A Retired Swordsman On the River Grande, In the USA, Western European style weapons of any Type for its the style not the weapon. and 10th through 14th armor construction. All shields as again its the style not the weapon. With a nod to the teachings of Ralph Blum, and his Book of Runes. Then with other ancient ways my journeys have opened to me. I studied 2,500 Deities. I have found that all feel as if theirs is the only correct Deity. To me they all belong in the mythology section. Its easy, 3 rules. Know Thyself, Nothing in Excess,Harm None(do not be stupid about this one). Its being in tune with cycles and the great Spirit of Self's that is the people of earth. The circle is self correcting.Even what is unbalanced can again be Balanced. if you are afraid you will have an UN-balanced self. Accept the truth of life and death. Some times its a leap of faith empty handed into the void of the Self. Doesn't mean we should fear it. Ever!
Glenda Carr
Thank you for asking me to your group! It looks very interesting, and I am looking forward to being a part of it!
Many Blessings,
Sep 17, 2012
Thank thee Good my lady. Thy comment doth make me blush,
Sep 19, 2012
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Here comes Mac in his blue and white
Sep 19, 2012
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Did some one give him a brand new Hammer and slab of beast? Here be his new Hall. May it be one that is filled with the sounds of learning, laughter and well being. The 'paint' may not be dry but the knowledge is old and solid. Welcome be to the Lord of the Salle. Also may this be as you wish and want it to be. Within this style of being.
Sep 19, 2012
Dept of PMM Artists & things
The Hearth Staff Group has made this group for the Path of the Spiritual Warrior Salle. The words here in are of the Salle Lord. No disrespect nor intention of taking what is his and those of the school was done in doing so. It is hoped that this group will grow and flourish. Showing not only those whom graced the hall. But also sharing the knowledge and wisdom to a new group of people. This being typed now give over the group to the Salle Lord and it's members. To fill with stories of old and share wisdom to those whom are new to finding this path some have followed. And do so still to this day and forward as well into time.
Sep 19, 2012
Mystickal One
I am so loving the informative subject matter here..... I have always been fascinated with how much care goes into turning steel to a sword that I believe connects with the Master who takes such care and time and love making the sword a work of art......
Sep 26, 2012
Dept of PMM Artists & things
Will there be a roster of previous students and achievements? Along with their shields? We have someone working on digitally creating those that have been found within the pictures here for the group. She as well did those that were previously done and used here in places.
Sep 26, 2012
Yes I will put up my roster as I can PMM. Thank you again for your help and all the other things you do to keep the Tent active Hole and Hale. mac
Oct 3, 2012
Dept of PMM Artists & things
We have sent off the two newly shown shields to the digitizer Lady and await her graphic card to feel well enough to work for her once again.
Oct 3, 2012
Hmmm, The solid black is a school shield. The RED and black with white runes is Squire Black Hawk's. The Winged one is Squire Don De Vitellis.
Oct 10, 2012
Dept of PMM Artists & things
an attempt some times we do graphics not often but some times, But Gift does them better always
Oct 26, 2012
In the days of yore came a minstrel forth Sorry so small. Heh, mac
Feb 5, 2013
Greets to our latest member Daniel. welcome to our group. I hope all of your winters are easy as the one we had. Our so-jurn into the Land of the frost giants was not fraught with to many traps and we carined our way rosily and warm when the cold north wind takes a bite you feel it so look at the updates I am doing to day and next time I will do more.
Mar 28, 2013