Moon Magick

Mystic Awareness, Spiritual Light, Let me see with Inner Sight~As My Magick takes to Flight

Why do we worship the Moon? Is it the beauty, the magick, our moods? This group is for those who are drawn to the Moon in all her phases.


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    Below are the best days for activities, based on the Moon's sign and phase in May.

    For Planting:

    • Aboveground crops: 5, 23, 24
    • Belowground crops: 24-26

    For Setting Eggs:

    • 2–4, 11, 12, 29–31

    For Fishing:

    • 1–5, 20–31

    See Best Days for more activities.

    Full Moon Facts & Folklore

    • The Moon, gloriously full, reaches perigee (its closest point to Earth) before midnight on May 5, 2012.
    • Mars, its retrograde finished, pulls away from Regulus and sits above the Moon on the 25th.
    • An annual solar eclipse, visible with eye protection as a partial solar eclipse over most of North America, occurs in the early evening on the 20th. See "The Sky is Falling!" in The 2012 Old Farmer's Almanac(page 96).
    • Clothes washed for the first time in the full Moon will not last long.
    • The full Moon is an ideal time to accept a proposal of marriage.
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    The moon will officially become full Saturday at 11:35 p.m. EDT. And because this month's full moon coincides with the moon's perigee — its closest approach to Earth — it will also be the year's biggest.

    The moon will swing in 221,802 miles (356,955 kilometers) from our planet, offering skywatchers a spectacular view of an extra-big, extra-bright moon, nicknamed a supermoon.

    And not only does the moon's perigee coincide with the full moon this month, but this perigee will be the nearest to Earth of any this year, as the distance of the moon's close approach varies by about 3 percent, according to meteorologist Joe Rao,'s skywatching columnist. This happens because the moon's orbit is not perfectly circular.

    This month's full moon is due to be about 16 percent brighter than average. In contrast, later this year on Nov. 28, the full moon will coincide with apogee, the moon's farthest approach, offering a particularly small and dim full moon.

    Though the unusual appearance of this month's full moon may be surprising to some, there's no reason for alarm, scientists warn. The slight distance difference isn't enough to cause any earthquakes or extreme tidal effects, experts say.

    However, the normal tides around the world will be particularly high and low. At perigee, the moon will exert about 42 percent more tidal force than it will during its next apogee two weeks later, Rao said.

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  • ★Mystic♥Pagan★©•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆

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    Phases of the Moon
    The Moon's phase changes throughout the month and following its orbital path:

    1) Two days after the new Moon, a thin crescent appears in the evening sky. This is the waxing (gaining, growing) Moon (see attached file)

    2) A week after new Moon, half the disk is visable. The moon is still waxing (growing) and has completed a quarter of its orbit- We call this the First Quarter Moon.

    3) During the time from the first quarter to the Full moon we refer to this phase as: Waxing Gibbous (gibbous means lump-shaped)

    4) A week after first quarter the Moon is Full, as the whole bright Earth-facing hemisphere is lit by the sun.

    5) After the Full Moon, (Which is today) The Moon enters its Waning (shrinking) period, This week following the Full Moon is refered to as the Waning Gibbous.

    6) One week after the Full Moon is the Last Quarter Moon and during this fourth week of cycle she returns to her crescent shape until she reaches the end of one complete cycle and starts a new one.

    NOTE: The Moon's full cycle takes approximately 29.5 earth days to complete once through. Also, for those not familiar in practices of Moon Magick, the general ( I say general/my belief) rule of thumb for performing particular types of magick, is that ridding spells, ie...losing weight or getting rid of debt, spiritual cleansings and such are usually better to be done during the corresponding Moon cycle of Waning or New Moon. Similarly, increasing types of Magick and Spells, ie... gaining Money or aiding in acquiring that new job for instance, are types of spells that are generally more favored during the Waxing Moon or Full Moon.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    A rare event appears on the 1st day of the 2014...a New Super Moon not seen in 19yrs. The energy of this shift create a strong driving push for purging, cleansing and letting go; Energies want to clear out. New moons are new beginnings. Expect 2014 to be a magnificent, make-it-or-break-it year. The good news is, if you’re inclined to cut ties with the past, launch new projects, this alignment will give you the push you need. The bad news is, if you persist in clinging to old patterns or being less than your authentic self, you’re apt to suffer.

    Through Jan it's important as this shift occurs that you unconditionally accept yourself and others, a work in progress.

    Blessings for the New year

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Elizabeth Clemmons
    'bout 9 turn o' yer hourglass ago be shootin' from Pocket Parrot's cannon

    The New Moon Abundance Check

    An Abundance check ritual is a rewarding way to create abundance in our lives. It is based on a simple law of attraction which is a name given to the belief that to center your attention on the positive good for one and all as well as what you sow so shall you reap.
    Writing an abundance check within 24 hours after a new moon will repay you threefold, even if you do not accept it could work or you are skeptical. Try it first once and if you do, you will appreciate that by writing out the check you will manifest and bring about a healthier and wealthier you. Give it a go and continue for 3 New Moons, see if it helps a more positive you to consciously focus on increasing abundance in some part of your life. It may not be actual money but usually it happens to turn out to be just what you have in mind with surprising results! It’s going to be worth your while to have the Universe on your side!

    For much the same reason as it was in the past and still is today many people have kept with this tradition and have practiced the ritual in a time-honored way which has been handed down and must be followed. You can use your own check , if not print out or draw a check on a piece of paper for a plentiful bountiful outcome.

    How to write a New Moon Abundance check…

    I. At the time of the New Moon and up until 24 hours has passed, use a check that you have decided on and where it says “Pay to” write your name beside it.

    II. Further along the same line where “Amount” can be filled in: write an infinity sign.( an 8 lying on it's side)

    III. On the next line “Amount in words” appears write: unlimited abundance ( or a specific amount needed)

    IV. Sign the check “Law of Abundance” (I like to write Thank You under this)

    Once completed this is how your check should appear:(picture below)

    If drawing your own..head it with:
    Bank of the universe check cccc

    • Do not Date the check

    • A belief is not to include lines after these words or anywhere on the check.(the check shown below is crossed out to hide personal will not do this)

    • Keep in a safe place and let the universe take care of the rest.

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    Marti Finizio
    Marti Finizio 10:43in the mornin' Jan 1

    Perform on the three nights before the full moon, the night of the full moon, and the three nights
    after, using the same candles.
    Ritual Bath: Use money bath salts, candlelight. Bring power through head and feet to cleanse
    any negativity. Get in water and focus on goal. (When you drain the tub, negativity will go
    down the drain). Cast circle. Light altar candle, God & Goddess Candle. Invoke Gods.
    Anoint green pillar candle with lodestone oil, visualizing putting your energy for your goal into the candle.
    Visualize the goal as already existent. Rub candle with cinnamon and cloves. Burn money incense.

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    Long Nights Moon

    Just as the sun and moon were honoured at the time of the Strong Sun Moon for the strength of light, so once again we honour them during the moon with nights dominate. We have less sunlight now any other time. To celebrate the light, gather as many candles as you possibly can and arrange them in a circle. Use white and silver if you have them, as well as gold. Decorate your alter with celestial symbols and shapes: suns, moons, and stars.

    Sister Moon, tempered light
    Bringing Sun into the night
    Darkness long, darkness deep
    Moonlight strong, vigil keep
    Light of stars, light of life
    Cut the dark like a knife
    Sister Moon, tempered light
    Bringing Sun into the night

    By: Ember Grant
    (Llewwllyn’s Witches datebook 2013)

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    Marti Finizio 12:40in the evenin' Jan 3
    To Draw a New Love To You

    Charm Bag to Draw a New Love To You

    Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in each of the following:

    5 rose petals
    a bit (2 pinches or so) of catnip
    a bit of Starwitch
    a bit of vervain (if available)
    1 marble sized piece of jasper or rose quartz

    During the waxing phase of the moon, preferably on a Friday, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge the bag. Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Marti Finizio 12:36in the evenin' Jan 3
    Breaking a Run of Bad Luck

    A Charm Bag for Breaking a Run of Bad Luck

    Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

    Angelica root
    African Ginger
    Fennel seed
    Holy thistle

    Add a small citrine to the pouch and you have a powerful sachet. During the full moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Keep it close to your heart.

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    Marti Finizio
    Marti Finizio 12:34in the evenin' Jan 3
    Luck in Business

    A Charm Bag to Bring Luck in Business

    Make or buy a draw-string bag about 2-4 inches deep. Put in equal parts of each of the following:

    red clover
    dragon's blood
    mandrake root
    5-6 tulip petals

    Inscribe your full name on one side of the mandrake root, and the runes Dagaz, Fehu and Teiwaz (pictured below) on the other. During the waxing phase of the moon, preferably on a Wednesday or Thursday, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge the bag. Keep it in your pocket.

    Dagaz Fehu Teiwaz

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    Marti Finizio 12:31in the evenin' Jan 3
    Dream Magick

    If you find you need a little help in lucid dreaming, or you want to learn the answer to a specific problem, this charm bag is a great tool. It soothes the waking mind and helps your sleeping mind to focus.

    Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

    lemon verbena

    During the full moon, put the bag together, then consecrate and charge it. Make certain it is tied tightly. Before sleep each night, rub the bag over your third eye (center of forehead) and concentrate on the question, problem or situation. Then place the bag under your pillow. Continue to concentrate on the situation as you drift off. When you wake, jot down whatever you remember in your dream journal. Your question should be answered within the first few nights. Remember dreams can be symbolic or literal.

    This pouch can also help increase your skill at lucid dreaming, by keeping your mind focused on the fact that you are just dreaming.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Marti Finizio 12:28in the evenin' Jan 3
    Confidence in Social Situations

    Make or buy a small draw-string bag about 1-2 inches deep. Put in a pinch or two of each of the following:

    Pine needles
    Dried Lavender
    Piece of Mandrake root

    Carve your initials and a pentagram on the mandrake root and tie the bag closed. During the waxing phase of the moon, consecrate and charge the bag. Wear it around your neck or keep it in your pocket. You will feel a surge of energy whenever you are in a social situation.

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    Moon Phases

    Full Moon - This the phase of the moon during which the most important spells are cast, as magic is much more powerful during this phase. Many people only consider the Full Moon to be the actual day that it is the fullest and marked on the calendar. The Moon actually can be influential for a seven day period, although the night of the Full Moon - when it is at its fullest - is best.

    Waning Moon - This is phase, after the Full Moon, when the moon is decreasing in size of visibility. This phase is normally for spells that do away with things or make things go away, such as causing an enemy, a bad spirit, slander or gossip to go away.

    New Moon - There is a short window of opportunity during the New Moon, which marks the transition between the Waning and Waxing Moons. This is usually a time of rest, although spell casting similar to that performed during the the Waning Moon may be performed.

    Waxing Moon - This is the phase when the moon is increasing in size of visibility. Use this phase is for performing spells involving increase or gain, such as those for love, prosperity, power or material things.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Goddess of the Moon Prayer

    Goddess of the moon -
    Mother of the earth -
    We pray to you now,
    Bless us with mirth
    And trust in our path
    And show us the way
    With no harm to any
    Bring on these new days
    We dance to you skyclad
    In our hearts and souls
    With two sacred passwords
    To love and to know
    We seek out your blessing
    And revel in your love
    Goddess of many
    Bright lady above

    - Falconrider

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  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Marti Finizio 11:35in the mornin' Jan 4
    Mojo To Promote Peace, Prosperity, and Happiness

    When the Moon is in a waxing phase, fill a buckskin or flannel Mojo bag (either blue or white) with cattail pollen, powdered spruce needles, a piece of petrified wood, and a dove's feather.

    Seal the bag; consecrate and charge it; and then wear it close to you heart.

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    moon bath :)
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    White Magick Alchemy • 1 day ago

    New Moon workings can be done from the day of the new moon to 3 1/2 days after for starting new ventures, new beginnings. Also love and romance, health or job hunting. the new moon is the best time to cast spells for new beginnings and new projects.Its can also boost ambitions and careers. The new moon gives money spells and work spells the extra boost they need to work more effectively. When the dark moon is upon us its a good time for spending money and making plans for the future.

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    Mirror and Moon Spell
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    Goddess of the Moon Prayer

    Goddess of the moon -
    Mother of the earth -
    We pray to you now,
    Bless us with mirth
    And trust in our path
    And show us the way
    With no harm to any
    Bring on these new days
    We dance to you skyclad
    In our hearts and souls
    With two sacred passwords
    To love and to know
    We seek out your blessing
    And revel in your love
    Goddess of many
    Bright lady above

    - Falconrider

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Marti Finizio 11:10in the mornin' Jan 7
    Mirror Banishing

    This spell directs someone's vision back towards themselves, making you invisible to them. Not literally of course. For this spell, you will need:

    • A small mirror
    • Photo or drawing of the person
    • Piece of onyx
    • A pinch of mugwort

    Place the mirror flat on a table, and sprinkle a pinch of mugwort in one spot on the face of the mirror. Lay the photo face-down on the mirror so the face of the person is over the mugwort. Repeat the following words:

    You cannot see me
    You cannot hear me
    You do not want me
    Now let me be

    Now set the piece of onyx on top of the photo, also over where the persons face is (or as close as you can get since the photograph is lying upside down at this point).

    Repeat the words again, and leave the items on your altar to keep this person away. For the most powerful effect, cast this banishing spell on the night of the new moon.

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    Betuel-Lilith Sairalindë Elanessë 2:26in the evenin' Jan 12
    During waxing moon

    For this money spell You do not need much. Take during a waxing moon, in bright moonlight, a bowl of water with outside. Let the moonlight reflects in it and immerse yourself in a meditative mood. Call the moon goddess Aradia brought to help you. After a while, put your hands in the bowl with the water that is now charged with the power of the moon.
    Now ask about the money blessing that you you wish. Take your hands out of the water and let them air dry. After a few days the hoped amount should be set.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Christine Narducci 6:55in the mornin' Jan 17
    A Moonbeam Spell to Help You Sleep

    Take your pillow to a dry area beneath the moonbeams. Sprinkle a rosemary infusion around it. Work in a counterclockwise manner as you repeat, "Away from me the thoughts of day, away from me my worried ways." Then change your direction to clockwise, altering the incantation to: "When Luna smiles through night's sky, so sleep will come to tired eyes. No more to wake, no more to roam, rest is welcome in my home."

    As with the last spell, repeat this last phrase as you put your head on the pillow every night.

    Banishing or easing insomnia. Peaceful rest.

    Moon just rising in the sky. Night in general. August. Moon in Gemini or Aquarius.

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    The Craft of the Wise

    Do You Love Me? Spell

    Go outside or to a window where you can see the Moon clearly in the sky. Close your eyes and visualize the person you desire. Say this:

    "If you love me, let me know.
    At this plea, may your love show."

    Next time you see the person, take note of any new behavior they may exhibit. If the person seems to talk or look at you more often than usual, see this as a sign that he feels love for you. However, be careful with this spell. You must be sure he has feelings for you in the first place for the spell to succeed.

  • Dept of PMM Artists & things

    Activities for the Waning Moon...
    A time to review endeavors and correct mistakes.
    Settle disputes and make amends.
    A time to start taking things apart.
    Addictions; Divorce; Stress; Unnecessary negativity; Bad or unwanted Habits; Decision making; Emotions; Protection; Unwanted influences; Unwanted situations;
    Healing, banishing what shouldn’t be there;
    Old ways of thinking and doing things.
    Goals: Start work on removing obstacles.
    Give thanks for what has been achieved.