottle,
with a dropper dispensers-er. Shake well then
add 20 drops to the water. Spray or sponge
over the back and hindquarters, avoiding sensitive areas.

The lemon-grass is ideal to conceal the aroma of female
dogs in heat.

Healing with Lemon grass

Bath blend:

a wonderful pick-me-up for stress related fatigue.

2 drops pure Helichrysum essential oil
2 drops pure rosemary essential oil
5 ml diluted lemon grass oil
Add the pure oils to the diluted lemon grass, then
pour the blend into a full bath. The oils will flat
on the surface and you can massage them into your
skin whilst you relax.

For those winter colds and flu:

Drink this spicy brew at the first signs of a cold
or flu coming on. It will help relieve symptoms of
headache, and muscular aches and pains.
Put 2 tsp of dried lemon grass into a mug , add a
pinch of ground ginger and a few cloves, add boiling
water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. When
ready add a few teaspoons of freshly squeezed
lemon juice. Sweeten with honey according to taste.

Athlete's foot
Athletes foot is a fungal infection between the toes,
sometimes spreading over the whole foot. The skin
may be cracked and sore. The condition is usually
caused by excessive perspiration and poorly
ventilated footwear.

Aromatic ointment
30g unperfumed skin cream
5 drops pure lemon grass essential oil
5 drops pure tea tree essential oil
10 drops pure lavender essential oil
Put the cream into glass jar or recycled
cosmetic pot, then stir in the essential oils
with the handle of a teaspoon. Apply to the
affected areas two or three times daily.

Aromatic foot powder
2 tbsp unperfumed talc (or sifted cornflour)
6 drops pure lemon grass essential oil
8 drops pure petitgrain essential oil
6 drops pure tea tree essential oil
10 drops pure lavender essential oil
Put the talc or cornflour into a wide mouthed
glass jar with a screw cap. Add the essential
oils, tighten the cap and shake well.
Allow the foot powder to stand for 24 hours
before using. Apply directly to affected skin,
this anti-fungal, deodorizing foot
powder can be sprinkled in shoes and
cotton socks. It can also be dusted over blisters
to encourage rapid healing.  

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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