Pre European History for North American People

Pre 1600 knowledge, myth, lore, ways, & history upon the Native Peoples of the North Western Part of the world. Trying to relearn the teaching stories & ways of the past.

Early native Americans of the west by maurice jamie jodoin

The spread of the ariculture across the south west gave rise to 3 great  cultures The  Mogollon, Hohokam, and Anasazi. Mogollon society developed first some time around 300 BCE . they were based out of the mountain region of southwestern new Mexico and eastern Arizona. the Mogollon were skilled crafts people who made beautiful pottery and fine bows and arrows. They relied on hunting gathering and farming. Mogollon  farmers raised corn, beans, and squash. Hohokam society , located in present day southern Arizona, they emerged around 300 Bce Most of them were farmers but their land got  little rain fall.The soil was dry and farming very hard. to fix this problem They developed  a system of irrigating their land. they built a network of canals that directed river  and flood waters to crops. For recreation The Hohokam people played a game to basket ball.This ball courts were almost as large as foot ball fields. sometimes it was played for more then recreation. it was also used  to settle arguments. between the villages. Whuch ever side won the argument. this more sense then war to the Hokam people.The last great western culture was The Anasazi other wise know as the old ones.They lived in present day states of Colorado, Arizona, and new Mexico. they were the ancestors Of the Pueblo, Hopi, Zuni, and Tewa. the Anasazi were skilled farmers and basket makers as well. they were great designers and builders as well their settlements were built high above river valleys along the walls of Canyons. they were protected from their enemies this way.Some of their buidings were 5 stories high and had up to 800 rooms!Ground level dwellings were built without doors. The upper levels wer reached by ladders. that could be pulled easier in case of an attack. in most of the rooms family members lived worked and slept.The Anasazi practiced domestication of animals they  used dogs to guard their homes. they used turkeys as food source as well. they were deeply religious people who believed in  super natural beings.

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    Dept of PMM Artists & things

    The Archaic age lasted from 8000 bce to12oo bce.During this time  native Americans worked hard adjusting to the changing environment. They looked for new sources of food and developed  better technology. Western Archanic  native americans lived in a dry and barren region where animal and crops were in short supply. They were Nomadic   traveling in small groups they had to move all the time to find food. life was very hard for them. Eastern Archanic  native Americans  on the other hand  had a lot easier. they Prospered  throught this era. They lived and developed cultures in a part of the country that  had forests  lakes and plenty of fish, game and crops. men did the hunting and woman  made the animal skins into clothing. The  native Americans did better in the east did then the ones in the west. archaic  Native americans lived in small groups were always on the go. The leaders were selected from among the  best hunters of them , Most of the early native Americans choose leaders who were closely related such as a brother. in this way they hoped leaders would coperate for the good of the entire group. both sets of Archaic  native Americans struggled  hard to improve their  life style. they Became more  then just hunters. They fished when  possible they also gathered crops as well.  The Archaic  native Americans made advances in  farming .They adapted wild plants. the ones who knew how to raise crops  no longer wandered.