Is it all for nothing without one to share it with. I have gotten a place for a Family to live and rebuild upon the world. But in the several messages and letters typed and sent no words have yet to be received. Even a door key has been sent to them to prove this is for them and theirs as well.
Yet nothing has come of it.
Upon the first of June I signed a year lease upon this place. A two bedroom apt small but workable. With a large back yard as well. Below are the basic pictures of the place.
I have been able to acquire furniture and a few things. And have got some of what is storage held also here. Slowly it is growing into a place for them.
But the thought of is it worth without them. Does this matter at all. I have only anchored myself to a harbor. But it will be up to them to show me either it is a safe and good port to be upon. Or a deserted island, upon which one is very much alone and survives only because the world tells them to.
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Jun 30, 2014
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Jun 30, 2014
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Been a while from when took these things have moved about a bit more and went to MI and got things from storage. But this is it the building where I rest at. And awaits them to come and make it a true home.
Jun 30, 2014