Last year I offered to help another artist/crafter with a number of projects that had been started. After showing how to do a few things. Things went apart for a bit. Then the opportunity for me to take the items and work upon them. This was agreed upon for where I was to be in MI. That turned into a breaking of words and telling me I could not do as I had been told I could. Another event came and went.
And packing items up brought to Columbus with me several projects to be finished. But thus also was a screwed up action. For within the rush to pack and get on the road. I took the materials and items I was asked to work on. In my mind I was to finish these items for this person. In theirs I was to give them back. Now a state away and finding this mis communication and understanding failure. I have started to work upon them. May this reseal the friendship I had started to forge with the artist/crafter. And as well show them I meant not to steal not take from them. But intended to do as I had stated and finish these items for them.
Currently I have three items started. and will show of these items. Also a fourth has been marked out as well ready to be cut forth, shaped and hilted. I have several others to do the alike with. As well as a certain number or multi twisted items of torc style wrist and neck which will be simple copper and brass accented. I hope this will show my good intentions and the worthiness to once again gain this artist/crafter as a friend and once again be able to claim them as such.
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Ideas thoughts and maybes of the starting process
Jul 21, 2012
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
Bolo rough guard before hilt and shape. Mild steel guard will be more of a oval like when get done shape. Thinking more bamboo for handle as well.
Aug 24, 2012
Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler
got antler some what secured, have to redo top edge. Holes marked for pins need to drill all the way now and pin. then finish shape and touch up.
Sep 15, 2012