Tell us of your likes and dislikes. Music? Tv/Movies? Books? What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to fish and talk with the ospreys -Dreamcatching,Praying while creating pretties for the market/Pow Wows -lapidary work with stone. Leather working - sewing with stone and glass beads - scaveging the forests and beaches while enjoying time with God.
Are you currently living what may be considered an alternative lifestyle? For example, are you a traveling artist, practicing a non-mainstream spirituality, or part of a BDFSM lifestyle?
I was a travelling artist for 35 years and have beenhome based in Eugene, Oregon since 1998.I still make journeys acroos the U.S. to visit Cape Cod as well as the National Museum of the American Indian in D.C.
What does the older knowledge of legend, myth, lore, story, tale, wisdoms mean to you?
These are the teachings where I learn the truths about my place in this life, and aid me in my journey on the Red Road.
Do you belong to any organizations; re-enactment based (i.e. households, tribes, clans), spiritual based (i.e. covens, orders, or other pagan groups) or other? If so which ones and where?
I am an orphaned one, who has a great understanding of how we as humans, are all interconnected as one, with all that Wankan -Tanka (God) has Gifted us with, in all that has been created.
If not of the older life styles, how tolerant are you ?
While I would like to think that I am tolerant to most everything,I haven't a great deal of tolerance for those whom live lives that bring harm to God's creation.In this I am adamant in introducing peaceful possabillities to whomever is brought before me.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Fest? If so, which did you prefer? If not, which would you rather attend? Would you rather be a participant or spectator? Please relate to us your experience!
I have been to and have been a vendor of "First Peoples of North America", crafts @ Renaissance Faires,Pow Wows,and have been a member or the "Eugene Saturday Market" for 14 years.I do my best to refrain from most events where alchohol/drugs are prevalent.I have an etsy website ""
Do you have any artistry, crafting, and trade… what do you create, Please share your talents with us.
With Spirit,I create 3 dimensional Dreamcatchers.cut/shpe/polesh stone, and create jewelry pieces for trade/sell. I work with bone,deer/elk/etc./hides, as well as stone and glass beads.
What is the best way to contact you if your talents are skills are desired?
One might contact me through e-mail :
Eugene Saturday Market (541)686-8885
All Dream Catchers and Jewelry by Indigenos Design @
Please answer all questions honestly and openly so staff and members can get to know you. Approval of your application will be based upon your answers. Any thing else you would like to tell people?
I have been married for 14 wonderful years and get my inspiration from the Red Road.I am a member of The Four Worlds Institute.While understanding that I am perfectly imperfect,I do my best to promote Peace and love whenever and where ever possible.
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Mar 9, 2012
PerseH ~Staff Wrangler~
Mar 9, 2012