Valhalla's Anvil

Looking for something in metal or leather? I am a medieval reenactment blacksmith, jeweler and leather worker who specializes in Hot Steel, Jewelry, Leather Work, Medieval Reenactment, SciFi, Fantasy, Gaming, Steampunk, Martial Arts, Melee Weapons

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  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    YAROVIT (Guerovit, Yarilo)

    Although it goes under a few different names, this is in fact one deity – Yarovit, God of war and the Sun, that is Yarilo, God of fertility. As a warrior, Jarovit is portrayed as a powerful knight, the protector of the weak and powerless, but he is also the god of fertility, spring, nature and flourishing vegetation.
    ~ РОД / ROD - Slavic mythology souvenires