Of course, in a MAN this would be considered "normal" and "moral" throughout most of history. On Gor, it is normal and moral for the female ALSO, indeed only on Gor is the woman able to become the SEXUAL EQUAL of the man, which could be well why woman are willing to beg to be collared. For the man's part comes the challenge to himself to live up to the Gorean Model, to protect his property by guarding her from the social pressures to retrain herself AND to protect her against and from his own fears of being "sexually" inadequate. He must see that her needs are either met, personally or by PERMISSION, but, having required that she be unrestrained, he must be fully and completely willing and able to deal with all the ramifications of that lack of restraint. If she is loyal to him and he to her, he will not EVER question her chastity, just as if she is loyal to her collar and her contract, she will never assume that chastity, his or hers is a virtue. The assumption is that one of the foundations of the relationship will be the permission and license for her to be a TRUE KAJIRA. He will have to learn manage, cherish and value her as what she is, one who is without hypocrisy or restraint in her sexual hunger, which are the very things that HE became a Gorean to experience. She does not demand or expect that he will not be a Master, exercising his sexuality as is appropriate - it is a non-exclusive relationship. He does not demand or expect that she will be less than a kajira, which means that she will exercise her sexuality as often as the hunger overtakes her and that unless he is there to "fill the void" that that is also going to be a non-exclusive relationship. And both must prepared to change their emotional basis and social assumptions for the relationship to exist.
Being a Gorean on Gor is not easy. Being a Gorean on Earth is infinitely harder. Knowing this we might ask why intelligent and educated people would dare enter these dangerous and risky waters. One possible answer is that they do so because they realize that the Gorean Model is a more honest model, a fairer model than the Earth Model, and that in spite of the many difficulties it is a model that liberates BOTH sexes from traditional and socially accepted biological tyranny and hypocrisy.
The Gorean Model is a challenge for both the master and the slave to overcome the artificial limitations placed on women by cultures and religions that were and remain afraid of the full power of the daughters of Eve. Only on Gor can such women thrive. Only on Gor can men face and repair the damage done by their fearfulness and desire for a "safe" relationship. And it is only through re-defining what is "safe" and "expected" in a relationship that both the Gorean Master and the Gorean slave find the fulfillment that both were seeking.
Earth girls have a reputation on Gor of being among the lowest and hottest of slaves. There are doubtless various reasons for this. Perhaps one is that Earth girls are alien to Gor and have no Home Stones. They are thus subjected to unmitigated predation and total domination. They are slave animals, completely. Gorean men, accordingly, treat them as such. In turn, of course, their womanhood is reborn and blossoms, as it can only in a situation in which the order of nature both obtains and flourishes.
A second reason, I suspect, why Earth girls make such astoundingly desirable slaves is their backgrounds. In their native environment they encounter few but psychologically and sexually crippled men, men whose merest intuitions of their blood rights are likely to be reproductively conditioned, internally administered shock and anxieties, or externally administered sanctions of censorship, suppression, ridicule and denunciation, imposed by those who are perhaps only a bit more rigid and fearful than themselves. In such a world, largely the ideological products of superstition and hysteria, it is difficult for manhood to exist, even dormantly. Accordingly, when an Earth female finds herself translated to Gor, she finds herself for the first time in the presence of large numbers of men to whom nature and power are not anathema. Moreover, she is likely to find herself belonging to them. Beyond this, of course, is the culture itself, for all its possible defects and faults, which is one which has been constructed to be congenial to the natural biological order, and neither antithetical nor contradictory to it. The culture has not suppressed the biotruths of human nature, but found a place for them.
The culture is a setting which transforms and enhances the simplicities and rudenesses of nature, enabling her and exalting her, lending her glory and articulation, refining her, fulfilling her, rather than as a sewer and a trap, in which she is kept half starved and chained.
An example of this sort of thing is the institution of female slavery. It is clearly founded on, and expressive of, the order of nature, but what a wonder has civilization wrought here, elevating and transforming what is in effect a genetically coded biological datum, males' domination and females' submission, into a complex, historically developed institution, with its hundreds of aspects and facets, legal, social, and aesthetic. What a contrast is a beautiful, vended girl, branded and collared, desiring a master and trained to please, kneeling before her purchaser and kissing his whip, with a brutish female, cowering under her master's club at the back of his cave. And yet, of course both women are owned, and completely. But the former, the slave girl, is owned with all the power and authority of law. If anything, she is owned even more completely than her primitive forebearers. Civilization, as well as nature, collaborates in her bondage, sanctifying it and confirming it.
It is no wonder that the institution of slavery provides the human female, in all her sensitivities and vulnerabilities, in all her psychological complexities, with the deepest fulfillment and the most exquisite emotion she can know.
Another reason that Earth girls make such astoundingly desirable slaves is that they have been, in their Earth years, subjected in effect to sexual and emotional starvation. They have labored in a fruitless desert, often not even understanding the causes of their unhappiness, of their misery and frustration. Confused, they have lashed out at themselves and others, ultimately profitlessly and meaninglessly. Translated to Gor, encountering true men in large numbers, in overwhelming numbers, so different from the crippled males of Earth, finding themselves in an exotic environment, and participating in a culture markedly different from their own, and in many respects both fearful and beautiful, and founded on the order of nature, they find themselves, in effect, restored to love. The Gorean girl knows that such joys can exist, though she may or may not have experienced them. The Earth girl commonly did not know that such joys truly could exist. Only in her troubled sleep, perhaps, did the Earth girl dream of a slaver's noose or the harsh, flat stones of the dungeon on which she is forced to kneel.
Generalized Rules for Slaves
For New and Uncollared Slaves
• Greet and Acknowledge all Warriors present.
• All Free-Persons in your presence are to be addressed as Master or Mistress as appropriate.
• Service to all Free-Persons shall be provided on demand.
• All may enter freely; permission is required for any slave wishing to leave the Inn.
• Speak with those that display collars and serve well. They are your teachers and elder sisters and can save you from much grief. Ask those with more experience and they will guide you.
• Learn proper serving techniques before attempting to serve.
• While not required, nonetheless it is highly recommended that you request a (trainee) Tavern Collar from the Inn Keeper while you are learning (life would be easier).
• All are requested to read up on Gorean ways; a good start is "Captive of Gor"
The Basics

The Basics of being a Gorean kajira or kajirus are much more subtle than the mere acting out various positions and actions. Nevertheless, most of those who are learning to be Gorean are first exposed to the Gorean lifestyle via IRC where a knowledge of positions, etc. is a fundamental requirement. Even if you are confining your activities to IRC, practice each of these positions in front of a mirror so that you will see how it feels and looks. In this way your descriptions will be both personal and accurate. I have seen many a would be kajira or kajirus make a fool of themselves by typing in a description of movements that are physically impossible.
Rules, Positions and Serves
Each is important and needs to be studied with care.
Slave Rule One -All Freepersons are to be addressed as either Master or Mistress. If the sex of the Freeperson can not be determined from the name, Master is to be used until the gender is clarified.
Slave Rule Two - Serve Every Master or Mistress as if your well being depends on being pleasing.......it does.
Slave Rule Three - While a Freeperson may not always be right, they are, by definition, never WRONG. Slaves always have the last word in any disagreement..the words "Yes, Master"...
Slave Rule Four - Jealousy and Possessiveness have killed more slaves than disobedience.
Slave Rule Five - Slaves do not use the first person pronoun. There is not "I", "me" or "mine" in a slaves vocabulary.
Slave Rule Six - Perfection of Service and Submission is the goal, mere excellence will be tolerated.
Slave Rule Seven - Your collar carries the honor of your owner. Your attitude can make is as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain.
Slave Rule Eight - If there are none requiring service, use the time to clean, cook, bake, practice serving techniques with your sisters or learn about Gor. Do not be idle.
Slave Rule Nine - Slaves possess nothing not given to them by their owner, including their name. What is given can be taken away. If you are entrusted to carry a name for an owner, or silks or jewelry, remember that these can be removed as easily as they were given.
Slave Rule Ten - The merest whim of your owner is your highest law. And lawbreakers are punished.
There are a number of positions that slaves are required to know, as indicated in more than one of the various books on "Gor" by John Norman. The most basic are listed here. Some Masters will teach and require others in addition to these basic ones.
nadu: This is the first position a slave is taught. It is the general position of a slave when resting. The slave kneels before the Master or Mistress. The head is held high, but the eyes are downcast. The knees are spread widely, so that the inside of the knees is a space as wide as the shoulders. The shoulders themselves are back with the spine straight (kajirus) or slightly arched (kajira). The breasts are thrust outward. The hands are placed on the thighs, open, with the palms upward. The hips rest on the feet, which are turned in so as to take the weight off the arches. If the slave will be getting up and down often, it is permitted change the position of the feet so that getting up and down can be done gracefully.
bara: This in generally the second position a slave is taught. It is often the first one they experience, because it is the position of capture. It is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment, sometimes merely for convenience.
The slave lays in the prone position, that is, on the stomach. The wrists are crossed behind the back. The ankles are also crossed, so as to make binding of the hands and feet easy.
lesha: This position and the one following are generally used for transporting slaves, but also have been used as disciplinary tools.

The slave kneels, in a position exactly like "and" except for the following changes: the slave kneels facing away from the Master or Mistress rather than towards them. The chin is lifted and turned to the side to offer the collar for the attachment of a leash. The hands are behind the back with the wrists together as if already in slave bracelets.
bracelets: This position, like lesha, is used for transportation. It is also used when a slave is to be confined for a period of time for chaining them to a ring, etc. Slave rings are common on Gor. Most rooms have several and the beds of Freepersons always have a slave ring attached at the foot of them so that a slave can be kept there at night for warmth or pleasure or both.
This position is generally like nadu and lesha in general form except that the wrists are crossed as if already in slave bracelets. When used for discipline, it is not unusual for the Master or Mistress to leave the slave in this position for quite some time, the slave bracelets used being those "of the mind" and thus both stronger and more telling than the strongest steel.
sula: This position is used for training, discipline or inspection. Generally the slave hopes that it is the first reason.

The slave lays on the back in a supine position, hands at the sides. The palms face upward. The legs are spread widely enough to be inviting without being ungraceful.
The purpose of a kajira or kajirus is to serve. In Real Life, which it is hopes is the goal for most who access these pages, this service can take many forms. Some of those that pretend to be Gorean are content to limit their participation to IRC Channels. While this is understandable, it is not Gorean. However, most new Goreans are found via the IRC channel route and this is why the Gorean Foundation exists in this forum.
Given these circumstances, learning to serve like a Gorean kajira or kajirus is ONLY possible through practice, reading (if possible), observation and experience. MANY new slaves copy copy the method and manner of others they see serving. This is NOT an acceptable practice. It demeans the service of the one copying and deprives both the the one it was "borrowed from" and the one who is begin served from genuine thought and creativity. True service can not exist on IRC without creativity and a genuine desire to please. Ask for help from an experienced kajira or kajirus, ask the Tavern Keeper to assist you in finding a "coach"... and practice diligently off channel before you try anything difficult.
Gorean slavery is different from BDSM slavery.

First, even if there are men slaves in Gor, only one, Jason Marshall, is important in the plots, and he will become eventually a free man. Norman is much more interested in women's slavery, and the same is valid for his followers.

Both Gorean and BDSM slavery are supposed to be permanent relationships (24/7), but the Gorean slavery is non-consensual (at least in the books). The woman is forced to be a slave, and is punished and humiliated until she submits totally to his Master, realizing then that that was what she actually wanted. It has no limits, and is not necessarily safe an sane.

Pain is also different. Never in the books is it given for pleasure. It is always a punishment to be dreaded and avoided. Sadism and masochism are illness in Gor.

In the Gorean philosophy, women are considered submissive. They are slaves by nature, can only be slaves and only as slaves they are fulfilled. Men are then, natural Masters and women natural slaves.

A Gorean man uses his own masculinity and her own femininity to reveal the slave that is within any woman. Exposure to strong men is the best way for training a slave and making her submit. The collar, the irons, the chains and whips, are just visible signs of the slavery, but the actual slavery lies within the woman herself.

There are free women on Gor, but they are usually bitchy and frustrated, if of importance in the plot they will be enslaved before the end of the book, and only when broken and accepting their slavery (and their sexuality) are they going to be finally happy. Like Terran women, they are unhappy for living against their feminine nature.

And why a woman is happier as a slave (called a "kajira" in Gorean)? Because every woman needs sex, and only as a slave can enjoy it without restraints and will only be satisfied when "well used" by a Master (by any Master). A Gorean slave is, in this respect, equal to the man. She is expected to enjoy sex, as men are usually expected to. And the women's unrestrained sexuality is a powerful emotion, which shapes most of Gorean relationships.

Gorean slavery, forcing the woman to yield to any man and pleasing him, is supposed to free the women from the restraints imposed to them by our society. A Gorean slave is freer than a free woman on Earth, because she is free to fully enjoy sex, as few "Terran" women are.

But, being the women's sexuality so more powerful that that of men, no society can afford to free them from her restraints and allow her to go uncontrolled. On Earth, society restrains her sexuality. On Gor, they either restrain the sexuality in free women (a free woman that shows too much interest on men or sex is a bad woman, "slave meat"), or let her sexuality free, but enslave the woman.

A woman can only be totally feminine when she realizes, deeply inside her, that she is meant to be a slave, and that she can (actually, she cannot avoid to) enjoy freely her sexuality. Slave women are considered sexier than free women in the novels, because they feel deeper the strength of their femininity.

The only reason for a Gorean slave to exist is to please her master. When she fails, she is more punished by the anguish of knowing she was not able to please him, for her inadequacy, that for the fear of knowing that she will be whipped (and, naturally, she will be soundly whipped). As total property of her master, she could also be sold, or even slain, at her Master's whim.

A slave owns nothing, not even her name; she will be named by each of her owners at will. She must obey his Master, any man, any free woman and any slave that is in a higher position (a Master will usually make one of his slaves first girl, and the first girl is the overseer of the others, with punishing power). She cannot talk without permission, cannot use a free person's name (they are just called Masters and Mistresses). Lying and not submitting totally are the worse faults, but all misbehavior is punished, at least with a cuffing, at worse with days in small box or cage, a switching, a whipping, or additional brands. And, of course, she has to serve sexually any Master, and make her best to be pleasing to him.

She is an owned animal, her will and desires are of no relevance, and if the Master shows any concern for her, is because of her ability to please, and, as with any other property, her market value (only, slaves are cheap and easily replaced).

Intelligence and imagination are valued in women, but only because an intelligent and imaginative woman will be more able for pleasing a man than less intelligent one, making her a better slave.

Love exists, and the perfect couple is that of a strong master in love (reluctantly, it is unmanly) with a totally submitting loving slave. Several times in the saga a woman declines to be free, because as a free woman she cannot serve and please the man she loves as she can as his totally owned slave. (There is also something akin to our marriage, that is what is called a Free Companionship, between a free man and a free woman, and there can be love in this relationship, but it is not a powerful as the one between a Master and his true slave).

All means are good for breaking a woman, not only a whipping. Showing her that she is defenseless because as a woman she can't be anything than a slave (because she needs to enjoy sex) is another. Also helps the fact that a slave is branded against her will (with a red hot iron in Gor, mostly with tattoos in real life), which is supposed to have a deep psychological effect, as it has a locked collar around her neck.

The fact that she can't remove the collar her Master locked around her neck more than she can remove his brand from her flesh is supposed to show her that her will is not important, that she will have to do and cope with whatever his master wants.

A free Gorean woman shows herself totally clothed, including veils, as in some Islamic countries on earth. Slaves wear whatever their Master wants, what is normally revealing clothes or directly nothing.

A slave can also be property of a free woman, but having to obey a woman instead of a man is, of course, demeaning for the slave. Also, she cannot show passion, and she will be scorned if she has sexual intercourse with a man, and she will be whipped if she yields (because that somehow would make her Mistress envy her?), so she will be as sexually frustrated as her Mistress (or more, because she knows better).
This view of the woman as an slave is what finally got him blacklisted.

So, if you as a woman have fantasies about a Gorean lifestyle, be prepared to be nothing but a toy in your Master's hands. If Gorean philosophy is true on Earth, maybe you will be happier than ever before, being a true woman that is absolutely owned by a true man, and enjoying sex as you cannot in any other way.

And if you are a dominant man, a Gorean slave is probably what you fantasized all your life.
Kajira Training
As a new slave on Gor you would be trained in order that you might better please your Master. Trained slaves usually brought much better prices than raw slaves. As a pleasure slave, you might be taught ways to move and hold yourself, dances, intimate services and also more mundane things such as cooking. Kai is in the process of being trained by her Master at the moment. Kai's Master wants her to be a trained pleasure slave and this involves being trained in slave dance, the arts of pleasing him and more domestic service. Before being owned by her present Master Kai had almost no training at all in these matters. Kai was about as ignorant and innocent as a new girl brought in by Gorean slavers. In this section Kai is going to look at various forms of training represented in the books which could be utilized in the training of a slave girl on Earth.
One form of training is that designed to brand into the girl's psyche the persona of a slave girl. In Assasins of Gor the following method is used:

"The first week, surprisingly, consisted of nothing but the girl
kneeling before the great mirror, in the position of a Pleasure Slave,
for several Ahn a day........In the second week, they knelt in the same fashion,
but had been forced to repeat, out loud, incessantly, the ritual phrase, "I am a
slave girl. I am a slave girl. I am a slave girl."
p 195 Assasins of Gor
This form of training only occurs in this form in this one book, but one of the purposes of slave training was definitely to make the girl think like a slave. In another example Tarl instructs Evelyn to say the following phrase each morning and each night:

"He is Master, and I am Slave,
He is owner, and I am owned.
He commands, and I obey.
He is to be pleased, and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master, and I am slave"
You can probably devise different methods for doing this, but it is an important part of slave training to train a girl to know that she is a slave. Kai has had much training in seeing herself as a slave and it has really helped her. In the beginning Kai found it extremely difficult to remember to call her Master by his proper title. Now she does it instinctively. Girls in training will commonly be treated fairly harshly as well and this also helps to make the girl feel like more of a slave. Mistakes which in normal circumstances would be overlooked will commonly be punished with severity if a girl is being trained. This is to accustom her to the standards of perfection required of a slave girl.

A girl may also be trained to know her place in different ways. On Gor there were various means by which a girl's status was impressed on her. For example, the slave girl was expected to kneel on the floor, normally in the position of the pleasure slave, unless otherwise instructed by her master. Even though she could adopt other positions she would normally be required to stay on a level below that of her Master. She was also expected to avoid masculine positions such as sitting cross legged at all times. In the books there are many other examples of this kind of requirement. Slaves would often be expected to eat from bowls off the floor or be thrown food from their Master's plate. One good example of this is the requirement for slaves to drink from the lower bowl of public water fountains. This was taken quite seriously in the novels:

"This morning," I said. "you erred. It was rather a serious mistake. You were intending to
drink from the upper bowl of the fountain, that reserved for free persons."
"Please do not punish me, Master," she begged. "I do not want to
be whipped! Let me go this time! Just this time! I looked at her. "I will not do it again!"
she wept. "I am sure you will not," I said. "Take off your clothes."
Mercenaries of Gor p 283

Girls would also be expected to do other things to show respect. They would normally be expected to heel their masters while walking with them. If they were in favour they would heel on the left side, if in disfavour they would heel from the right side. If a man had two slaves the most attractive would heel on the left side. They would also be expected to wait for their Master to eat or drink before starting themselves, if of course they were given permission to do so.
While in training, girls would be taught to respect these kinds of strictures upon them. As with many other things the treatment they received in training was considerably harsher than that usually meted out to female slaves. They would often be fed, for example solely on 'slave gruel' which they would have to eat from communal troughs. If you think that this kind of thing would benefit your slave it is quite easy to simulate using Earth foodstuffs. You could, for example feed your slave on porridge which you could make her eat off the floor. She could also be fed scraps of bread off the floor or from your hand. True animal feed though is probably not a good idea as it is not designed for humans.
Slave girls would also be taught how to perform household tasks, such as cooking. Most Gorean gilrs would have to be taught how to do these things from scratch as such tasks were beneath free women. You may find that due to the culture we now live in your slave is almost totally ignorant of such matters. Kai certainly was in the beginning. Even pleasure slaves were taught how to cook and serve. They were expected to do these tasks to perfection or suffer the consequences:
"I knelt before the whip master, anxiously lifting the tray to him. He picked up one of the biscuits.
He turned it over. "This biscuit is burned on the bottom," he said. "If this happens again, you
will be whipped."
p 294 Kajira of Gor

The pleasure slaves services include sexually satisfying her master also. In training girls would be taught how to kiss their Masters sensuously. This would involve teaching them to do these things in a manner generally pleasing to men. In training your personal slave you can go much further tha this and show them how you like to be kissed, licked, fondled or whatever. This can be exciting and fun. One problem you may find is that even if your slave does not do these things to your satisfaction you may become aroused enough to want to have sex with her. This is OK as you can do this and if you weren't satisfied with some aspect of her performance you can punish her for that afterwards. You may also want to have your slave taught to perform slave dance for you. You will probably need outside help for this. In most major cities and towns you can send your slave to belly dance lessons and these will give you a starting point from which to work from. You can send your slave to these and then have her show you what she has learned at home. You can then work on improving her performance to your standards and pleasure.

In this section, Kai has tried to outline what might be included in a slave's training program. Kai herself is being trained to do more every day and as her training progresses will update this page with her experiences. You will get many more ideas from the books themselves and from your own perceptions of what want a trained slave to do. The following in the Gor series are, Kai thinks, particuarly helpful in their discussions of Gorean slave training:
Assassins of Gor Captive of Gor Kajira of Gor Dancer of Gor

These all have detailed descriptions of female slaves being trained. You might also want to read Fighting Slave of Gor which describes the training of Jason. Even though this describes a male slave's training, it gives you ideas about the kind of discipline involved in training slaves.
All Kajirae need to be kept under perfect discipline and Kai is no exception to this . Kajirae quickly become rebellious if they suspect that their Master is not capable of punishing her. In this section Kai will examine forms of punishment given to slaves, both on Gor and on Earth.
In essence a slave girl can be punished at any time her Master desires to punish her whether her behaviour warrants it or not. She will certainly be punished if her behaviour falls is displeasing even in the slightest manner. In Mercenaries of Gor Feiqa is whipped because she has drunk from the wrong bowl of the fountain.
"This morning," I said, "you erred. It was a rather serious mistake.
You were intending to drink from the upper bowl of the fountain, that reserved
for free persons."
"Please do not punish me, Master," she begged. "I do not want to be whipped!"
"let me go this time!" "Just this time"
I looked at her.
"I will not do it again!" she wept.
"I am sure you will not," I said. "Take off your clothes."
p283 Mercenaries of Gor
In the above quote it is clear that Feiqa has made a genuine error and her behaviour is not calculated to be displeasing. Nonetheless despite her pleas for mercy she is whipped for it. If Tarl had not beaten her for this there would always be a chance that she would begin to feel her master was weak.
In the Gorean books the whip of choice for the disciplining of female slaves is the five bladed slave whip. This has advantages in that the blades are flat and thus unlikely to cause peramanent scarring. Whips of this sort are available on Earth through many S/M outlets. They are much better in that the slave can be punished harshly without the fear of permanent scars caused by cutting.
There are many ways to whip a girl who has not been pleasing. If you are new to whipping slaves then you will probably not know how hard or how much to hit her to truly punish her. The best guide in this matter is the marks it raises on the body. Slaves will beg for mercy quite quickly if they are whipped, but if it is given too soon will probably feel that they can get away with disobedience as their punishment will not be too severe. If you look at the marks on her body, you will gain a more accurate report on the effectiveness of her punishmen If one desires to make a girl feel especially helpless she can be tied down for her whipping. This has the added advantage that she will be unable to move for the duration of the whipping and so the Master can decide where each blow should fall. She can also be ordered to assume the whipping position without being tied in it and threatened with extra strokes if she breaks position. In giving the actual whipping itself the Master can make it more intense by varying the timing and position of each stroke if he wishes. This tends to make the girl feel much more helpless. You can also make the slave count out the strokes she is receiving. In any whipping it is Kai's view that the slave should always be given an extra blow after the counted strokes to remind her that she is a slave. This should be the hardest of her beating.
There are other forms of punishment that you can use. Kajirae can be kept in 'close chains' for example. This involves chaining the girl's hands and feet closely together. After a couple of hours chained like this a considerable amount of body pain will build up. This has the advantage that it is very little work for the Master to do. All you need do is chain the girl up and leave her. If you don't want to hear her scream or beg for mercy you can simply gag her. It will take a while for this punishment to take effect though. As a guide she will probably not be truly sorry until after about two or three hours. You can also use other forms of restraint in punishment. If you have a cage you could lock the girl in that for punishment. This will be especially effective if the cages dimensions are small and do not allow the girl to fully stretch herself. If you do not have a cage you could convert a small box for this purpose.
Other forms of punishment include depriving the girl of something. You can, for example, not allow the girl to wear clothes. This can be a useful form of punishment, particularly if you continue to wear them, thus showing the difference between you and her. However, as you cannot make her go outside the house like this it will probably only be useful as a mild form of puinishment. She will probably be too used to being without clothes in your presence for this to have too much effect. You could also deprive her of food for a specific amount of time. This can either be complete or partial. You can deny her all food for a day quite safely. This generally has quite a profound effect on a slave girl. You can also deny her luxury items of food and feed her on scraps for a longer period of time.
A fairly elaborate form of punishment is putting the girl in the slavery of the she-quadruped. This is also sometimes used in training to impress upon the girl that she is a slave. In this the slave is not allowed to rise from the floor at any time. She must crawl if she wants to go from place to place. In this mode of slavery she is not allowed human speech and must signify her needs by whimpers and moans. She would also be fed from the floor. When she is used sexually it will be in a position attainable by the she-quadruped. The slave would have to signify that she wished to speak to be allowed to beg to be released from this form of slavery. If she is not sufficiently pleasing when she begs or if it amuses the Master she can be left in this slavery for as long as is necessary.
Most slave girls are kept in good discipline by small but frequent instances of punishment. The slave, Dina, says of Tup Ladletender:
"Generally he disciplined me with a cuff of the flat of his hand. I respected him. He managed me well."
p 247 Slave Girl of Gor
This is meant as a mild form of discipline and it could be seen as akin to clipping someone across the ear. Other methods of keeping a slave in good discipline could include tying her up at night or even during the day when her services are not required. These things help girls keep in mind that they are slaves and prevent the need for further and more severe discipline.
When a slave is trained there should be little need for her to be punished.

"I do not think you have beaten her much lately," said Boabissia.
"No," I said. "Why not?" asked Boabissia. "She is now
pretty well trained," I said. "'Trained'," said Boabissia.
"Yes," I said, "ideally, once a girl is trained, suitably trained, of course,
there is not likely to be much call for beating her. She may also, of course,"
I said, "be beaten at the master's pleasure, for any reason or for no reason."
p233 Mercenaries of Gor
As Feiqa later finds out in this book, the smallest hint of disobedience or failure to please will earn the slave girl a beating.
Also, it is occasionally seen as useful to give a slave girl a whipping to remind her of her place. An iniatory whipping is often given also when a Master introduces a new slave into his house.
"Of course, my Master," she cried suddenly, delightedly. "I have been carried
across the threshold. And now I have been put in whipping position! I am
being introduced into a a house, in which I am to be a slave."
p 200 Guardsman of Gor
Outlined above are some methods of punishing slaves. You can doubtless invent others that would be appropriate for particular situations. The most important thing to remember is that the punishment should be severe enough for the behaviour that warranted it. Once you have decided to punish your slave then you should go through with it. Slaves will commonly beg for mercy if they know they're going to be punished, but they don't necessarily want it. Giving in to a slave pleas like this will usually make them resentful and more likely to be rebellious. In particular slave girls who offer to do anything for you if you don't punish them should be punished more severely, if anything. They should do anything anyway and the fact that they are trying to bargain is a cause for discipline in itself.
All Gorean slave girls were taught various slave positions which they could be commanded to assume. In this section I will describe a few of the most common slave positions in the Gor novels. There are doubtless countless others in the books which I have omitted.
This is generally the first slave position that a girl would learn. The command Nadu means, literally, that the slave girl should kneel. A master could also indicate that he wanted his slave to assume this position by spreading the first two fingers of his hand. The slave girl should kneel back on her heels with her back straight, her hands on her thighs and her head up. If she is a pleasure slave she should kneel with her knees widely spread. If she is a Tower Slave or a Free Woman's house slave she would kneel with her knees together. Kneeling was also prescribed for free women. In Kajira of Gor Tiffany is advised by the slave Susan that she should adopt a kneeling posture rather than a cross-legged one. Unless specifically instructed otherwise a girl would greet her Master in the kneeling position when he returned home and would remain kneeling unless ordered to move or given permission to adopt a different position.

In this position the girl lies on her stomach with her ankles and wrists crossed behind her as if for binding. Her head is to be turned to the left. The position may be used for discipline, display or to aid in the transportation of a girl.

In this position a girl's readiness for taking or conversely her virginity can be checked. The girl lies on her back with her legs spread widely open. Her hands are to be at her side with the palms facing upwards.

In this position the girl again lies on her belly, but other strictures upon her are more relaxed. She can have her head pressed to the ground or her Master's feet. It is usually acceptable for her to look up at her Master from this position. She may have her hands behind her back or to the sides. She may be required to approach her Master on her belly, squirming from side to side to reach him.

Crawling position
The slave girl must get down on all fours and crawl to her Master's feet or wherever he directs her to. Crawling is designed to stimulate the sexual interest of the Master. The girls palms and elbows are to be on the floor and her cheek is to be close to the floor. The slave girl must attempt to move as sensually as possible. If the girl has been placed in the slavery of the she-quadruped she would not be allowed to rise from this position.

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Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries had its humble beginnings as an idea of a few artisans and craftsmen who enjoy performing with live steel fighting. As well as a patchwork quilt tent canvas. Most had prior military experience hence the name.


Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries.


Vendertainers that brought many things to a show and are know for helping out where ever they can.

As well as being a place where the older hand made items could be found made by them and enjoyed by all.

We expanded over the years to become well known at what we do. Now we represent over 100 artisans and craftsman that are well known in their venues and some just starting out. Some of their works have been premiered in TV, stage and movies on a regular basis.

Specializing in Medieval, Goth , Stage Film, BDFSM and Practitioner.

Patchwork Merchant Mercenaries a Dept of, Ask For IT was started by artists and former military veterans, and sword fighters, representing over 100 artisans, one who made his living traveling from fair to festival vending medieval wares. The majority of his customers are re-enactors, SCAdians and the like, looking to build their kit with period clothing, feast gear, adornments, etc.

Likewise, it is typical for these history-lovers to peruse the tent (aka mobile store front) and, upon finding something that pleases the eye, ask "Is this period?"

A deceitful query!! This is not a yes or no question. One must have a damn good understanding of European history (at least) from the fall of Rome to the mid-1600's to properly answer. Taking into account, also, the culture in which the querent is dressed is vitally important. You see, though it may be well within medieval period, it would be strange to see a Viking wearing a Caftan...or is it?

After a festival's time of answering weighty questions such as these, I'd sleep like a log! Only a mad man could possibly remember the place and time for each piece of kitchen ware, weaponry, cloth, and chain within a span of 1,000 years!! Surely there must be an easier way, a place where he could post all this knowledge...

Traveling Within The World is meant to be such a place. A place for all of these artists to keep in touch and directly interact with their fellow geeks and re-enactment hobbyists, their clientele.

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