Pre European History for North American People

Pre 1600 knowledge, myth, lore, ways, & history upon the Native Peoples of the North Western Part of the world. Trying to relearn the teaching stories & ways of the past.

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    "My father told me that Hopi earth does contain my roots and I am, indeed, from that land. Because my roots are there, I will find them."
    -- Wendy Rose, HOPI/MIWOK
    Everything that comes from the earth will return to the earth. We should be able to realize the connectedness to the earth. We should be able to feel toward Her just like She is our real Mother. We can easily feel this connectedness if we can answer these three questions: why am I?, who am I?, and where am I going? If we cannot answer these questions, then perhaps we need to talk to the Elders. Go to the Elders and ask, "Grandfather, why am I?; Grandmother, who am I?; Oh Great One, where am I supposed to go?" The Elders will help us with these three questions.

    Grandfather, help me to stay centered today

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    "For me writing has become prayers that say, `Great Spirit, return to us our freedom, our land, and our lives. We are thankful for the present from which we learn how to be thankful for the past, and how to be hopeful for the future."
    -- Barney Bush, SHAWNEE
    We Native people have really been tested. This testing is having our land taken from us, our culture challenged, and our way of living altered. Gratefully, we have not lost our spirituality. Our spirituality has been the key for our people making it through all of these tests. Our prayers are strong. Indian people have also been able to adjust to change and still keep their culture and spirituality. Today, we should be grateful to the Creator for the present and for the lessons of the past. May our future be guided by the Great Spirit.

    Great Spirit, thank You for Mother Earth and Father Sky. Thank You for my life

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    "The voice and the heart are not working together."
    -- Barney Bush, SHAWNEE
    We can say any words we want with our voice but we cannot hide the true meaning and the true spirit behind the words. The true meaning is always understood. The voice is heard in the physical world, but the meaning is transmitted in the spiritual world. If our voice says one thing but the heart is saying something else, it's the something else that is heard. It is said that the truth will set you free. Reaching the truth means your voice and your words will be in alignment with the heart.

    Great Spirit, let my tongue, speak the truth today

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    "The beginning is purification, that's the first step. And purification means purification of body and mind. You don't purify the body without cleansing the mind; that's the way it works."
    -- Rolling Thunder, CHEROKEE
    If we have bad thoughts or poison in our minds, they will eventually show up in our bodies in the form of headaches, pains, and stomach problems. It works this way because we are interconnected. Our minds and our bodies are one system. So when we start to grow, or commit to the Red Road, we need to start cleaning up our thoughts and start showing respect for our bodies. We start purifying our minds by prayer and meditation, and we start cleansing our bodies by getting the right amount of sleep and developing good eating habits. Today, I'm going to observe my thoughts. Will my thoughts be clean today?

    Great Spirit, let me focus on Your love today so my mind will be pure

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    "Ultimately, nature will do the teaching."
    -- Tom Porter, MOHAWK
    There are things man has control over, and there are things man does not have control over. No matter how smart we get, whether it be in technology or science, there are things we will never control. The Great Spirit carefully protected and hid the control over certain things in the Unseen World. There are forces in the Unseen World that make sure humans don't mess things up. The bottom line is, no matter what we do, nature will have the last say. Nature is the teacher, we are the students. May we honor and respect our teacher.

    Great Spirit, today, help me to live in harmony with people, principles, and life

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    "And there are Four Corners of the Earth that we talk about, the Four Colors of people, and the Four Winds. You see the winds - they are spirits."
    -- Grandfather William Commanda, ALGONQUIN
    The Elders teach us about the four directions. If we learn about direction, we also learn about attention, about focus, and about power. Each direction has spiritual power. In the morning, go outside, face the east and get still; then, listen to your thoughts. After you have done this for a while, turn and face the west. Get quiet once again and listen to your thoughts. Did your thinking change when you changed direction?

    Great Spirit, teach me the power of the four directions

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    "We are responsible for the condition of the Earth. We are the ones who are responsible and we can change that. If we wake up, it is possible to change the energy. It is possible to change everything."
    -- Hunbatz Men, MAYAN
    The environment we want outside will be created by the mental pictures we have inside our heads. We must have the right environmental picture as well as the right values. These values will give the mental picture its true meaning. If we respected Mother Earth, we would not throw garbage on Her, nor would we put poison in Her. We would not misuse Her in any way. Mother Earth is like She is today because of the mental pictures of previous generations as well as the mental pictures of our own generation. If we want the environment to change, each individual must change their mental picture. "As within, so without."

    Great Spirit, today, let me be alert to Your guiding voice

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    "Balance is implicit in the Red Road. When you're on the Red Road, you are in the center. Yet, you do not go to either extreme, and you allow both sides to exist. This is accomplished by continually postponing surrendering to temptation, whatever it may be. It is saying `later' instead of `no.'"
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    The Sacred Path of life has a middle, a left side, and a right side. As human beings, we are designed to walk this middle path as much as we can. As we walk, we will stray to the left and to the right and come back to the middle. Straying to the left or right side is as sacred as being in the middle. Sometimes we call this straying our mistakes. We are designed by the Creator to walk the Sacred Path of life, and realize that our mistakes are the source of lessons. These lessons give us our wisdom. It is not wrong that we are tempted. What matters is what we do with the temptation.

    Great Spirit, today, let me enjoy the Sacred Path of Life

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    "The concept that we are all related is one of the basic philosophies of D/Lakota religion."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    The Medicine Wheel teaches the four directions of the races, Red people, Yellow people, Black people and White people. These four directions are symbolic of all races. Everything in the circle is connected and related. All races are brothers and sisters. If we are related to each other, then it is important to love one another as brother and sister, aunt and uncle, Fathers and Mothers, Grandfathers and Grandmothers. We need to care for each other and especially respect each other. We need to honor one another's differences whether that difference is the color of our skin or our opinions. We should respect differences.

    My Creator, let me feel the connectedness to all things. Let me know the lessons I need to learn today. Above all, let me feel my connectedness to You

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    "I went to a holy man and asked him for help. He told me to get on the Red Road. Pray to Wakan-Tanka (Great Spirit) to help you walk the Red Road."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    All Indian traditions, customs and ceremonies help us answer three questions: who am I?, why am I?, and where am I going? Only on the Red Road can we find the answer to these three questions. When we can answer these three questions, we are on the Red Road. When we cannot, we have gone astray. That is why the Holy Men tell us to pray to the Great Spirit and to seek the Red Road. Why am I? My purpose is the serve the Great Spirit. Who am I? I am an Indian who walks the Red Road. Where am I going? My vision is to serve my people.

    Great Spirit, when I know You, only then do I know me. Help me today to know You

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    "The old people say, `Learn from your mistakes'. So I try to accept everything for what it is and to make the best of each situation one day at a time."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    The Creator did not design us to beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. Mistakes are our friends. It is from mistakes that we learn. The more mistakes we learn from, the faster we gain wisdom. The faster we gain wisdom, the more we love. The more we love, the fewer our mistakes. Therefore, mistakes help us to learn love. God is love. Mistakes are sacred and help us learn about God's will for ourselves.

    Great Spirit, help me, today, to learn from my mistakes

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    "The symbol of wholeness, represented by the medicine wheel, is still being used in D/Lakota ceremonies today. The center where the "X" crosses is considered the home of Tunkasila, Wakan-Tanka, God. I speculated, `If this is the symbol of wholeness, the symbol of the psyche, with Wakan-Tanka at the center, then Wakan-Tanka or God would be within you.'"
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    The Medicine Wheel represents everything. All the directions originate from the center outward. The center is the home of the Creator. The Medicine Wheel represents the human being. At our center is the home of the Great Spirit. This is why we are spiritual. The easiest way for us to find God and talk to Him, is for us to become centered. This means, relax our bodies, still our minds, let go of our emotions and listen quietly. Shhh. Be still.

    My Creator, let me walk in the stillness today

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    "I know Grandpa told me that to smoke is wakan (holy). The smoke you inhale represents the spirits of everything you put into the pipe. When you breathe in the smoke, you are asking to become one with everything or to become whole."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Enhanamani), LAKOTA
    The smoke allows us to go from the Seen World to the Spirit World. It is in the Spirit World where we are all connected. In this way, we can become one with all things. Our pipe is sacred. We need to be respectful of our medicine. When we smoke the pipe, we need to have good thoughts because these thoughts are shared with the Spirit World. The pipe, the smoke, the spirits, our thoughts - these things are Wakan.

    Great Spirit, today, let my thoughts be Wakan

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    "In the life of the Indian there was only one inevitable duty, the duty of prayer, the daily recognition of the Unseen and Eternal. His daily devotions were more necessary to him than daily food."
    -- Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX
    The most important habit one can develop is the daily act of prayer. Prayer is our eyes, our ears, our feelings, our success, our guidance, our life, our duty, our goal. There really is only prayer and meditation. We can only help others through prayer. We can only help ourselves through prayer. You can never become an Elder unless you pray. You can never stay an Elder unless you pray. You never get wisdom unless you pray. You never understand unless you pray.

    Great Spirit, today, teach me to pray

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    "There's a deep wound in people - that they have been so cut off from the source of their being, their mother, their Earth Mother."
    -- Francis Story Talbott II (Medicine Story), WAMPANOAG
    When we are connected to the Earth Mother, or when we are clear on our purpose, we will feel connected and safe. We will feel love. When we are disconnected from the Earth Mother, or we don't know who we are or why we are, we will feel pain. It will be similar to a little child who has lost its Mother. We will hurt insid - we will be wounded within. If this happens to the whole community, the people will be very sad and lost. It will seem like there is death in the air. When this happens, it is time for ceremony and reconnection to God and Mother Earth. This is the time of prayer.

    Great Mystery, today, help me to stay connected to the Earth and to You, my Creator

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    "The sacred fire used to heat the rocks represents the eternal fire that burns at the center of the universe."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    Our Sweat Lodge represents the womb of Mother Earth. This is the place of forgiveness. The altar is the place where the Grandfathers are heated. The Sweat Lodge and the altar represent the whole story of the universe. The Sweat Lodge and the ceremonies are sacred. The Great Spirit gave these things to us to help us. He taught us to do the ceremonies in harmony with Mother Earth. We need to know and understand these things.

    Great Spirit, let me understand harmony.

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    "By listening to the inner self and following one's instincts and intuitions, a person may be guided to safety."
    -- Dr. A.C. Ross (Ehanamani), LAKOTA
    Be still and know. The Medicine Wheel teaches the four directions of inner power - not personal power, but the power of God. These four directions are emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. As our emotions get too far out of control, we simultaneously create an equivalent mental picture, our physical body fills with stress and tension, and we become spiritually confused. When we experience these uptight feelings, the best thing to do is mentally pause, slow down our thinking, breathe slowly, or pray and ask the spirits to help. Only when we approach the stillness of the mind do we get access to our spiritual guidance system. To be guided, let your mind be still.

    Creator, today, let me reside in Your stillness

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    "Each of us must know in our minds and believe in our hearts that even though we are different, you are like me and I am like you."
    -- Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA
    One of the definitions of humility is having an awareness of one's own character defects. To recognize and acknowledge that one has imperfections is being humble. We should never pray for ourselves unless by doing so it would help another person. To have self-importance puts self first and this is not humble. We each have strengths and we each have weaknesses. Both the strengths and weaknesses are sacred. Life is sacred. We learn sacred things from weaknesses also. Therefore, all lives are developed through trial and error, strength and weakness, ups and downs, gains and losses - all of these are part of life and life is sacred.

    Great Mystery, let me see and know about the sacredness of life

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    "We were taught generosity to the poor and reverence for the Great Mystery. Religion was the basis of all Indian training."
    -- Charles A. Eastman (Ohiyesa), SANTEE SIOUX
    Every Indian knows and has a feeling inside that, bottom line, our real purpose on earth is to be of service to our fellow man and to be of maximum service to the Great Spirit. The Creator designed the earth to be self supporting - everything is interconnected and all things were created to be of service to each other. The Indian way is to pray about all things. Religion is not separate from any part of our lives. Everything is spiritual and we are to view all matters in this way. Family is spiritual, work is spiritual, helping others is spiritual, our bodies are spiritual, our talk is spiritual, our thoughts are spiritual. We need to practice seeing all things as spiritual.

    Great Spirit, today let me help the needy and allow me the wisdom to have respect and reverence for Your teachings

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    "You have wandered away from your teachings. You must concentrate on your spiritual teachings...Don't be sidetracked."
    -- Henry Quick Bear, LAKOTA
    Why are the Elders always telling us to know The culture and listen to the teachings? When we go off track, why do the Elders say, return to the teachings? The teachings tell us how to live in harmony with the Laws and principles of the Great Spirit. Living means life – a good life, a happy life. Many of us have grown up without the teachings and the culture, that is why we don't know how to live. To improve on relationships, to treat our children with honor, and to respect our Elders, we need to live by the old teachings again.

    Great Spirit, today, show me how to live

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    "The manner with which we walk through life is each man's most important responsibility, and we should remember this with every new sunrise."
    -- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
    Every spiritual person should carry a vision of God's will in every area of their life. One day at a time, each morning at sunrise, we should spend time praying to the Creator. We should say something like, my Creator, this morning I ask you to show me, in terms I can understand, what you have for me to do. By doing this daily, over time, we will develop an unquestionable vision. Each person is responsible for taking the time to do this. It will bring great joy and peace of mind to those warriors who do.

    My Creator, give me the vision, today, of what you want me to do

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    "In our modern world today, we may seem like drowning men because of the loss of much of our spiritual tradition."
    -- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
    Our spiritual tradition shows us the way to live in harmony, balance and respect. The tradition taught us how to behave and how to conduct ourselves. The spiritual way taught us to pray and to purify ourselves. Handed down from generation to generation were the teachings about a way of life. Our relationship to Mother Earth and to each other was very clear. The Modern World does not relate to spirituality but to materialism. If we do not allow spirituality to guide our lives, we will be lost, unhappy and without direction. We are spiritual beings trying to be human, not human beings trying to be spiritual. It is said, Know thyself.

    Grandfather, lead me to spirituality

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    "Come forward and join hands with us in this great work for the Creator."
    -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE
    The Elders have spent years learning to pray and communicate with the Great Spirit. Their job is to pass this knowledge to the younger people. The Elders have told us we are now in a great time of Healing. The Creator is guiding the younger people to help them figure this out. We must get involved and participate. We should pray and see what it is the Great Spirit wants us to do. We need to sacrifice our time and do what is our mission – to help the people and be of maximum use to the Creator. Every person is needed to accomplish this great Healing.

    Creator, whisper what you want me to do

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    Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors; the dreams of our old men, given them in the solemn hours of night by the Great Spirit; and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people.
    -- Chief Seattle, SUQUAMISH
    Our Spiritual ways have carefully been given to chosen people. Slowly, through our past generations, through past conflicts, our Elders prayed for guidance, which the Creator provided. Then it was passed down to the next generation through culture, ceremony and oral traditions. Our Indian religion has been tested and is about how we should behave and treat other people, animals and the earth. This knowledge is written in the heart of every person. We can find this knowledge by looking inside ourselves.

    My Creator, today, when conflict occurs, I will look inside myself for the answers

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    "We must relearn how to cry. A strong man cries; it is the weak man who holds back his tears."
    -- Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA
    Indian men and other men should really meditate on this Elder's saying. So many men have been taught it is unmanly to cry, to show emotions or to feel. When people cry, the Elders say there are two types of tears – one type will taste salty; the other type will taste sweet. One is caused by pain, and the other is caused by the release from the pain, or joy tears. A strong man knows himself and knows his relationship with the Great Spirit. The release of tears is a spiritual act. Our bodies are designed to cry. We should honor our bodies and use them as the Creator intended.

    Great Spirit, Grandfather, today, teach me to cry

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Everything's so simple, and we make everything so complicated. That's why we're confused."
    -- Vickie Downey, TEWA/Tesuque Pueblo
    The Creator designed a very simple set of Laws for us to follow. If we follow these simple things, we'll be happy. If we don't follow these simple things, our lives become complicated. For example:
    • Respect Mother Earth
    • Love one another
    • Be truthful
    • Give to your brother and sisters
    • Be gentle with each other
    • Be happy

    Following these simple Laws will have great rewards.

    Great Spirit, let me lead a simple life

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    " have to believe it first. Not wait until you see it first, then touch it, then believe it...You have to say it from the heart."
    -- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
    We are designed to function from faith. First we pray. Then we use our imagination to create a vision or picture in our mind. We surround this mental picture with our emotions or feelings. These feelings are available when we ask or say it from the heart. The combination of the mental picture and asking from the heart to create the emotions will cause us to believe it. Then we just need to wait. We need to believe as though it is already done.

    Great Spirit, remove from me any doubt that comes up today.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Together we can end the Holocaust against the environment."
    -- Haida Gwaii, Traditional Circle of Elders
    We are all familiar with the Holocaust against the people. When this happens we feel bad and we vow never to let it happen again. We need to seriously examine what human beings are doing to the Earth and the environment. Many species are extinct and many more will become extinct during the next 10 years. We are methodically eliminating life that will never return again. Today, we should take time to pray real hard so we wake up before it is too late.

    Great Spirit, today, I pray for us to awaken to what we are doing

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    "Everything really is equal. The Creator doesn't look at me any better than He looks at the trees. We're all the same."
    -- Janice Sundown Hattet, SENECA
    Sometimes humans think we are the center of the Universe. Sometimes we think we are above or better than other people or things. The Great Spirit made a set of Laws and Principles by which all things should live. Everybody and everything lives by the same Laws. We are all made of atoms just like the trees. The life force in the middle of the atom is the life force of the Great Mystery. It is the same for everything. We are all equal in the eyes of the Creator.

    Great Spirit, today, I will respect your handiwork

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    "The very dust under your feet responds more lovingly to our footsteps than to yours, because it is the ashes of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch, for the soil is rich with the life of our kindred."
    -- Chief Seattle, SUQUAMISH
    If you respect something, it will respect you back. If your ancestors respected something, the future generations will be respected back. The Indian ancestors always showed great respect for the Earth. That's why the Earth is so respectful to Indians today. Every Indian naturally feels connectedness to the Earth. We know the Earth holds our ancestors. If we continue to respect Mother Earth, our children will benefit and so will our grand- children. Today, we should think about and pray for our Mother Earth.

    Grandmother, let me have strong feelings for our Earth today

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    "Women. They have the power of generations. Women have the power to have children and not to have children."
    -- Cecilia Mitchell, MOHAWK
    The Woman is not only the key to life; she is also the key to future generations. An Elder once joked that the Woman only needs the man for one night. We need to look at and respect the power of the Woman. She is special and we need to treat her that way.

    Great Spirit, today, let me show the greatest respect to our Women

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    "Everybody should pray together, cheer along, root along. That brings the circle together. Everything is together."
    -- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
    Life on the Earth can sometimes be very complicated. Sometimes we think we are alone in our problems. Sometime we even withdraw. Then the problems become even more difficult. We need to watch out for one another, to care for one another, to pray together, to encourage one another; and we need to support one another. Behaving in this manner will bring the circle together.

    Great Spirit, today, let me support my brothers and sisters.

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    "As we plunge ahead to build empires and race for supremacy we should stop and listen to [the female] song of life. For without the female there is no life."
    -- Oren R. Lyons, Spokesman, Traditional Circle of Elders
    Women are created with the ability to produce life. Women have a special tie to the Earth Mother. They have something in common. They are the source of life. The Earth Mother gives songs to the Woman to sing. These songs are about life, about beauty, about children, about love, about family, about strength, about caring, about nurturing, about forgiveness, about God. The World needs to pay attention and listen to Her. She knows.

    Great Spirit, let me listen to Her songs.

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    "You can pray for whatever you want, but it is always best to pray for others, not for yourself."
    -- John Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA
    When you are selfish and you pray, you are requesting things to flow only to you. When you are selfless, you are praying for things to flow to others. The old ones say this is the highest form of prayer. Praying this way is according to the Natural Laws.

    Great Spirit, today, let my thoughts be about others

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    "We know that in all creation, only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way."
    -- OJIBWA Prayer
    How have we gotten so far off track? What has happened to us? What is happening to our family? How did it happen so quickly? Every individual needs to answer these questions for themselves. What do we need to do to start living the Sacred Way again? Pray! Today I will start praying. I pray the Creator will lead all Native People to a great healing. I pray we'll be free from alcohol and drugs. I pray we will return to the culture, to spirituality and to unity.

    My Mother, help us to heal ourselves. Make us strong again

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    "With children we always have to think about seven generations to come but yet unborn."
    -- Janice Sundown Hattet, SENECA
    What we do today will effect the children seven generations form now. How we treat the Mother Earth will affect the children yet to be born. If we poison the water today, our children's children will be affected by the decision we made. Our children are the gateway to the future. Let us conscientiously think about the children and the seven generations to come.

    My Creator, I thank you for my ancestors, seven generations ago.

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    "People think other things are more important than prayer, but they are mistaken."
    -- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
    An Elder once said the most important thing you can do in the course of a day is to pray. If we get up late or oversleep, which is more important? Rush to work without praying or pray first and then go to work? The Elders say it's more important to pray. If we get angry, should we act on our anger or should we pray first? The Elders say it's more important to pray first. If, during the day, we face indecision, what should we do? PRAY. If, during the day, we become irritated or we experience fear, what should we do first? PRAY. The Warrior who prays first will lead a different life from those who pray last.

    Great Spirit, teach me to pray first!

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    "The old Lakota was wise. He knew that man's heart away from nature becomes hard; he knew the lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to a lack of respect for humans too. So he kept his youth close to its softening influence."
    -- Luther Standing Bear, OGLALA SIOUX
    When we live in nature it's like constantly being in school. We are in an environment that is always teaching. We are constantly being reminded hat there are laws, Natural Laws, which are running the universe. Once we know these laws and we drift from them, we start to live our lives in a different way. Soon we become discontent, selfish, and disrespectful. Then, we get in trouble. If our lives have become this way, it can be reversed by going back to nature to be among our teachers.

    Great Spirit, teach men, again, the Natural Laws

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    "If anyone has children, they better teach their children to follow the traditions that we're leaving behind because it is later than we think with all that's going on."
    -- Juanita Centeno, CHUMASH
    The habits, attitudes, and beliefs that carry the human through the trials of life are developed at a very young age. If we are taught respect at a very young age, the odds are we'll be respectful throughout our whole lives. If we are taught to dance at a young age, we'll dance our whole lives. If we are taught to sing the traditional songs while we are young, we'll sing those songs throughout our whole lives. And who do we drum and sing songs to? Our children. This is how we keep it going.

    Great Spirit, today, teach me to teach the children.

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    "Tell the people not to cry. Tell them to be happy."
    -- John Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA (told to his son, Archie, as he died)
    Our Elders know about the two Worlds, the Physical World and the Spiritual World. Many times, before we pass to the Spirit World, our relatives, who have gone there before us, will come for us and they will help us. The Spirit World, the Elders say, is a good, happy, and harmonious place. When we die, it means we have only entered another world. We will all see one another again.

    Great Spirit, allow me to understand both the Spirit World and the Physical World. Today, let me be happy

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    "Sacred sites and areas are protection for all people — the four colors for man — and these sites are in all areas of the earth in the four directions."
    -- Traditional Circle of Elders, NORTHERN CHEYENNE
    The Elders say that values come from the Mother Earth. Different places and areas around the Earth have different values. The Water people live in harmony and know the values that correspond to that particular part of the Earth. The Desert people know the values of the desert and respect and live in harmony with that part of the Earth. The Woodland people know the values of their part of the Earth and live in harmony. If you live in harmony with the Earth, you will live a life that is full of values. We should have great respect for the Mother Earth.

    Grandfather, today, let me learn values from Mother Earth

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    "Spiritual matters are difficult to explain because you must live with them in order to fully understand them."
    -- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
    To know something we must become one with it. We cannot know what a flower smells like until we actually smell it. Close your eyes and experience the fragrance. The Elders say there are two worlds, the Seen World and the Unseen World. To experience the Seen World we need to physically pick the flower and smell it. To experience the Unseen World we need to know about principles, laws and values; and no matter what our mind or our physical senses tell us, we must decide and act on these principles. If someone does wrong to us, we must pray for that person or persons to have peace, happiness and joy in their life. We must not get even or retaliate in any way. Only by doing this can we understand spiritual matters.

    Great Spirit, give me your power whenever my weakness shows so I can live by spiritual decisions

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    "When people live far from the scenes of the Great Spirit's making, it's easy for them to forget his laws."
    -- Walking Buffalo, STONEY
    Society today is way off track. Unfortunately, many Indian people are caught up in these modern times. The Elders are telling us we must wake up! We must come back to the culture because this is where His laws are. If we don't follow these laws, we will be unhappy. We cannot do things just because everybody is doing them. This does not make it right. We must follow what the Great Spirit says we must do. We need to pray hard for the courage to come back and live according to the culture. It will be difficult at first but worth it in the end. We must teach our children the culture.

    Great Spirit, today, let me listen to the warnings of the Elders

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    "The base of all things is love and respect."
    -- Vickie Downey, TEWA/Tesuque Pueblo
    The greatest weapon of any Spiritual Warrior is love. Love will change minds; love will forgive; love will let go; love will cause good luck; love will heal; love will cry; love will get rid of resentments; love will overcome fear. Love loves love. Any human who is loving will be guaranteed respect. Respect loves love. We need to love and respect ourselves.

    Grandmother, Grandfather, today, lead me on the path of love.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Once you make a friend, a friend never leaves you, even to death. So a friend is really hard to find."
    -- Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA
    Once, an Elder told me he made a decision to be my friend. He said this friendship wasn't based on my behavior or how I acted; he said the friendship was based on his decision. He decided to be my friend. This friendship has happened like he said. Even if I don't see him for a long time, or if I get mad at him, he has never changed his decision. This is true friendship.

    Great Spirit, I'm glad you are this kind of Friend

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Dissimilar things were fitted together to make something beautiful and whole."
    -- Nippawanock, ARAPAHOE
    Sometimes we look at something close up and it appears to be ugly; but then we drop back and look at it as a whole and it is beautiful. If we look at an insect close up, it may be ugly, but if we drop back and look at the whole insect it becomes beautiful. We can drop back even more and observe what its role and purpose is, and the insect becomes even more beautiful and whole. How are we looking at ourselves? Are we focused on something ugly about ourselves, or are we dropping back and looking at ourselves as a whole? We all have purpose, and we are all beautiful.

    Grandfather, today, let me see the beauty of the whole

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Women know more about love than men do...Love is taking. Love is sharing. Love is learning things about each other."
    -- Mary Leitka, HOH
    The Elders say Mother Earth shares Her special gifts of love with the Women. The Women know about bringing forth life and nurturing their offspring. Through this gift of love the Earth really makes the Woman special. Men should look upon the Woman with a Sacred Eye. She should be respected. The Woman is a role model for love. When the Woman talks, we should listen; when she shares, we should be grateful. We should all learn about each other.

    Grandmother, teach me to love with the power of the Woman

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    "But one should pray in one's heart during a sacred ceremony; this is the purpose of the ceremony, to purify the participants both inside and outside."
    -- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW
    How do you know if you are praying from your heart or from your head? Pray from your head and you will feel nothing; pray from your heart and you will feel feelings. You may feel sorrow, you may feel joy, you may want to cry, depending on what you are praying for. During the ceremony, the cleansing will take place. The Medicine Wheel teaches the four directions of inner power: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. The prayer controls the emotional, mental and physical. When we ask for purification of our feelings, our mental mind and our physical body, the spiritual direction causes the cleansing to happen.

    Great Spirit, create in me a clean heart

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "Our people don't come in parts. Either you are Indian, or you are not."
    -- Nippawanock, ARAPAHOE
    We really need to take a look at how Indian People are talking about Indian People. We say there are Rez Indians, Traditional Indians, Urban Indians and Breeds. This type of thinking will keep us separated. An Indian is an Indian, a brother is a brother, a sister is a sister. We are all related. Today, let us respect ourselves and our people. Today, let me realize Indians are Indians.

    Great Spirit, let me see the Unity of the People. Indians are Indians

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    "In some mysterious and wonderful way you are part of everything, Nephew. And in that same mysterious and wonderful way, everything is a part of you."
    -- Nippawanock, ARAPAHOE
    In order to experience this, we must be aware of how limited our senses are — eyes, ears touch, smell, taste. These senses help us to function in the Seen World. What we see is interpreted by our minds and put inside our belief system, and this can become our reality. But there also exists an Unseen World. In this world we experience connectedness; we experience the mystery; and we experience another whole point of view. If we pay attention to both the Unseen World and the Seen World, our belief systems will print in our mind a new and wonderful reality. We will see and know we are a part of everything.

    Great Spirit, today, give me the knowledge to know this mystery