The path of a Spiritual Warrior.

A Retired Swordsman On the River Grande, In the USA, Western European style weapons of any Type for its the style not the weapon. and 10th through 14th armor construction. All shields as again its the style not the weapon. With a nod to the teachings of Ralph Blum, and his Book of Runes. Then with other ancient ways my journeys have opened to me. I studied 2,500 Deities. I have found that all feel as if theirs is the only correct Deity. To me they all belong in the mythology section. Its easy, 3 rules. Know Thyself, Nothing in Excess,Harm None(do not be stupid about this one).  Its being in tune with cycles and the great Spirit of Self's that is the people of earth. The circle is self correcting.Even what is unbalanced can again be Balanced. if you are afraid you will have an UN-balanced self. Accept the truth of life and death. Some times its a leap of faith empty handed into the void of the Self. Doesn't mean we should fear it. Ever!

SAlle Official Roster

 I am just gonna write the names off the Waiver's and Informed consent Doc's. This will be the easy way to list them. They are in no particular order Or Time But as some feel that I have done nothing except make a few masters I say,  I taught from 1992 to 2001 that's nine years of my life. I have seen no other claim to be a real hall master Like me anywhere. If you have a roster and you made at least one Master you can claim a Master degree. But to be recognized as a teacher in America, you have to obtain a ministerial License. A Minister of Ancient Ways license was granted to me by The New Mexico Theological Seminary after I applied and Provided a Thesis of My studies into ancient fighting ways and armouring. In other words I am a Reverend but not the kind that would marry you. I leave that to others.

 So I list these names as those who came under my instruction. Some failed  while  others exceeded me. But, Unless I list them as an acknowledged Master of The Path of a spiritual Warrior. They are low ranks, some failure's or outright expulsions in some cases. But I feel all may be Listed, As once was. And to me that's better than to have never been. Aho.

Charlie Gregory, Robert Ross, Edwin Schinke, Nathen Weger,Martin Usera,Sean Clapacs, David Masten,

Luke Bascome, Susan Moritz, Micheal Wiecek, David Lauer, Allen Drago, Kevin Murphy, Bryan Schuler,

Robert Lundberg, Wes Buschman, David Denes, David Templin,Herbert Schnell, William Pollard,

Steven Lazer, Victoria West, Vince Radigan, Eric Krasgger, William Louden, Shalom Dunn,

Barbara Pollard, Donald Stanley, Lewis Kirk, Victoria Feldman, Deborah Shanon, John Winch,

Erik Borer, Tom Shanover, Robert White. Melissa Gilbert, James Rhodes, Brad Groves, Tim Templin, and Bill Pettei. 

  That's 40. How many students I tried to teach. These all have signed docs in my possession These I will list in full in time. I claim no more. I still have Masters to list and Higher ranks even some white belts still struggling. But eventually they will all be here. Thank you for your time and see you In The SAlle.......

Rev Grand Master, CJGuzzi M.O.A.W. <-x=

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    I see no comments on this section after I was bugged about oh yeah who!! Here is another picture. I was an avid archer and competed in 5 great wars. I felt that as the sca game was written by the invitational only crowd and that a rule that you cannot fight for any other kingdom even if you have dual residence. In other words I was never gonna be allowed to win in the middle kingdom. The sca is still there but not at the thousands it was before down to only hundreds.

    And that is fair, For if you make the game to be winnable by only a you, people., That's what you end up with, just you.
