Medieval Times

Medium aevum -- Medieval or The Middle Ages. We think of knights in shining armor, lavish banquets, wandering minstrels, kings, queens, bishops, monks, pilgrims, and glorious pageantry...

Horse Armor

Horse Armor

The predominant factor that made a knight a "knight" was the fact that he was mounted on a horse. This changed in later centuries to the fact that a knight followed a code of chivalry. But, mounted knights were often heavily armored and of course their horses were often also armored. Here is a list of the armor that a horse would wear.



  • Bard - This is the name for a complete set of horse armor.
  • Crinet - Defense for the horse's neck.
  • Crupper - Defensive armor covering the horse's rump.
  • Flanchard - a Piece of plate armor attached to the saddle that protected the flank of a horse.
  • Shaffron (Also called a Chaffron) - This is the plate armor that covered a horses head and face.
  • Peytral - Armor designed to protect the horse's chest.
  • Medieval armor for the horse