Pre European History for North American People

Pre 1600 knowledge, myth, lore, ways, & history upon the Native Peoples of the North Western Part of the world. Trying to relearn the teaching stories & ways of the past.

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  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Language is a vehicle for carrying spirit, life, and family. Language, religion, and land base are three things that characterize culture."
    -- Edmund Ladd, ZUNI PUEBLO
    The Elders say we need to know the answers to three questions in order for us to be connected; the Earth, the Sky, the East, the West, the South, and the North. The three questions are: 1. Why are we? 2. Who are we? 3. Where are we going? If we know the language, if we have our spirituality, and if we can pray on sacred spots, then we are able to seek the answer to the questions. We must protect the language, religion, and land so our future generations can stay connected.

    Great Spirit, help us maintain our language, spirit, family, religion and our Mother Earth

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The battle for Indian children will be won in the classroom, not on the streets or on horses. The students of today are our warriors of tomorrow."
    -- Wilma P. Mankiller, CHEROKEE
    The world is constantly changing. One of the strengths of Indian people has been our adaptability. In today's world, education is what we need to survive. We need doctors, lawyers, teachers, scientists. We can become these things and still live in a cultural way. We need to live in two worlds; the educated world and the Indian cultural world. Education will help protect our land, our people's health, and provide knowledge for our people. We must teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. Also, we must teach the language, the culture, the ceremony, and the tradition of our people.

    Creator, let me remember You are my teacher

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "If you don't know the language, you'll only see the surface of the culture...the language is the heart of the culture and you cannot separate it."
    -- Elaine Ramos, TLINGIT
    The Creator gave to every person their own special way to communicate and understand. Indians understand connectedness, balance, harmony, spirituality, and the relationship to Mother Earth. The understanding of these things is expressed in the language. The true understanding of culture is expressed in the language. The language is the heart of the people. If we have not learned the language, we need to find a teacher.

    Great Spirit, help me to learn the culture. Let me pray and sing to You in my language

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "I don't think that anybody anywhere can talk about the future of their people or of an organization without talking about education. Whoever controls the education of our children controls our future, the future of the Cherokee people, and of the Cherokee Nation."
    -- Wilma P. Mankiller, CHEROKEE
    The world has changed in the last 50 years. It will change even more in the next 50 years, and it will change even faster. We must educate ourselves to ensure our future generations will maintain the language and the culture of our people. We need to be concerned about our land because when our land goes away, so will our people. We need to be concerned about leadership, our families, and about alcoholism. We need to be concerned about what's going on around the world. We can only do this by being educated. Then we can control our future.

    Great Spirit, please guide our children; let me know how I can help

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "My Grandfather survived on this earth without using anything that did not go back into the earth. The whole world could learn from that."
    -- Floyd Westerman, SIOUX
    Our grandfathers knew how to live in harmony. They did not create poisons or technologies that destroyed things. They did not make their decisions based on greed or for selfish reasons. They did not take more then they used. Their thoughts and actions were about respect. The Elders conducted themselves in a respectful way. We need to consider our actions around respect for Mother Earth.

    My Creator, have the grandfathers teach us today about the old ways

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The hearts of little children are pure, and therefore, the Great Spirit may show to them many things which older people miss."
    -- Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa) OGLALA LAKOTA
    Sometimes adults think they know more than the children. But the children are closer to the truth. Have you ever noticed how quickly they can let go of resentments? Have you ever noticed how free they are of prejudice? Have you ever noticed how well the children listen to their bodies? Maybe adults need to be more like children. They are so innocent. The children pray to the Creator and trust that He will take care of them.

    Grandfather, today let the children be my teacher

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Our Spiritual belief is that we were created as part of the land - so our identity, our names, and our songs are all tied to the land."
    -- Chief Roderick Robinson, NISGA'A
    In the traditional way, the names of native people had great meaning. We even had naming ceremonies. The naming of someone was very important and had great significance because it was tied to the Earth. The identity of each member and the teachings of the songs were all tied to Mother Earth. We need to know these teachings from our culture. This knowledge will help us heal the people.

    My Maker, today help me find my identity

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Mother earth, Sacred one

    Ogii manidoo

    Look at our brokenness.  

    ganawaabandan giinitamawind biigoshkaa  

    We know that in all creation

    gikendan miziwekamig

    Only the human family     

    eta-anishinaabe doodem

    Has strayed from the Sacred Way

    nagadan  izhitwaawin

     We know that we are the ones Who are divided

    gizendan bezhigwan daashkaa

    And we are the ones who must come back together

     bezhigwan asigisidoon

    To walk in the Sacred Way

     wiidosem  izhitwaawin

     Mother earth,Sacred One,

    Ogii manidoo

    Teach us love, compassion and honor  

    gikinoo'amaagoowin  zaagi', ganawendan

    That we may heal the earth


    And heal each other.


  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "We do not want riches, but we want to train our children right. Riches would do us no good. We could not take them with us to the other world. We do not want riches, we want peace and love."
    -- Red Cloud, OGLALA LAKOTA
    The Elders say that what is important is peace and love. To have material things is okay, but if not, that's okay too. To have peace and love is more important than anything material. Our children will see the value of peace and love only if adults show they are a priority. Too often we think we can offer material things and they will replace the time spent with our children. But the most important way to give our children peace and love is to spend time with them.

    My Creator, give me Your peace and love today

  • miyoko canter

    yes i agree,thats what i want

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Power is not manifested in the human being. True power is in the Creator."
    -- Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA
    The Old Ones say the only true power is spiritual power. Sometimes our egos tell us we have power but really we don't. Great Spirit power is called by other names such as love, forgiveness, intelligence, life, principles, and laws. When the Creator uses this power to make the human being powerful, we must stay humble. We should constantly acknowledge that we are who we are. We do what we do because of the power of the Great One.

    Great One, guide me to use Your power well. I will use it only to serve the people

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Humbleness means peace and honesty -- both mean Hopi. True, honest, perfect words -- that's what we call Hopi words. In all languages, not just in Hopi. We strive to be Hopi. We call ourselves Hopi because maybe one or two of us will become Hopi. Each person must look into their heart and make changes so that you may become Hopi when you reach your destination."
    -- Percy Lomaquahu, HOPI
    The Creator has made available to us all the laws, principles and values which we need to know to live in harmony. The Creator also designed each human being to learn and grow by trial and error. We have tools to help us live the right way. We have prayers, visions, nature, teachers, Elders, and we have the Great Spirit to talk to and ask for help when we have problems. We also have choice. To walk the Red Road takes courage and a lot of prayer.

    Creator, give me courage to walk the Red Road

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Where there is vision, the people live. They are made rich in the things of the spirit; and then, as the logical next step, they are rich in human life.
    -- Phil Lane, Sr., YANKTON SIOUX
    Since the beginning of time, Indian people have been blessed with the ability and knowledge of the vision. The vision determines our future. The concept is, we move toward and become that which we think about. We have known that all visions are about the Great Spirit. They should include God's will in every area of our lives. We should have visions about our people, about healthy relationships, about helping others, about being happy, about being educated. Each day we should renew our vision. We should ask the Creator to give us a vision of what He wants us to be and where He wants us to go in our lives. We should be the seekers of vision.

    Great Spirit, give me a vision to follow today. Let me do Your will.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Money cannot buy affection."
    -- Mangas Coloradas, APACHE
    In these modern times we put too much emphasis on material things and on money. We believe that money is power. If we have money, people will respect us. If we have money, people will admire us. If we have money, we can have anything we want. Maybe we can purchase anything in the material world, but we cannot purchase anything in the Unseen World. The Unseen World is not for sale. It can only be given away. Love, affection, admiration, trust, respect, commitment -- these must be earned or given away. If we use these things from the Unseen World, we are using real power.

    My Creator, let me demonstrate Your power today. Let me be loving to all I meet

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In the absence of the sacred, nothing is sacred, everything is for sale."
    -- Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA
    The Elders often say that when something is sacred it has spiritual value. You'll hear, on the Earth there are sacred spots. You'll hear, our ceremonies are sacred, our children are sacred, marriage is sacred. When something is sacred it means it's so holy you can't attach a value to it. Therefore, it's not for sale. It's an insult to suggest buying something sacred. On the other hand, if we look at it differently, as there is no sacred land, ceremonies are not sacred, our children are not sacred, etc., then everything is for sale. Sacredness creates spiritual space. Sacredness makes things holy. Sacredness shows respect for God.

    Great Spirit, let me honor things that are sacred

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "It's the most precious know absolutely where you belong. There's a whole emotional wrapping-around-of-you here. You see the same rock, tree, road, clouds, sun -- you develop a nice kind of intimacy with the world around you. To be intimate is to grow, to learn...[it] is absolutely fulfilling. Intimacy, that's my magic word for why I live here."
    -- Tessie Maranjo, SANTA CLARA PUEBLO
    Every human being, to be mentally healthy, must have the feeling of belonging. When we have a sense of belonging we can be intimate. We can feel. We can connect. If we cannot develop this feeling of belonging, then we will feel lost of disconnected. To be disconnected from life is like walking around during the day not knowing the Sun exists. To have the feelings of intimacy is warm, glowy, joyful, loving, and connected. The feeling this Elder is talking about is available to everyone.

    Great Spirit, let me be intimate

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "We're sitting on our blessed Mother Earth from which we get our strength and determination, love and humility, all the beautiful attributes that we've been given. So turn to one another; love one another; respect one another; respect Mother Earth; respect the waters-because that's life itself!"
    -- Phil Lane, Sr. YANKTON SIOUX
    Our entire point of view can be altered by making one change to align with the principles of the Great Spirit. Let's say we decide to become respectful. As we become respectful, our attitude will change. We will automatically draw into our lives knowledge about the other principles of the Great Spirit such as love, appreciation, trust, beauty, and peace of mind. By focusing on these principles, we will let go of selfishness, self centeredness, self pity, dishonesty, and fear. You focus on respect, you get respect; you focus on love, you get love; you focus on the Red Road, you get peace of mind.

    Great Spirit, let me learn the lessons of respect

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Things would go well for us if we would think positively about everything."
    -- Mary Hayes, CLAOQUOT
    Each of our thoughts are like individual seeds. These thoughts will plant our life garden. Whatever our thoughts, they grow in our gardens. Each day we will process about 50,000 thoughts or thought seeds. Positive thoughts will produce positive results. Have you ever been aware of what you are thinking about during the day? Of the possible 50,000 thoughts in one day - if the positive thoughts were flowers and the negative thoughts were weeds - how would your garden look at the end of the day?

    Great Spirit, let me plant positive seeds

  • Rev. Allen M. Drago ~ Traveler

    "People and nations who understand the Natural Law are self-governing, following the principles of love and respect that insure freedom and peace."
    -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NAVAJO-HOPI Joint Use Area
    The Natural Laws work hand-in-hand with the circle. Each part of a circle will look to the center and will see something different. For example, if you put an irregular shaped object in the center of a circle and you have people standing in a circle around the object, each one will describe it differently. Everyone in the circle will be right. Only by honoring and respecting everyone's input, can the truth about the object be revealed. We need to learn to honor differences.

    My Creator, let me honor all differences

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In our traditional ways, the woman is the foundation of the family."
    -- Haida Gwaii Traditional Circle of Elders
    We must pay attention to the role of the woman in the family. She is the heartbeat of the family. She should be respected and treated in a sacred manner. We should listen to her guidance. We should help make her role easier by helping with chores or just telling her how much we appreciate her.

    Great Spirit, I ask you to bless all the moms

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Someone must speak for them. I do not see a delegation for the four footed. I see no seat for eagles. We forget and we consider ourselves superior, but we are after all a mere part of the Creation."
    -- Oren Lyons, ONONDAGA
    Whenever we make decisions, we need to look around to see who would be affected. If we change the course of a river, who, what will be affected? If we put poison on the gardens, who, what will be affected? If wee cut the trees and too many are cut, who, what will be affected? We need to become aware of the consequences of our actions. We need to pay attention to our thoughts. We are accountable to our children to leave the Earth in good shape.

    My Creator, help me make right decisions

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Life, the circle, a measurement with no beginning and no end."
    -- Phillip Deere, MUSKOGEE-CREEK
    The circle teaches us how the Creator made things and how to live. It teaches us how we should look at creation. Life travels in a circle. In the East is the baby, to the South is the youth, in the West is the adult and in the North is the Elder. Then we return to the Earth Mother to start the cycle again. We observe what is `around us' from the center of the circle. This develops our point of view. We must be careful not to become self-centered.

    Great Spirit, let me observe life from the circle's point of view

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "People say that crisis changes people and turns ordinary people into wiser or more responsible ones."
    -- Wilma Mankiller, CHEROKEE
    There is a saying, conflict precedes clarity. The Medicine Wheel teachings say, in order for something to change it must first go through a struggle. When a crisis enters our lives, other powers are there to help us. We will learn some lessons. Will I honor and respect the next crisis?

    Great Spirit, if a crisis occurs today, let me learn the lessons of wisdom

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The Natural Law is a spiritual law. Its powers are both light and dark."
    -- Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman Traditional Circle of Elders
    There are some characteristics that are evident in the system which the Creator made. He made balance, harmony, and polarity. In other words, every (+) plus has a (-) minus. Every positive has a negative; every up has a down; every problem has a solution. The Spiritual Law is the same - it has light and dark. Both are good, so both need to be honored. Lessons can be learned on both sides.

    Great Spirit, teach me the powers of the Natural Laws

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Sometimes dreams are wiser then waking."
    -- Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa), OGLALA
    The Great Spirit has many ways of communicating with the human being. He talks to us through the five senses; sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. For example, we can observe nature and see a lesson or get an answer. These five senses function primarily in the physical world. But we also have the ability to receive communication from the Unseen World. To do this we have a sixth sense. It comes in the form of dreams, imagination, intuition, inspiration, or a hunch. Along with the dream or intuitive thought there is a feeling, a knowing. We just know it's true without the need for proof. We need to pay attention to our dreams and intuition. Don't cast them off as being silly or useless. Be respectful to our dreams and feelings.

    Creator, if you speak to me through dreams, let me know it in terms I can understand

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The smarter a man is the more he needs God to protect him from thinking he knows everything."
    -- George Webb, PIMA
    A spiritual person needs to be careful. The more confident we are, the more likely our egos will get us into trouble. It's relatively easy to become self-righteous. We start to think we are teachers and others are students. We start to judge others. We start, very subtlely at first, to play God. After a while we really get good at it. This is very dangerous. We need to remind ourselves, we are here to do God's will. We need to pray every morning. Each day we need to check in with God to see what He would have us do. At night we need to spend time with God and review our day. By doing these things, we will stay on track.

    My Creator, guide my path and show me how to correct my life

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Listen to the howl of our spiritual brother, the wolf, for how it goes with him, so it goes for the natural world."
    -- Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders
    If we watch nature, we can tell a lot about what is going on in the world. The animals and the plants are great teachers. Some time ago, crops were sprayed with a poison to kill the insects. Other animals ate the insects. The small animals were eaten by the Eagles and the Wolves. We live in an interconnected system. What we do to one, we do to all. If our spiritual brothers are living in balance, chances are we humans are also living in balance.

    Great Spirit, let me listen to my Earth teachers, the plants and the animals.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In the end I tell my children, there's no way I can tell you how to be an Acoma, how to be an Indian. You have to experience it."
    -- Stanley Paytiamo, ACOMA PUEBLO
    Each person must make their own journey. It is like every human is given a life canoe. The canoe has one seat and one paddle. In order to get anything out of life we must be in the canoe and we must paddle down the river of life. Now, I can share with you how my journey has been, but I cannot paddle your canoe. You must paddle your own. Good luck!

    Creator, I'm so glad I have You to guide my path

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "I've had a long regard for generational things: pottery, cultural things, participation in dancing, and extended family. Only in that way does culture survive; only in that way is culture active.
    -- Tessie Naranjo, SANTA CLARA PUEBLO
    Culture teaches us how to live and it ensures that knowledge about life is handed down from generation to generation. Culture gives us the feeling of belonging. It helps us raise our family in a good way. It teaches us how to treat one another. Culture sets boundaries for societies. We need to develop our culture. If we have left our culture, then we need to come back to it. Culture leads us back to the Great Spirit. Sometimes in our lives, we leave what we know works and experiment with something else. Then we get into trouble. So we need to come back home. Indian people are lucky to have a culture to return to.

    Creator, thank you for the culture. Let me live it today

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "And that, I guess, is what it all boils down to; do the right thing, everything goes fine; do the wrong thing, everything's a mess."
    -- Robert Spott, YUROK
    The Elders say every person is born with free will and every person has a specific purpose to accomplish during their lifetime. When our life is relatively free from obstacles we are walking the path of God's will. If our life is full of obstacles, we are not doing the will of God. Often, the Great Spirit guides us through a system of coincidences. We need to pay attention to coincidences. If we are aware of these, we often can recognize the path which God is showing us. We need to pray and ask Him to show us the path in terms we can understand.

    Oh, Great Mystery, let me recognize the coincidences

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "A man should rely on his own resources; the one who so trains himself is ready for any emergency."
    -- Oral Tradition, OMAHA
    Man is designed to function independently and to rely on the Creator for his resources. If we build our relationship with the Great Spirit, we are ready when emergencies occur. We need to build a trusting relationship with the Creator. We do this by constantly talking with the Creator. It's good to talk to Him many times a day. Then we will realize, even though we can't see Him, that He is always with us and He is ready to respond to our requests.

    God, let me remember to talk to You many times today

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "We as men should not fear our mates; we should listen to their counsel."
    -- Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders
    The Elders say the men should look at women in a sacred way. The men should never put women down or shame them in any way. When we have problems, we should seek their counsel. We should share with them openly. A woman has intuitive thought. She has access to another system of knowledge that few men develop. She can help us understand. We must treat her in a good way.

    Great Spirit, let me look upon the woman in a good way

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The Natural Law will prevail regardless of man-made laws, tribunals, and governments."
    -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NAVAJO-HOPI Joint Use Area
    The Great Spirit made Laws by which Man needs to live. These Laws are just and are about living in harmony. Man has passed many laws that say it is okay to do things. Many of these man-made laws are out of harmony with the Laws of the Great Spirit. These man-made laws will cause trouble for the human being if they are out of harmony with the Laws of the Creator.

    Great Spirit, teach me Your Laws

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Come forward and join hands with us in this great work for the Creator."
    -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE
    The Elders have spent years learning to pray and communicate with the Great Spirit. Their job is to pass this knowledge onto the young people. The Elders have told us we are now in a great time of healing. The Creator is guiding them to help the young people figure this out. We must get involved and participate. We should pray and see what it is the Great Spirit wants us to do. We need to sacrifice our time to help the people and to be of maximum use to the Creator. Every person is needed to accomplish this great healing.

    Creator, whisper what You want me to do

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Peace... comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the Universe dwells Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."
    -- Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa) OGLALA SIOUX
    If we are to know peace we must look within ourselves. In order to do this, we must learn to be still. We must quiet the mind. We must learn to meditate. Meditation helps us locate and find the center that is within ourselves. The center is where the Great One resides. When we start to look for peace, we need to realize where it is within ourselves. When we experience conflict we need to pause for a moment and ask the Power within ourselves, "How do you want me to handle this? What would you suggest I do in this situation?" By asking the High Power for help we find peace.

    Creator, help me to find peace

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In order for our children to survive in the world, they need a firm understanding and belief in the basic principles of sharing freedom and respect of individuality."
    -- Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
    There is a saying: Tell me, I'll forget; Show me, I'll remember; Engage me; I'll understand. The adults need to determine what the younger generation is learning. The principle of sharing keeps the youth from being greedy and selfish. The principle of freedom teaches the youth about choices, decisions and consequences. The principle of respect keeps us from playing God and becoming a controller of all things. We need to learn these lessons so we may demonstrate them for our children.

    Great Teacher, help me to understand Your principles

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In our language there is no word to say inferior or superiority or equality because we are equal; it's a known fact. But life has become very complicated since the newcomers came here. And how does your spirit react to it?. It's painful. You have to be strong to walk through the storm. I know I'm a bridge between two worlds. All I ask is for people to wash their feet before they try to walk on me."
    -- Alanis Obomsawin, ABENAKI
    For native people who speak their language, English can be very confusing. Many times you cannot express in English the true meaning of Indian words. When we hear something in English we sometimes react or our spirit reacts. Sometimes we need to use English words out of order to express our true meanings. We need to be patient and pray. Living in two worlds can be difficult. Life is painful sometimes. The pain of life is where the lessons are learned.

    Creator, let me learn the lessons You have taught my people

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "People are equal partners with the plants and animals, not their masters who exploit them."
    -- Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
    As human beings, we are not above anything nor are we below anything. Because of being equal, we need to discuss a little about the value of respect. Not just respect when it comes to human beings, but respect when it comes to everything. We are not masters over things; we are caretakers for the Great Spirit. We need to treat all things with respect.

    Great Spirit, let me accept and see all things as equal

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Male and female is fundamental to life; partners in work to be done."
    -- Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders
    The Great Spirit created a system which would allow us to reproduce, to have companionship, to love, to laugh, to cry, and be happy. Man and Woman each have gifts the other doesn't have. But, together they have these gifts to share with each other. The Great Spirit made it this way. So let us treat each other with respect. Let us look upon each other in a sacred way.

    Grandfather, Grandmother, bring the spirits to teach us

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Hear me! A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong."
    -- Tecumseh, SHAWNEE
    You can take one arrow and break it in half. But if you take 12 arrows in a bundle, it's almost impossible to break any of them. There is strength in Unity. When we are together we are very powerful. This is the way the ancestors told us we need to be. Strong. We need to unite ourselves. This is why the Elders say, when we make decisions, we must first consider the good of the people. If every person in the community thinks this way, then we will always make strong decisions.

    Creator, let my decisions have the strength of the bundle

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "If you have one hundred people who live together, and if each one cares for the rest, there is One Mind."
    -- Shining Arrows, CROW
    One of the principles of Community is Unity. The alignment of thoughts in groups of people will cause One Mind to form. One Mind is Unity. Each individual in the community must align their thoughts with what other members are thinking. If all the people think of helping one another, then the community will be service oriented and powerful results will be enjoyed. Having our thoughts aligned within a group will cause our children to experience a positive environment. When they have children, the grandchildren will automatically experience these results also.

    My Creator, help me to contribute to positive group thought

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Parents have to demonstrate the value of trust, respect, and honor."
    -- Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
    Children learn more by watching than by listening. If we want our children to understand and value trust, they know it by watching how adults live their lives! If we want the children to be respectful, they will observe what the adults do and say to each other. We need to walk our talk. We need to remember the children are watching.

    Grandfather, help me learn these important values: Trust, Respect, and Honor

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Flexible strength is better than inflexible. Let the storm flow over you, and then pop back up."
    -- Michael Kabotie, HOPI
    Flexibility is taught by nature. You will see the trees bend in the wind. You will see that tree branches are flexible. To be rigid is to break. When we have life problems it is good for us to be flexible. Sometimes we need to flow with what is going on. If we resist, it becomes more painful. We need to be on the path of least resistance. Water flows down the mountain through the path of least resistance. Electricity flows through the path of least resistance. Power flows through the path of least resistance. As Indian people our strength has always been our flexibility.

    Creator, I will be flexible today because I know You are with me

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "He [The Great Spirit] only sketches out the path of life roughly for all the creatures on earth, shows them where to go, where to arrive, but leaves them to find their own way to get there. He wants them to act independently according to their nature, to the urges of each of them.
    -- Lame Deer, LAKOTA
    Every person is created with purpose and with direction. This purpose and direction is written in our hearts when we are conceived. In addition, we are given access to a quiet guidance system which helps us find our purpose and our direction. We need to recognize this guidance system. It's called intuition, the quiet voice, urges, the knowing, or the feeling. Once we locate our purpose and direction, we are given skills, talents and abilities that are unique to only ourselves. We must practice daily prayer and meditation with God to find this information. To be solid and confident in ourselves, we always need to be able to answer three questions: why am I?, who am I?, and where am I going? If I can answer these three questions, I always know I'm OK!

    Great Spirit, show me my path of life

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    It's not the package and the wrapping which counts but what is inside, underneath the clothes and the skin."
    -- Lame Deer, LAKOTA
    Our eyes and ears gather information that is fed to the mind, and we tend to form judgements, opinions, and assumptions which determine our perception. We might see someone act a certain way, then label that person forever, not at all concentrating on what is inside the person. It matters not our height, our size, our facial features, or our gender. What matters is our thoughts. Good thoughts overcome all obstacles.

    Great Spirit, let my inside contain Your qualities

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "From Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, there came a great unifying life force that flowed in and through all things: the flowers of the plains, blowing winds, rocks, trees, birds, animals, and was the same force that had been breathed into the first man. Thus all things were kindred, and were brought together by the same Great Mystery."
    -- Chief Luther Standing Bear, SIOUX
    The Great Spirit has six things that make up this life force. They are life, love, intelligence, soul, principle, and truth. These are the reasons the life cycle continues. None of this can be altered by man, but we can have access to these powers any time we wish. Just think about it - anytime I have a need I can access one or more of these powers."

    Oh Great Mystery, let me know how to use these powers. Today, let me love life, let me know truth, let me live by principle, and let me follow Your intelligence

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Believing people can soar beyond ordinary life."
    -- Fools Crow, LAKOTA
    We are created by God to be vision people. First we set the goal and then we see. If we create within ourselves a picture or vision and we hold that picture or vision in our mind, whatever we picture will show up in our reality. If we can see ourselves being educated, then schools and teachers will show up in our lives. If we picture in our mind a positive, spiritual person to be in our lives, we will attract this type of person in our relationships. How big can our dreams be?

    Great Spirit, let my visions today be Your vision. Put within me a vision of the being you would have me be. Then help me to keep the vision in my mind

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "The way of knowledge is like our old way of hunting. You begin with a mere trail - a footprint. If you follow that faithfully, it may lead you to a clearer train - a track - a road. Later on there will be many tracks, crossing and diverging one from the other. Then you must be careful, for success lies in the choice of the right road."
    -- Many Lightenings Eastman, SANTEE SIOUX
    An entire apple tree is initially contained in the seed. Visions are initially contained in the idea. If you trace the path of a blooming flower backwards, it goes from the blooming flower back to a bud, back to a stem, back to a seed. So it is in the way of knowledge. Often we will experience a hunch or a feeling that we are supposed to do something. At first it may not make any sense. This is the seed stage. Once we start to investigate, more gets revealed. As more is revealed, the more knowledge we get. This is the way the Great Spirit guides us.

    Great Spirit, help me to choose the right choices

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "When you see a new trail, or a footprint that you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing."
    -- Grandmother of Charles Eastman, SANTEE SIOUX
    We never gain new knowledge or new experience unless we are willing to take risks. It's good to be curious. Also, it pays to be cautious. Walk in balance. The path of the Warrior is filled with opportunities to seek new knowledge. As we travel down the Red Road, we will run into trails of opportunity. Down each of these trails are experiences from which we will learn. Experience plus action is the beginning of knowledge."

    Great Spirit, help me to make good choices in choosing only the trails You would have me take

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "I believe that being a medicine man, more than anything else, is a state of mind, a way of looking at and understanding this earth, a sense of what it is all about."
    -- Lame Deer, LAKOTA
    The Medicine Wheel explains different ways of looking at the world. The four directions are the East, the South, the West, and the North. In the East is the view of the eagle. The eagle flies high and sees the earth from that point of view. The South is the direction of the mouse. Moving on the earth, the mouse will not see what the eagle sees. Both the eagle and the mouse see the truth. The West is the direction of the bear. The bear will see different from the mouse and the eagle. From the North comes the point of view of the bison. To be a Medicine Man you must journey through all points of view and develop the mind to see the interconnectedness of all four directions. This takes time, patience, and an open mind. Eventually, you understand there is only love.

    Great Spirit, today, allow my mind to stay open