Blood Boar

Profile Information:

Tell us of your likes and dislikes. Music? Tv/Movies? Books? What do you like to do in your spare time?
Pretty much all music. My tastes shift from the heaviest metal to the classiest classical. If there was on genre I could be cool with never hearing again, it'd be country, but I even like some of that too. Books, I like em a lot but do not partake. Supernatural, Dexter, Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Archer, Wilfred, Bevis and Butthead lol. Braveheart is still my favorite movie nearly 20 years running. 300 is up there, 300 part 2 is not because that was terrible. and Frozen. In my spare time I hang with my bad-a$$ wife, and my awkward turtles. I also travel a lot.
Are you currently living what may be considered an alternative lifestyle? For example, are you a traveling artist, practicing a non-mainstream spirituality, or part of a BDFSM lifestyle?
I live a scientific lifestyle I guess. Common sense, logic and facts are my religious beliefs. I also have seen first hand the difference in outcomes where positive energy was more prevalent and vice versa. I'm fully aware that I understand about .0000000000001% of life and what ever is beyond that.
What does the older knowledge of legend, myth, lore, story, tale, wisdoms mean to you?
Actually, they mean quite a bit. To me, it's a history of how our species has evolved psychologically. Baffling sometimes at the great lessons learned long past, completely forgotten. Most myth, lore, legend and story I don't think were ever meant to be taken as absolute truth, as well as the current bibles.
Do you belong to any organizations; re-enactment based (i.e. households, tribes, clans), spiritual based (i.e. covens, orders, or other pagan groups) or other? If so which ones and where?
I was a member of The Western Armored Martial Arts Association in NE Ohio.
If not of the older life styles, how tolerant are you ?
I share this place too, my tolerance is, as it's supposed to be, irrelevant. If I like it, I'll be a part of it. If I don't, I'll change the channel.
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Fest? If so, which did you prefer? If not, which would you rather attend? Would you rather be a participant or spectator? Please relate to us your experience!
I have not attended either. I would be cool being a participant in a Medieval Fest.
Do you have any artistry, crafting, and trade… what do you create, Please share your talents with us.
Minimal artistry; I've played guitar for many years but I know very little about playing music. I haven't crafted anything since high school art class and I'm pretty sure I took advantage of my sweet teachers naivety and kiln at the same time. I did learn a trade and practiced for more than 10 years. I'm an experienced rough frame home builder, along with other smaller projects like decks, tables, chairs, mail box posts. No finish cabinetry though.
What is the best way to contact you if your talents are skills are desired?
Please answer all questions honestly and openly so staff and members can get to know you. Approval of your application will be based upon your answers. Any thing else you would like to tell people?
I am active duty Air Force and move around quite a bit. I'm a combat vet (Afghanistan) and post member of VFW post 7754. I can speak a foreign language, soon to be 2. I'd also like to thank MAC for guiding me yet again to cool things. And a very old school Brother, Brad for showing me mensurs leave nasty welts and a good friendship is hard to kill.

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