The path of a Spiritual Warrior.

A Retired Swordsman On the River Grande, In the USA, Western European style weapons of any Type for its the style not the weapon. and 10th through 14th armor construction. All shields as again its the style not the weapon. With a nod to the teachings of Ralph Blum, and his Book of Runes. Then with other ancient ways my journeys have opened to me. I studied 2,500 Deities. I have found that all feel as if theirs is the only correct Deity. To me they all belong in the mythology section. Its easy, 3 rules. Know Thyself, Nothing in Excess,Harm None(do not be stupid about this one).  Its being in tune with cycles and the great Spirit of Self's that is the people of earth. The circle is self correcting.Even what is unbalanced can again be Balanced. if you are afraid you will have an UN-balanced self. Accept the truth of life and death. Some times its a leap of faith empty handed into the void of the Self. Doesn't mean we should fear it. Ever!

Twice Knighted, Rev,Master Allen Drago Westliegh

A Halloween Cable special that was attended as extras in a Mask Ball

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    Yes Like a dream it came from the most high. Thrown to the earth as a meteor of fire. There found, Then hammered with stones and even thrown in the fire, but,  fire could not destroy what it had made. soften it yes! Soon it was a tool for us, harder than the stones we had mastered we sought use and shape for it and making and forging were brought forth to those minds that descended from those who found it. The search was on so Many places have come to know this and for centuries it was hidden from those who were other. Fear mostly to not have it turned against. But that a building could be made greater than the one one, had built.  Constraining  and disallowing its benefits to others for greed's sake! So I give that gift to you, that knowledge, without, I could not share what is mine to share. I give you two gifts do you know what they are?

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        Here Is one I dug up that has not been up yet.. Called, Traveler.
