The items in this spell are intended to represent health and vitality, NOT act as actual medical cures for anything. For this easy blessings, you just need:
• A glass of apple juice • A cinnamon stick • A white candle
As with most spells, natural ingredients are best so try to find some organic apple juice if you can.
Pour the juice into a glass, and stir 4 times with the cinnamon stick. Light the candle and drink a few sips of juice. Repeat the following:
Goddess bless body and soul Health and wellness is my goal Finish the rest of the juice and snuff out the candle. Do this spell whenever you feel an illness coming on or even each morning just to stay in tip-top shape. Clear an Argument Spell For those times when lingering resentment is keeping you from making up with a friend. This can help clear the air and renew your friendship.
• One bay leaf, dry is fine • A small paper envelope • Yellow candle
Write your name on one side of the envelope, and your friend's name on the other. Put the bay leaf inside and seal it. Light the candle and hold the envelope in the flame until it burns. You might want to keep a heat-proof bowl nearby to drop the burning paper into, to save your fingers.
K&K Magickal Book {Grimiore}
36 members
Simple Health Blessing by Marti Finizio
by Dept of PMM Artists & things
Jan 6, 2014
The items in this spell are intended to represent health and vitality, NOT act as actual medical cures for anything. For this easy blessings, you just need:
• A glass of apple juice
• A cinnamon stick
• A white candle
As with most spells, natural ingredients are best so try to find some organic apple juice if you can.
Pour the juice into a glass, and stir 4 times with the cinnamon stick. Light the candle and drink a few sips of juice. Repeat the following:
Goddess bless body and soul
Health and wellness is my goal
Finish the rest of the juice and snuff out the candle. Do this spell whenever you feel an illness coming on or even each morning just to stay in tip-top shape. Clear an Argument Spell
For those times when lingering resentment is keeping you from making up with a friend. This can help clear the air and renew your friendship.
• One bay leaf, dry is fine
• A small paper envelope
• Yellow candle
Write your name on one side of the envelope, and your friend's name on the other. Put the bay leaf inside and seal it. Light the candle and hold the envelope in the flame until it burns. You might want to keep a heat-proof bowl nearby to drop the burning paper into, to save your fingers.