Laurie Hall-Luscomb


Kalamazoo, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Tell us of your likes and dislikes. Music? Tv/Movies? Books? What do you like to do in your spare time?
I don't dislike much of anything. If i have to pick one thing i guess i would have to say people that back stab me, my family or my renny fam.
Are you currently living what may be considered an alternative lifestyle? For example, are you a traveling artist, practicing a non-mainstream spirituality, or part of a BDFSM lifestyle?
No this does not apply to me.
What does the older knowledge of legend, myth, lore, story, tale, wisdoms mean to you?
They are a part of our past. They make us who we are. I find it very interesting to learn about the history/stories of our past.
Do you belong to any organizations; re-enactment based (i.e. households, tribes, clans), spiritual based (i.e. covens, orders, or other pagan groups) or other? If so which ones and where?
I was part of the brotherhood of the blue dragon (2000-2006) I am a volunteer now working the memory booth at Mayfair and Derbyshire. At Midmichigan i run a merchants booth selling my chain and doing demos.
If not of the older life styles, how tolerant are you ?
To each their own!
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Fest? If so, which did you prefer? If not, which would you rather attend? Would you rather be a participant or spectator? Please relate to us your experience!
I enjoy Mayfaire (Marshall, MI), Derbyshire (Muskegan, MI) and Mid Michigan (Vassar, MI).
Do you have any artistry, crafting, and trade… what do you create, Please share your talents with us.
I like to do chain. I like learning new patterns. I find it challenging, like mind puzzles.
What is the best way to contact you if your talents are skills are desired? or i am on facebook.
Please answer all questions honestly and openly so staff and members can get to know you. Approval of your application will be based upon your answers. Any thing else you would like to tell people?
I am new to chainning but i have been involved with ren fairs since 2000. My children also do the chainning. I am a teacher without a job and i with have my masters in special education 2011.

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