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Latest Activity: Jan 31, 2014

A candle is a solid block of fuel (commonly wax) and an embedded wick, which is lit to provide light, and sometimes heat.[citation needed]

Today, most candles are made from paraffin. Candles can also be made from beeswax, soy and other plant waxes, and tallow (a by-product of beef-fat rendering). Gel candles are made from a mixture of paraffin and plastic.[citation needed]

A candle manufacturer is traditionally known as a chandler. Various devices have been invented to hold candles, from simple tabletop candle holders, to elaborate chandeliers.

The heat of the match used to light the candle melts and vaporizes a small amount of fuel. Once vaporized, the fuel combines with oxygen in the atmosphere to form a flame. This flame provides sufficient heat to keep the candle burning via a self-sustaining chain of events: the heat of the flame melts the top of the mass of solid fuel, the liquefied fuel then moves upward through the wick via capillary action, and the liquefied fuel is then vaporized to burn within the candle's flame.

The burning of the fuel takes place in several distinct regions (as evidenced by the various colors that can be seen within the candle's flame). Within the bluer regions, hydrogen is being separated from the fuel and burned to form water vapor. The brighter, yellower part of the flame is the remaining carbon being oxidized to form carbon dioxide.

As the mass of solid fuel is melted and consumed, the candle grows shorter. Portions of the wick that are not emitting vaporized fuel are consumed in the flame. The incineration of the wick limits the exposed length of the wick, thus maintaining a constant burning temperature and rate of fuel consumption. Some wicks require regular trimming with scissors (or a specialized wick trimmer), usually to about one-quarter inch (~0.7 cm), to promote slower, steady burning, and also to prevent smoking. In early times, the wick needed to be trimmed quite frequently, and special candle-scissors, referred to as "snuffers" until the 20th century, were produced for this purpose, often combined with an extinguisher. Nowadays, however, the wick is constructed so that it curves over as it burns (see picture on the right), so that the end of the wick protrudes into the hot zone of the flame and is then consumed by fire—a self-trimming wick.

Candle making was developed independently in many countries throughout history. The earliest known candles were made from whale fat by the Chinese, during the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC). In early China and Japan, tapers were made with wax from insects and seeds, wrapped in paper. In India, wax from boiling cinnamon was used for temple candles. During the first century AD, indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest fused oil from the eulachon, or "candlefish", for illumination.
A close-up image of a candle showing the wick and the various parts of the flame

In Europe, the Middle-East and Africa, where lamp oil made from olives was readily available, candle making remained unkown until the early middle-ages

300 - 1 BC

Qin Shi Huang (259–210 BC) was the first emperor of the Chinese Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC). His mausoleum, which was rediscovered in the 1990s, twenty-two miles east of Xi'an, contained candles made from whale fat. The word zhú 燭 in Chinese originally meant torch and could have the Warring States Period (403–221 BC); some excavated bronzewares from that era feature a pricket thought to hold a candle. The Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) Jizhupian dictionary of about 40 BC hints at candles being made of beeswax, while the Book of Jin (compiled in 648) covering the Jin Dynasty (265–420) makes a solid reference to the beeswax candle in regards to its use by the statesman Zhou Yi (d. 322). An excavated earthenware bowl from the 4th century AD, located at the Luoyang Museum, has a hollowed socket where traces of wax were found.

Wax from boiling cinnamon was used for temple candles in India.

Generally these Chinese candles were molded in paper tubes, using rolled rice paper for the wick, and wax from an indigenous insect that was combined with seeds.

Japanese candles were made from wax extracted from tree nuts.

1 AD - 1500 AD

There is a fish called the eulachon or "candlefish", a type of smelt which is found from Oregon to Alaska. During the first century AD, indigenous people from this region used oil from this fish for illumination. A simple candle could be made by putting the dried fish on a forked stick and then lighting it. The first candles to appear in Europe were made by nomadic tribes in the late Roman era, but are thought to have been in use much earlier in the colder climates of Northern Europe, where olive oil was scarce. These early candles were made from tallow, or animal fat. The tallow was put into the melting pot, then poured into molds made of bronze. A trough underneath would catch the excess wax and return it to the melting pot. For the wick, a cord, usually made from the pith of rushes, was suspended from a horizontal rod over the mold when the tallow was poured in. After the fall of the Roman Empire, when the availability of olive oil became increasingly scarce, and therefore expensive, the use of tallow candles spread across Western Europe. Later wax candles made from various plant extracts replaced tallow as the preferred source of illumination.

In Africa and the Middle East, candle-making remained relatively unknown due to the availability of olive oil for burning in lamps.

Yak butter was used for candles in Tibet

Manufacturing of candles

The oldest candle manufacturers still in existence are Rathbornes Candles, founded in Dublin in 1488.

Making candles for timekeeping

Although candles could not be used to find a specific time they were instrumental in able to indicate passage of predetermined periods of time. For example the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great (c. 849 - 899) used graduated candles also known as candle-clocks. He used this candle to divide up his day into equal periods of study and prayer, royal duties, and rest. There were lines around the side to show the passing of each hour. Later, 24-hour candles were invented based on the same concept. During the Sung dynasty in China (960–1279) calibrated candles and sticks of incense measured time. The concept of this clock utilized six different threads with weights on the end. These were draped over an incense stick at regular intervals and as the incense burned, the threads simultaneously burned one by one and the weights dropped onto a sounding plate below. Sometimes the sticks of incense had varying so that hours were marked by a change in fragrance.

The candle clock was also used as a timer. A heavy nail inserted onto the candle at the indicted mark would fall down onto a hard surface after the wax surrounding the nail melted.

Profession of Candle Making

Candles were also commonplace in many households scattered throughout Europe. In England and France candle making had become a guild graft by the 13 century. These candle makers (chandlers) went from house to house making candles from fats saved from the kitchen or sold their own candles from within their shops.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, the popularity of candles is shown by their use in Candlemas and on Saint Lucy festivities. Tallow, fat from cows or sheep, became the standard material used in candles in Europe. The Tallow Chandlers Company of London was formed in about 1300 in London, and in 1456 was granted a coat of arms. Dating from about 1330, the Wax Chandlers Company acquired its charter in 1484. By 1415, tallow candles were used in street lighting. The trade of the chandler is also recorded by the more picturesque name of "smeremongere", since they oversaw the manufacture of sauces, vinegar, soap and cheese. The unpleasant smell of tallow candles is due to the glycerine they contain. For churches and royal events, candles from beeswax were used, as the smell was usually less unpleasant. The smell of the manufacturing process was so unpleasant that it was banned by ordinance in several cities. The first candle mould comes from 15th century Paris

Discussion Forum


Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 24, 2014.

Reflection Deflection Spell by The Craft of the Wise 1 Reply

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things. Last reply by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 14, 2014.

Ice Candles )0( Aiclynn

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 11, 2014.

Candle Smoke Meanings;

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 10, 2014.

White Candle Spell Blessing by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 10, 2014.

Spell/Chant to Improve Self Confidence/Improve Self-Esteem by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 9, 2014.

Wash Away a Curse by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 7, 2014.

Banish a Habit by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 7, 2014.

Home Blessing Candle Spell by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 6, 2014.

Candle Love Spells by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 6, 2014.

Space Cleansing Ritual by

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 5, 2014.

Candle Money Spell‏ 2 Replies

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things. Last reply by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 5, 2014.

Planetary Dedication Spell by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 4, 2014.

Rainbow Candle Spell by Marti Finizio

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 4, 2014.

Candle spells 3 Replies

Started by Dept of PMM Artists & things. Last reply by Dept of PMM Artists & things Jan 3, 2014.

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Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 6, 2014 at 3:18pm

Marti Finizio 11:53in the mornin' Jan 6
Happiness Candle Spell

Need to jump-start some joy in your life? A quick candle spell can help you see things more positively. All you need for this one is:

• 2 orange candles
• Some dried lavender

Put a few pinches of lavender on your altar or table between the two candles. Light them both and let your hands feel the warmth of the flames. Repeat the following, 7 times:

This spell please bless
For my happiness
Let the candles burn down and you'll find yourself feeling sunny again in no time.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 6, 2014 at 3:14pm

Marti Finizio 11:57in the mornin' Jan 6
Abundance Candle Spell

The energy of the flame will help draw new financial opportunities to you. Get your supplies together:

• A green candle
• Cinnamon oil
• Vanilla oil or extract
• A large denomination coin

Use something sharp to carve the word "Wealth" along the side of the candle and then anoint the word with cinnamon and vanilla. Put the coin in the bottom of your candle holder, set the candle in over top. Light the candle and let it burn down completely.

When the candle is done, leave the wax-covered coin in a safe place to help bring money into your life.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 5, 2014 at 12:04pm
Brown candles are excellent for spells pertaining to the Earth and the home. As brown is already the colour of the ground, it works very well for spell in regards to nature and crops. Brown candles can also be used in spells relating to: eliminating indecisiveness, furthering powers of concentration, learning, telepathy, home, friendships, balance, animal magic, earth magic, concentration, and is also fantastic in regards to do with spells for lost children and pets.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 4, 2014 at 2:23pm

Candle Spell For Employmen
Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 4, 2014 at 2:18pm
Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 3, 2014 at 10:24am

Peace and Quiet

To recover from the holiday rush, use calming lavender and a white or blue candle. If possible, do this spell in a quiet, darkened room. Dab some oil on the candle and breathe slowly and deeply. After saying the spell, sit and enjoy the peace for a while.

Stillness and shadow, silence and peace
Banish the hurry, let time itself cease
Cloak me in quiet, calming my soul
Mending the pieces, leaving me whole
Let cares fall away like the autumn leaf’s flurry
Blow away my troubles, wash away my worry
Leave peace like a blanket, snugly and warm
Safe from all fear, safe from all harm
The quiet of winter, in darkness I find
A peace of the soul to quiet my mind
Let me relax and find my own center
As into the silence I happily enter

By: Deborah Blake
(Llewwllyn’s Witches datebook 2012)

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on January 1, 2014 at 11:42am

Marti Finizio
Marti Finizio 11:38in the mornin' Jan 1

Take a lit silver or white candle, some salt, and a healing oil (such as carnation, violet,
sandalwood, or narcissus) into the bathroom. By the candle's light run a tub of very warm water.
Cast some salt into it, add a few drops of healing oil, and then step into the tub.
Relax. Feel the warm salted water sinking into your pores, through your skin, sterilizing the
sick portions of your body. Visualize the 'black worms' leaving it, if you wish, and when you
feel the water teeming with them pull the plug and let the water drain out. While it is draining, chant:
The sickness is flowing out of me,
Into the water, down to the sea.
Only when the tub is completely drained stand up. It is best to immediately splash your body with
fresh water (a shower is ideal) to remove the last vestiges of the disease of sickness-laden water.
Repeat as needed to speed your body's recovery.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on November 16, 2013 at 6:49pm

In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.

Comment by miyoko canter on November 16, 2013 at 12:33pm

i need the depression banishment chant.

Comment by Dept of PMM Artists & things on November 16, 2013 at 12:06pm


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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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