K&K Magickal Book {Grimiore}

KandK is a group where all paths can share chapters in their lives as well as their BOS's =Book of Shadows.
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    Marti Finizio 11:30in the mornin' Jan 4
    The Spell of Nine Knots

    Cord magick requires you to charge each knot with your energy and can be used for any situation you wish. For example, for healing, keep the cord with you till the spell is complete. For negativity, bury the cord or put away after the completion of the spell.

    In a quiet place, light two candles of the appropriate color and incense. Place the cord(13 inches) of the appropriate color in the middle of the candles. Tie the knots as follows:


    Relax. Make the sign of the pentacle and say:
    Gracious Lady
    I Ask That You Bless This Cord
    As I perform this rite.

    Concentrate on the goal then say:
    By the knot of one, the spell is now begun,
    By the knot of two, my words are true,
    By the knot of three, it comes to me,
    By the knot of four, may the spell be strengthened more,
    By the knot of five, may the spell come alive,
    By the knot of six, the spell is fixed,
    By the knot of seven, may the power through me be given,
    By the knot of eight, may the power within be great,
    By the knot of nine, may the thing I wish for be mine.
    In the Name of the Lady
    The spell is cast
    So Mote It Be

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    Marti Finizio 11:19in the mornin' Jan 4
    Charging an Item...........After you have consecrated a tool or item, you should charge it.

    Hold the item above your head. Take a moment to feel the swirls of energy around you. You should be able to feel them tug at you like a current in a river.

    In a clear voice, say:

    Let the sacred powers of the Universe unite and fill this (item name) with energy.
    By the Moon, the Sun, the Earth and the Stars, I charge this (item name) to do my will.
    So Mote it Be!

    Close your eyes and envision an energy bolt striking the item and causing it to glow. You should feel a subtle vibration while you hold the item.

    Your tool is now charged.

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    Marti Finizio 11:14in the mornin' Jan 4
    Sunshine Spell


    You will need: suntan lotion carnelian or red jasper crystal orange candle Light the candle, rub suntan lotion into your hands and toss the crystal from palm to palm seven times as you say:

    "Goddess Sol bless and decree that the sun shall shine on me"

    Do this every morning leading up to your holiday or event that you want sunshine for.

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    Ashan Catherine Blydo
    Ashan Catherine Blydo 4:57in the mornin' Jan 4
    Voodoo dolls

    Voodoo dolls are more complicated than they’re usually portrayed. A voodoo doll doesn’t actually symbolize a person in the respect that what happens to it, happens to the person. Instead, a doll is only associated with the person in question—usually by attaching a picture of the person, or something that was in intimate contact with them, such as a lock of hair (attaching this personification is actually the purpose of the voodoo straight pin usually seen in a voodoo doll, which is commonly believed to be an instrument of pain).

    Other things are usually added to the doll, and these vary based on the intended purpose. Garlic, flower petals, perfumes, or even money can be added—not as a direct message to the person, but as an appeal to the spirits to open themselves to the doll and the wishes of those involved. The voodoo doll can be used for a huge variety of purposes, and most are benevolent. The voodoo doll in itself is not an evil or dark thing, but, like many religious and secular symbols, it can be made dark by the person who wields it.

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    Marti Finizio 12:07in the evenin' Jan 5
    A Spell for Removing Anger

    spell to ease angerThis is a quick and simple mantra which can be recited without setting up a proper ritual. It can be used for yourself or for other people. You are advised to add a very simple gesture to this spell – take a stone, and envision the anger you want to remove flowing into this stone. Feel the energy of the anger pulsate through you and into the stone. When you feel that you have transferred the anger into the stone, throw it away – preferably into a body of water where it can be cleansed, such as a stream, a river or lake.

    Then say the following incantation to remove your anger:

    Great Guardians of the West

    Who watch over the sea and the ocean,

    Let this anger disperse through space and time,

    Make it disappear forever

    So mote it be.

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    Marti Finizio 12:04in the evenin' Jan 5
    A Spell to Banish an Evil Spirit

    a spell to banish an evil spiritThe following spell is a general defence against demons and evil spirits. Not all demons will be defeated with this, but even when the spell is not sufficient to actually overcome the spirit, it can still hurt them enough to keep them at bay.

    Here is a general defense against demons and other evil spirits. This is a improvised weapon, and obviously this formula will not come to grips with all kinds of demons, but when it is not sufficient to overcome them, it can still hurt them enough to keep them away .

    If spirits threaten me in this place,

    Fight Water by Water and Fire by Fire,

    Banish their souls into nothingness

    and remove their powers until the last trace

    Let these evil beings flee

    Through time and space.

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    Marti Finizio 11:19in the mornin' Jan 7
    Reversing Vinegar

    This spell is a bit aromatic, so its best done in the evening when you're not going to be going out again immediately after. You need:

    • Pure white vinegar
    • Several pinches of fennel seed
    • A small white bowl
    • A piece of jet or onyx

    The day before you plan on doing this spell, pour an ounce or two of vinegar into the bowl and add some fennel seed. Let this sit and "steep" until the next day.

    On the next night, dip your fingers in the vinegar and dab a little bit on each wrist, your throat and your forehead. Just a little on the forehead because you don't want vinegar dripping in your eyes.

    Sit with your eyes closed, and visualize white energy pushing out from your body at this points and forcing the negative magick back towards the sender. Force it away from you. When you are done, place the stone in the bowl, and leave it for 5 days. After that, pour the vinegar away into the ground.

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    Marti Finizio 11:17in the mornin' Jan 7
    Reflect Away Harm

    Most reverse spells use mirrors to send the energy of the curse back to the person who sent it to you in the first place. You just need:

    • 2 small mirrors, ideally on stands
    • 1 black candle
    • Sandalwood incense

    Light the incense and let the smoke build up a bit around your altar area. Carve a deep X into the candle. You now have to set up your two mirrors so they face each other, and place the candle between them. It should look like repeating candles reflected deep within the mirror.

    Light the candle, and let your eyes focus back and forth between the mirrors while you concentrate on the negative magick you are trying to reverse. Repeat the words:

    The magick upon me
    Be trapped this night
    Between these mirrors
    Never see light

    Repeat the chant over and over, and visualize the curse becoming entangled in the reflections and sent back to the sender. Let the candle burn down on its own, but leave the mirrors facing each other for 1 month.
    This spell should be done right at midnight for the most power.

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    Marti Finizio 11:14in the mornin' Jan 7
    Banishing Jar Spell

    Let someone be annoying or difficult in their own world, and stay away from you. Your supplies for this spell are:

    • A photo or drawing of the person
    • A pin
    • Vinegar
    • Salt
    • Jar with lid

    If you are using a drawing, write the person's name on it as well. Fold it over once, and secure it folded with the pin. Drop it into the jar. Repeat the following:

    Sealed with a pin
    In my jar, you stay in
    Keep saying the words while you put a few drops of vinegar in the jar, and then a sprinkle of salt. Seal the lid tightly, and put the jar in a dark place.

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    Marti Finizio 11:12in the mornin' Jan 7
    Frozen in Time

    Another classic banishing technique is to freeze someone to make them powerless against you. You just need:

    • A small piece of paper
    • A black pen
    • A small piece of black string
    • Water
    • A freezer

    On the piece of paper, write the name of the person you want to banish. Tie a single knot in the middle of the string, and concentrate on why this person is bothering you when you tie it.

    Fold the paper up, with the piece of string tucked in the middle. Add a few drops of water to the paper. Don't soak it. You don't want to obliterate the name inside. Just dampen it enough that it will freeze solid. Place the wet folded paper in the freezer and leave there until the situation is passed.

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    Marti Finizio 11:42in the mornin' Jan 7
    Besom Sweep Spell

    This spell is best used to purify a room, but you could do a whole house with it if you really wanted to. You need:
    •A broom
    •Long sprigs of dried lavender
    •White ribbon
    •Light purple ribbon

    A nice old-fashioned twig broom is great for this, but feel free to cast this purification spell using a standard modern broom if that's all you have. Tuck the sprigs of lavender between the broom bristles, and then weave the pieces of ribbon through as well. As you work, repeat this over and over: "Brush and broom, cleanse this room".

    When your broom is prepared, take it to the doorway and make very vigorous sweeping motions out the door. Repeat the words very loudly while you do it. Visualize all the bad energy whisking right out the door.

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    Marti Finizio 11:38in the mornin' Jan 7
    Unbreakable Shell Spell
    This spell will create a protective "shield" around an object, protecting it from intrusion or theft. You'd use this with small items, like altar tools, jewelry or books. I wouldn't suggest it for your car.
    •The item you want to protect
    •5 pieces of obsidian or jet
    •Several feet of black yarn or string
    •Ground rosemary

    This spell makes use of the power of the pentacle, a typical Wiccan symbol. Set your item on a table or altar, and place the 5 pieces of stone in a pentagram shape around the object. Start to picture a shell being formed over your item.

    Use the piece of string to lay out a pentacle, using the stones at the points of the star. Each line adds more energy to your growing shield. When the star is done, say out loud:

    By the line unbroken,
    Protect this token.

    Use your finger to trace the pentacle in the air, above the one you made in stone and string. Repeat the words again.

    Leave the item in its place overnight, and it should be protected from theft or harm.

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    Marti Finizio 11:48in the mornin' Jan 7
    A Clean Break Spell

    A good symbolic break can do wonders to snap a negative spell against you. You should have:
    •A dry tree branch (about 18 inches long)
    •Black yarn or ribbon
    •2 safety pins
    •Vetivert or agrimony leaves
    Any type of wood will do, but the branch need to be dry enough that it will break when you bend it. Wrap black yarn a few times around each end of the stick, and as you wind the yarn, wrap in your herbs. Then attach a safety pin to the yarn at each end.
    When the stick is done, leave it on your altar overnight. The next day, pick up the stick, holding the yarn-covered ends in either hand. Say loudly, "I break your spell, you are broken!" and then snap the stick in half. Carry the two pieces of stick around with you for 3 days to remove any remaining traces of the spell.

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    Marti Finizio 11:26in the mornin' Jan 7
    Easy Home Protection

    Seal your home up from any unwelcome or negative influences. I love this magic protection spell, and its also on the easy spells page because of its simplicity. You just need:

    • A small handful of coarse salt
    • A teaspoon or so of garlic powder or minced garlic

    Stir the salt and garlic together, and put a few pinches of it on every windowsill and doorway into your house. If you can get every opening, that would be ideal. A bit on the fireplace hearth or the garage door, for example. Both salt and garlic are potent protective magick.

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    Marti Finizio 11:24in the mornin' Jan 7
    Classic Witch Bottle

    This type of charm is an old one, and is a classic spell to protect your home. It was originally intended as a way to protect against witchcraft, but its a common form of protection magick today.You will need a number of things, though you can adapt or modify the exact contents:

    • A jar with a tight lid
    • Pieces of broken glass
    • Nails or pins (rusty is best)
    • A pinch or two of dried rosemary and/or rue
    • Vinegar

    The exact amount of any items will depend a lot on how big a jar you use. Fill the jar with broken glass, rusty nails or other sharp bits of metal. Pieces of broken plates would work ok too. Fill the rest of the jar with vinegar, lemon juice or sour wine. If you want to be really authentic, add a little urine in their too.

    Seal the jar tightly, and bury it outside your front door. A witch bottle will protect your house for years.

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    Marti Finizio 10:32in the mornin' Jan 9

    Take a poppet and sprinkle it liberally with blessing oil.
    Rub a perfume oil all over your hands and hold them over the dolls head, palms open and say:
    You are very ill-be healed
    You will recover-be healed
    Heal! Heal! Heal!
    Now blend equal amounts of Rosemary perfume oil, Violet perfume oil, Voodoo oil
    and Damnation powder. Mix thoroughly until you have a paste.
    Completely coat the doll from top to bottom with this mixture and repeat the words given above.
    After several times, carefully wrap the coated doll in a piece of red cloth and hide it away,
    it must not be seen for several days. Then take the doll and burn it and scatter the ashes to the wind.

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    Marti Finizio 10:23in the mornin' Jan 9

    While in the shower, visualize yourself standing under a waterfall.
    Ask the spirits of water to cleanse, consecrate and empower your body,
    mind and spirit in the name of healing.
    As the water runs down your body, visualize the negativity swirling off you and down the drain.
    When you towel dry, ask the spirits of the air to cleanse, consecrate, and empower
    your body, mind and spirit in the name of healing as well.

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    Marti Finizio 10:13in the mornin' Jan 9

    Hail Uriel guardian of the North. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.
    Hail Raphael guardian of the East. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.
    Hail Michael guardian of the South. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.
    Hail Gabriel guardian of the West. Let your spirit inform this circle, add your will to mine.
    I invoke Achelois, she who drives away pain.
    Oh please great Achelois protect ______ from the pain of _____.
    And keep her safe in our hearts.
    Let her be flourished in love of greatest powers.
    Bless this _____ with protection from pain and let her feel comforted by it.
    With all the power in me I free her from pain.
    Circle open / be unbroken Power down / to the ground

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    Marti Finizio 10:11in the mornin' Jan 9

    Begin on a Thursday, perform for nine consecutive days.
    Light a yellow candle and concentrate for a moment on its yellow appearance.
    Then say the following five times.
    "O cheerful yellow, Penetrate my mind Improve my memory
    Give me powers of great observation.
    May I remember all I seek to recall
    May my concentration be Perfect in all things big and small."

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    o Guilt Spell

    Wrap the items in white ribbon with a sprig of basil (cleansing and helps to embrace new attitudes). Light a good size fire topped with gum leaves (when burnt lots of cleansing smoke is released!) Pass the items through the smoke as you say: "I release you without malice or guilt The past is gone no tears are spilt"

    Then drop the lot into the fire and turn the ashes into the earth.

    By Fiona Horne

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    Reverse Negativity or Hexes

    Try this spell to reverse any negativity or hexes being sent your way. Visualize all blocks in your life-path being removed. Anoint a purple candle with Rosemary oil. On a piece of white paper write the following in black ink: All blocks are now removed.

    Fold the paper three times. Light the candle and burn the paper in a bowl, ashtray, or any fireproof dish. Invoke the power of fire and its elemental spirits by repeating three times: Fire drakes and salamanders, aid me in my quest, protect me from all evil forms, turn back the negativity being sent. After the third repetition say: So mote it be.

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